Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’ With Twenty Plus Year Expiration Dates To Allow Holder Access


Why so defensive?

I do not like being told that not falling for a BS story from a site that proudly displays their biases makes me against the American people.

So we should just ignore it.

You can do whatever it is you like, in the end it will end up at the same place all the "we got him now" Trump stories ended up.
A further investigation of this Hunter report is warranted.

2022 marta 27 Syn prezidenta USA kuriroval razrabotki biooruzhiia na Ukraine
President's Son Oversaw the Development of Bioweapons in Ukraine
'....Khanter Baiden?
Hunter Baiden?

Ser'ezno? Tiazhelyi narkoman, zapoinyi alkoholik, uzbezdennyi vziatochnik, soveremenyi udozhnik, na vsiu golovu bol'noi izvrashchenets?
Really? A heavy drug addict, drunken alcoholic, bribe taker, modern artist, a sick pervert?'
I do not like being told that not falling for a BS story from a site that proudly displays their biases makes me against the American people.
Congratulations. Now you know how conservatives feel when faced with the overwhelmingly-liberal media.
You can do whatever it is you like, in the end it will end up at the same place all the "we got him now" Trump stories ended up.
Perhaps, although there's been more than enough damning evidence revealed from Hunter's laptop than the ORANGE MAN BAD crowd ever had.
Congratulations. Now you know how conservatives feel when faced with the overwhelmingly-liberal media.

Good to know that you are happy to admit you are no different than they are.

Perhaps, although there's been more than enough damning evidence revealed from Hunter's laptop than the ORANGE MAN BAD crowd ever had.

and those on the left think it is just the opposite. Personally I think it is all a bunch of bullshit.
Good to know that you are happy to admit you are no different than they are.

and those on the left think it is just the opposite. Personally I think it is all a bunch of bullshit.
So we should just ignore it. Yes, you've made that clear -- and who does ignoring it serve?
So we should just ignore it. Yes, you've made that clear -- and who does ignoring it serve?

You ignore the Trump and family stories.

They ignore the Biden and family stories.

I laugh a both and so far not a single one of them has been any more real than Big Foot or the earth being flat
An updated article from today:

"Sam Faddis, a retired CIA Operations Officer who served in the Near East and South Asia, disclosed on Sunday that “the ongoing analysis of the hard drive of Hunter Biden’s laptop” revealed the Defense Department encryption keys, and this was not an insignificant find: “These keys allow access to DOD email accounts and databases.” As is characteristic of Hunter Biden from what we know of him already, he didn’t just dabble; he went all in. “The exact number of these keys is still unknown. There may be dozens.”

But why did Hunter Biden, who is not now and has never been a Defense Department employee, have any of these encryption keys at all?

Since Hunter Biden has so many relatives, friends, and associates at the highest levels of government, we will probably never get the full answer to that question. But this is no innocuous oversight. Faddis explains that “the keys are known more formally as ‘root encryption certificates.’ Some of them appear to have unusually long expiration dates with many lasting twenty years or more. Such keys should not be present on a personal laptop of any kind, and there is no known reason that Hunter Biden would be in possession of them at all.” No known reason. But Hunter Biden is a man with connections.

Those connections are for the most part still in power, and they have demonstrated that they’re more interested in seeing this revelation go away than they are in finding out why Hunter had the encryption keys. Faddis noted that “the keys were discovered only recently by Jack Maxey’s technical team working in Switzerland. Shortly after the discovery of the keys Maxey contacted the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland and reported that he had information that might compromise American national security and would like to talk to someone in the Regional Security Office to report what he had learned. His contact information was taken by the person with whom he spoke, but no one has ever called back to obtain the information in his possession.” Wow, what a surprise! Why not? Could it possibly be that there are powerful people who don’t want the full truth of Hunter and his laptop to come out?

The whole idea seems to have been to keep various information from coming out. Faddis reports that “an IT technical expert advising Maxey’s team has speculated that the keys present on Hunter’s laptop might have allowed Hunter to create throwaway email accounts on DOD servers and thereby route personal and business communications through those servers to escape detection. Such an arrangement would be in effect a much more sophisticated version of Hillary Clinton’s use of her ‘homebrew’ server to evade monitoring of her communications while she was Secretary of State.”

Clinton apparently wanted to keep some of her communications from becoming public. What was Hunter Biden trying to hide?

Related: The New York Times Suddenly Discovers Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Faddis points out that the FBI has had Hunter’s laptop “since well before the 2020 election.” Thus “if the information currently in Maxey’s possession from DOD is correct and encryption keys giving access to DOD systems were still active until Maxey and his team discovered their presence and reported them, that would seem to suggest strongly that the FBI has never bothered to investigate what is on the hard drive.” Well, sure. Would that surprise you?"

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Contained Defense Department ‘Encryption Keys’
according to Creative Destruction Media, which I guess you seem to think comes straight from god himself. All they have to do is publish it and you all believe them, it never even enters your mind they might be full of shit

So basically people like you are getting elected and you wonder how that is happening?

I guess there are more bitter and abusive people in the country than you realize.
I saw the pictures that were produced about Hunter Biden in all kinds of sexual positions. Your defense is less than thin when people everywhere have seen your poor, innocent, misunderstood idiot took selfies with young women who aren't fully grown yet. Rapes of little girls is hard for me to forgive and ignore when the perpetrator is not sorry and has a huge drug problem he is doing nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing about. A rapist can only hide behind celebrity parents before somebody in law enforcement takes him off the sex, drug, and rape streets. His entire computer seems to be all about sinister crimes about raping underage, underdeveloped young ladies who were somehow recruited into the pornography industry, and Hunter's father is too busy to slap some sense into his protected head of crimes just a hair short of crimes committed by Jack the Ripper in nineteenth century England. How many times has Hunter's exploits turned into the ultimate crime of rape and murder to shut up the innocent victim. I am not saying this in "creativity" buster. Those selfies taken by a very sick rapist are not lies. They were taken from Hunter's laptop that he left for posterity to see out of the sick notion that his crimes do not matter. You are defending a rapist whose works you have either not seen or merely ignored because you need something only the wealthiest people in the country can provide due to their multiple extortions of the american people's stolen tax money they paid with blood, sweat, and tears.

Please use your influence with the Bidens to put Hunter in an institution that will prevent him from hurting himself and others, and enough security to insure that Hunter will stay away from the public and situations that will destroy his father. Thank you.
You ignore the Trump and family stories.

They ignore the Biden and family stories.

I laugh a both and so far not a single one of them has been any more real than Big Foot or the earth being flat
So far, none of the Trump & family stories have panned out. They're just based on leftist butthurt, not reality.

But the son of a sitting President had a laptop with child porn on it and emails detailing corruption.

But since they're Democrats, probably nothing will come of it.
So far, none of the Trump & family stories have panned out. They're just based on leftist butthurt, not reality.

But the son of a sitting President had a laptop with child porn on it and emails detailing corruption.

But since they're Democrats, probably nothing will come of it.
Communication is an important aspect of life and getting people to see your POV, and it helps you discern what is true and what is not so true. The Democrats must have used a Mystic 8-Ball to guess that projection was an okay communication skill. No way! Projection is the art of taking your own error and pasting it on someone who did not make the error. The entire phony baloney 4-year planned and acted out "impeachment" was a travesty beyond imagination, and projection of Hillary's dirt onto the guy who beat her fairly on election day in 2016. (the Donald) is a mistake America must not ever forget or else we will have 50 countries, not 50 states in one strongly unified country. Actually, if the Democrats keep drilling that crap into the air instead of telling the truth, we could perish and have some lunatic reminiscing the nation's past and trying to kill off the population and destroy Childrens' hospitals, women, children, churches, orphanages, grocery stores, and proprietors for selling cars, clothing, toys, crafters' materials, and so on. We need to be more thoughtful persons, and stop being righteous judges of lies foisted on the public by a corrupted press that panders to the rich and smears anyone who disagrees with their POVs.

Putin's scorch-the-earth wars need to be removed from this earth, whatever it takes to stop the senseless murders of civilians and hostages that are not in accordance with the Geneva Convention. We will be just like Russia if we do not practice mercy for our fellow man. The scorch-the-earth impeachment of Donald Trump has been outed, and the players in this vicious activity have not been corrected in any way, shape or form. That's because some people want to throw away American history, the Constitution that guarantees civil rights for all who play fair. Rewarding people for the egregious crime of shelling out lies against innocent men and women must not be given air time ever again. And that's what I think.
This gets worse and worse. but then the MSM insisted for months that this wasn't real, that it was Russian disinformation, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Hmmm? The MSM seems to be a font of Russian disinformation though.

This story is developing…
CDMedia has confirmed the Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.
This information was discovered during a deep forensic investigation done over the last couple weeks, by Jack Maxey and his team in Switzerland.
This situation raises multiple questions, such as…
    • Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security data?
    • Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
    • Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
    • Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates, when the usual practice is to provide a user access only during his ‘need to know’, or time in the job, which is usually 2-3 years at most?

We have been informed the Department of Justice has been alerted to the situation.
We have also been informed the DoD has been told of the discovery.


FBI Cyber Chief Says He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell Is​

FBI assistant director cyber division, Bryan Vorndran
FBI Assistant Director, cyber division, Bryan Vorndran on Tuesday said he doesn’t know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is because it’s not in his purview.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was previously abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware.
The Delaware repair shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, contacted lawmakers about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and the FBI was in possession of the computer by December 2019.
The FBI withheld the laptop from President Trump’s legal team during the first impeachment.
Emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed he was involved in an international money laundering operation and acted as a bagman for Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden took money from China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

Whoopsie, the FBI lost it. No evidence of any crime here.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies along with the Quisling Media are deeply involved in hiding the criminal activities of Hunter and the rest of the Biden criminal family.
Since 2016 the directors of the FBI have made it no secret that they're biased in their efforts to cover for any "Democrat" that is caught violating the law.
The fact that Assistant Director, cyber division, Bryan Vorndran admits under oath that he doesn't know where Hunter's Laptop(s) are is significant,
This is not incompetence. It is a flagrant act of corruption and destruction of evidence by an organization that is meant to uphold the laws of this country not their political ideology..
Thankfully, someone was able to copy the hard drive(s).

FBI Cyber Chief Says He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell Is​

FBI assistant director cyber division, Bryan Vorndran
FBI Assistant Director, cyber division, Bryan Vorndran on Tuesday said he doesn’t know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is because it’s not in his purview.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was previously abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware.
The Delaware repair shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, contacted lawmakers about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and the FBI was in possession of the computer by December 2019.
The FBI withheld the laptop from President Trump’s legal team during the first impeachment.
Emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed he was involved in an international money laundering operation and acted as a bagman for Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden took money from China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

Whoopsie, the FBI lost it. No evidence of any crime here.
The Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies along with the Quisling Media are deeply involved in hiding the criminal activities of Hunter and the rest of the Biden criminal family.
Since 2016 the directors of the FBI have made it no secret that they're biased in their efforts to cover for any "Democrat" that is caught violating the law.
The fact that Assistant Director, cyber division, Bryan Vorndran admits under oath that he doesn't know where Hunter's Laptop(s) are is significant,
This is not incompetence. It is a flagrant act of corruption and destruction of evidence by an organization that is meant to uphold the laws of this country not their political ideology..
Thankfully, someone was able to copy the hard drive(s).

Outta the park, Doc7505.
You can't have Government encryption keys on non-government property. That laptop would have had to have been a Government laptop for the Certs to have been placed on there. Who wrote this article?
You can't have Government encryption keys on non-government property. That laptop would have had to have been a Government laptop for the Certs to have been placed on there. Who wrote this article?
There's lots of shit people can't do but somehow they manage.
This gets worse and worse. but then the MSM insisted for months that this wasn't real, that it was Russian disinformation, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Hmmm? The MSM seems to be a font of Russian disinformation though.

This story is developing…
CDMedia has confirmed the Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.
This information was discovered during a deep forensic investigation done over the last couple weeks, by Jack Maxey and his team in Switzerland.
This situation raises multiple questions, such as…
    • Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security data?
    • Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
    • Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
    • Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates, when the usual practice is to provide a user access only during his ‘need to know’, or time in the job, which is usually 2-3 years at most?

We have been informed the Department of Justice has been alerted to the situation.
We have also been informed the DoD has been told of the discovery.

Look at your source.

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