Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

If he has, it does not gaul me, like the chance of losing our system of government, based on our constitution, historic norms and the democratic institutions the government runs with and has since before I was born, except for Homeland Defense. We are not turning the country over to the Anti-American nut balls.

You are a card-carrying member of the Anti-American nut balls.
No, I don’t see you consuming the information. You may be exposed to it (but often not given how right wing media is an echo chamber and some people refuse to look outside it), but that doesn’t mean you absorb the information. You just ignore whatever doesn’t suit your narrative and bias.

I bring up facts that are ignored constantly; and gave done so in this thread. Bringing up these facts gets me labeled as a troll and other derogatory name calling as a defense mechanism. Never are these facts acknowledged or addressed. They’re just ignored.

Things that you believe to be "facts" are not, in fact, facts.
No, I don’t see you consuming the information. You may be exposed to it (but often not given how right wing media is an echo chamber and some people refuse to look outside it), but that doesn’t mean you absorb the information. You just ignore whatever doesn’t suit your narrative and bias.

I bring up facts that are ignored constantly; and gave done so in this thread. Bringing up these facts gets me labeled as a troll and other derogatory name calling as a defense mechanism. Never are these facts acknowledged or addressed. They’re just ignored.

You can't see the forest for the trees. You sit here accusing others of listening to the echo chamber when you're right in the middle of your own. You wouldn't know a 'fact' if slapped you across the face. You're a prime example of ignoring what 'doesn't suit your narrative and bias.' Get a clue, the irony in your posts couldn't be any more thick.
I’m indeed quite sincere.

The OP labeled this as a bribery scheme. Do you think this is a bribery scheme? How so? Joe Biden wasn’t even in office when this supposedly took place. Seems that fact was ignored.

Why do you defend Joe Biden?
He used the DOJ to spy on journalists who were critical of his policies. He used the DOJ to initiate an unjustified investigation into the Trump campaign. Obama also used the IRS as a partisan tool. He used the IRS to silence opposition.
And what evidence do you have that any of these things happened as a result of Obama telling them to do so?
I recall your blob told Hillary she was going to go to jail during one of the debates. How'd that work out?
He was just talking shit. In the end he decided to be a good sport and not go after his rivals. Now that YOUR side has opened that genie bottle, you can expect us to wield the DOJ like a weapon too.
You can't see the forest for the trees. You sit here accusing others of listening to the echo chamber when you're right in the middle of your own. You wouldn't know a 'fact' if slapped you across the face. You're a prime example of ignoring what 'doesn't suit your narrative and bias.' Get a clue, the irony in your posts couldn't be any more thick.
I see nothing but trolling here.

What facts am I ignoring?
Counterfactual arguments are worthless. They have no logical basis, they just play into preconceived biases.

What's funny is that you are completely oblivious to how ridiculous you sound, I find it very amusing.. obviously. :cool:
I see nothing but trolling here.

What facts am I ignoring?
How about the mountain of evidence that points to obvious bribery? How about the fact that no Biden has EVER told anyone how they earned that money? If their business was legit, they would have put those rumors to rest loooooong ago.
I am willing to defend anyone who is being wrongly attacked with bullshit arguments.

Like Mike Pence. He was wrongly attacked and I’d defend him despite thinking his politics are most often very wrong.

Let me guess, 'bullshit arguments' are any arguments that put any of your beloved D politicians in a bad light? ;)

Are there any corrupt democrats? Or they all pure as the mountain air in Switzerland?
He was just talking shit. In the end he decided to be a good sport and not go after his rivals.
Um no. He tried his best. Trouble is, being that the Democrats were innocent, he couldn't find anything.

Now that YOUR side has opened that genie bottle,
Come on. You can lie better than that.

Trump wasn't the first president to try to fake crimes against Democrats. Bush did it as well.

Point is, your side started it, made it standard policy, our side doesn't do it at all, and now you're making up stories to justify doing it even more.

you can expect us to wield the DOJ like a weapon too.
Good to see you admitting to your immorality.

Just remember, you can't shake hands with the devil and claim it was for the greater good. You shake his hand, he owns you.

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