Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’ With Twenty Plus Year Expiration Dates To Allow Holder Access

Everyone is aware of the monstrous crimes of the left. They are on the surface. What's the point of this? Only conversations? Nobody does anything. The materials are in the Senate and are not being investigated. American democracy does not work.
Everyone is aware of the monstrous crimes of the left. They are on the surface. What's the point of this? Only conversations? Nobody does anything. The materials are in the Senate and are not being investigated. American democracy does not work.
That's because they steal elections because they know they can't win any other way. And who's gonna find out?
This gets worse and worse. but then the MSM insisted for months that this wasn't real, that it was Russian disinformation, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Hmmm? The MSM seems to be a font of Russian disinformation though.

This story is developing…
CDMedia has confirmed the Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.
This information was discovered during a deep forensic investigation done over the last couple weeks, by Jack Maxey and his team in Switzerland.
This situation raises multiple questions, such as…
    • Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security data?
    • Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
    • Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
    • Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates, when the usual practice is to provide a user access only during his ‘need to know’, or time in the job, which is usually 2-3 years at most?

We have been informed the Department of Justice has been alerted to the situation.
We have also been informed the DoD has been told of the discovery.

1. Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security date?
Answer: omeurta means nobody knows. His daddy needed a cover to get money from third world countries for their money laundering cover.

2. Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
Answer: well, the poor little boy was on drugs, so he can't be held accountable for the things he did.

3. Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
Answer: Omeurta knows, but Omeurta doesn't tell.

4. Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates?
Answer: Just in case the Donkey election bosses became exposed, the point man is not to be known by the opposition all of whom have green hair under their arms. Everybody knows that! <snicker>

The deep state has its means for making omeurta work. 54 Clinton associate accidental deaths makes omeurta work. Of course, the propaganda specialists all say all of that is just imaginary fiction, so the money supply from taxpayers just keeps giving and giving and giving and giving. Nobody wants to be #55.
1. Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security date?
Answer: omeurta means nobody knows. His daddy needed a cover to get money from third world countries for their money laundering cover.

2. Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
Answer: well, the poor little boy was on drugs, so he can't be held accountable for the things he did.

3. Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
Answer: Omeurta knows, but Omeurta doesn't tell.

4. Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates?
Answer: Just in case the Donkey election bosses became exposed, the point man is not to be known by the opposition all of whom have green hair under their arms. Everybody knows that! <snicker>

The deep state has its means for making omeurta work. 54 Clinton associate accidental deaths makes omeurta work. Of course, the propaganda specialists all say all of that is just imaginary fiction, so the money supply from taxpayers just keeps giving and giving and giving and giving. Nobody wants to be #55.

1. He did not, it is a fake news story.

2. See 1.

3. See 2.

4. See 3.
Well maybe that's a question Peter Doocy can ask of Red Jen Monday since she said that Hunter did not work for the government the last time he asked about the laptop.

I mean as far as I know only .gov employees and certain vetted contractors could have access encryption keys.....Do tell, maybe he is a .gov contractor but if he was vetted they did a piss poor job of it.

Of course the dems are flying by the seat of their pants so maybe they consider that since he's Tater's son he did not need vetting.

There is no encryption key with a 20 plus year expiration data.
This gets worse and worse. but then the MSM insisted for months that this wasn't real, that it was Russian disinformation, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Hmmm? The MSM seems to be a font of Russian disinformation though.

This story is developing…
CDMedia has confirmed the Hunter Biden infamous ‘laptop from Hell’ contains many U.S. Department of Defense ‘root encryption certificates’, or encryption keys to DoD databases. The keys have unusual long-term expiration dates, with many lasting twenty years or more.
This information was discovered during a deep forensic investigation done over the last couple weeks, by Jack Maxey and his team in Switzerland.
This situation raises multiple questions, such as…
    • Why did Hunter Biden have a large number of Department of Defense encryption codes to allow access to national security data?
    • Did Hunter Biden give anyone else access to this information?
    • Who gave the codes to Hunter Biden?
    • Why do the codes have long-term expiration dates, when the usual practice is to provide a user access only during his ‘need to know’, or time in the job, which is usually 2-3 years at most?

We have been informed the Department of Justice has been alerted to the situation.
We have also been informed the DoD has been told of the discovery.

You people fall for the dumbest stories.

A 20 year encryption key! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The MSM is getting ready to dump Biden. This stuff wouldn't be coming out if the Democrat Media wanted to protect him

Even the MSM is not powerful enough to stop fake stories being published on fake news websites.

Any website that refers to Biden as "OBiden" is too biased to be trusted to tell you what the weather will be tomorrow.

But you people read the story and think it came down from Moses himself on the mountain.

And then you will turn around and make fun of the Libs for believing in Russian collusion!

You people are so alike it is scary.

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