Hunter Biden Faces 17 Years In Prison

You do understand criminal prosecution is a lot more precarious than Congressional questioning, right? What the fuck is Comer going to do to Hunter? Admonish him sternly? 😄
Patience. This is an ill thought out plan by the democrats to shield Hunter from congress. Trouble is, it deals with crimes committed from 2016 to 2019. Much of the current congressional inquiry deals with crimes committed by the Biden gang from 2014-2016. LMAO. Biden and the democraps have stepped on a piece of their anatomies and they are grinding it into the pavement as they have attempted to do with the constitution in the past decade.
. Another article.

Not good for Hunter. I think the plan is the Usurper will step down and pardon Hunter to keep him out of prison. I mean that's the only option if you think about it.

BREAKING UPDATE: Justice Department Files 9 New Criminal Charges Against Hunter Biden – Tax Evasion – Faces Up to 17 Years in Prison​

Yes, I agree. The Dems know that Trump will defeat Biden, and the only way to get his demented brain out of the race, is to threaten Hunter with major prison time. Biden bows out, and pardons his fall guy.
The committee will use Hunter's crimes to impeach your master, since he was involved in all of them.

You'll cry.


1. It's criminal prosecutions where evidence matters. Impeachment is a political process and you just don't have the political capital to pull that off. You Bingos could barely elect a speaker.

2. Even if you could I wouldn't give a shit. Joe Biden is a place holder to me. In fact maybe if your clown party could get its shit together and impeach him, maybe we could get him up and out of this next election. I still think he'll beat Trump when all is said and done but I don't want to just beat Trump, it would be nice to have an actual progressive in office.

3. This of course is obvious projection to mask the fact that you fail whites cry for your MAGA Jesus daily and invent conspiracy after conspiracy for why he's being prosecuted like the fail white criminal that he is. You're actually admitting to us that you know you're acting like a little bitch when you cry about Trump having to go to trial.
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Why do you love corrupt Washington elites more than you love average Americans?
Why do you make shit up like a dumb Bingo? I don't care if they convict Hunter or Joe. I just don't see what evidence you have against Joe. Hunter seems guilty for sure, of tax evasion. I'm sure that describes half of Washington.
Patience. This is an ill thought out plan by the democrats to shield Hunter from congress. Trouble is, it deals with crimes committed from 2016 to 2019. Much of the current congressional inquiry deals with crimes committed by the Biden gang from 2014-2016. LMAO. Biden and the democraps have stepped on a piece of their anatomies and they are grinding it into the pavement as they have attempted to do with the constitution in the past decade.
That's a lot of fantasy without much substance. :dunno:
I came here this morning expecting this to be the lead story with over 1,000 hits already.

Guess some folks just don't like to talk about Politics. Oh well.

I do.

So, what do you think, people? Another cover-up or is Weiss serious this time

Hey, if he broke the rules he should be held to account. It is incredible though that none of the nonsense the Right is flinging at the Bidens is being charged in court. Only tax fraud and a gun charge. We all know this investigation went for years only because his dad is prez and Trump has a vendetta to criminalize his political enemies. Since he couldnt get anything on Joe it’s all about Hunter.

Similar can be said about the targeting of Trump but at least the Left is charging him with what they are accusing him of and not going after his family.

It’s all pretty sick.
Does anyone think if Trump's son was convicted of charges facing Hunter, ones that are rarely prosecuted, that Don wouldn't pardon him...........and The Following would be fine with it?
Trump would pardon him and the Right would call it a political prosecution… Biden and the left will do the same thing here. The hypocrisy will continue
Hunter Biden is perfectly willing to testify in open session. What do the Republicans want to hide?
1) The House always takes testimony in camera first. Then, if they feel the need, they'll take open testimony.

2) The criminal scum of the dimocrap party (which is all of them) want to turn the House Hearing into a Circus, complete with Clowns and dancing bears. Republicans know this and they are telling dimocrap FILTH the same thing Elon Mush told Bob Iger a few days ago.

Take a hint
I came here this morning expecting this to be the lead story with over 1,000 hits already.

The one thing the far left excels at is a total suppression of and total denial of their own corruption and the fact that the Bidenistas are far more corrupt than Trump ever will be. In fact, in part, the obvious corruption of the Biden family is what drives them to attack Trump in a continual effort to suppress and deflect from their own lies.

Will Hunter do the 17 years? Obviously not. His high-powered, highly paid attorneys will work some plea deal and he will get off light, probably very light, but not scot-free.
Most mob crime families go down via tax criminal trials. How soon before Joe gets hit with money laundering, tax evasion, bribes etc.?
It’s what prosecutors go after when they can’t find other crimes. It’s how most witch-hunts end
Does anyone think he acted alone? If there were any investigative reporters who weren't in the pocket of the Biden regime we might uncover the truth.

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