Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

Yeah, supporting and defending a lying, corrupt asshole that has enriched himself through 50 years of graft in American politics is the way to 'protect the country'. You're clearly delusional and too old and set in your ways to see what's happening right in front of your face. :cuckoo:
If he has, it does not gaul me, like the chance of losing our system of government, based on our constitution, historic norms and the democratic institutions the government runs with and has since before I was born, except for Homeland Defense. We are not turning the country over to the Anti-American nut balls.
It's no secret...

The world knows what kind of corrupt shit are the Bidens.

The question is..... does anybody has a spine in American politics today?...going to put an end to this criminal behavior?

I won't hold my breath.

This may change, sometime -----

Currently Democrats are not subject to appropraite penalties for breaking US law.
If he has, it does not gaul me, like the chance of losing our system of government, based on our constitution, historic norms and the democratic institutions the government runs with and has since before I was born, except for Homeland Defense. We are not turning the country over to the Anti-American nut balls.
We are not turning the country over to the Anti-American nut balls.

But you are doing exactly that, I feel sorry for you, you have zero capability to discern what's going on. If you think Biden and other leftists in government aren't corrupting the entire system, you're unfortunately not very bright. You have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. :dunno:
It almost sounds like Josef Stolen is a..... well, a congenital liar.

Talking heads today were wondering..... why would you run for prez knowing you have all this filth on you.... is the system THAT broken, that human shit like this is completely untouchable?

State's Exhibit #1, your honor:

View attachment 797758

He didn't run for President - He stayed in his basement.

The DNC coalesced around him and installed him via unvetted and unverifiable mail in balloting.
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And they're perfectly fine with that, they see no problem with it, as long as it benefits their 'side' they don't give a damn.
We’ve been asking what laws the Dems are supposed to face penalties for breaking.

This title accuses Biden of bribery but it leaves unstated what or how this message constitutes bribery.

Especially given the conveniently omitted fact that this message (if it even exists) took place in 2017 after Joe Biden left office.

You guys need to be honest with yourselves.
We’ve been asking what laws the Dems are supposed to face penalties for breaking.

This title accuses Biden of bribery but it leaves unstated what or how this message constitutes bribery.

Especially given the conveniently omitted fact that this message (if it even exists) took place in 2017 after Joe Biden left office.

You guys need to be honest with yourselves.

You're a worthless troll, I'm not sure why anyone would even try to engage in any discussion with you. You're bought, hook line and sinker, you support corruption, you support the wealthy and the elite, and they'd squash you like a bug under their shoe. You're just not very bright. :dunno:
But you are doing exactly that, I feel sorry for you, you have zero capability to discern what's going on. If you think Biden and other leftists in government aren't corrupting the entire system, you're unfortunately not very bright. You have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. :dunno:
Both parties do and always have corrupted the system, but I am not willing to give up the system for your short sighted, short term gains of immediate destruction. I do not feel sorry for you. Your ilk is the immediate problem, so we will keep free elections and you are just screwed.
Both parties do and always have corrupted the system, but I am not willing to give up the system for your short sighted, short term gains of immediate destruction. I do not feel sorry for you. Your ilk is the immediate problem, so we will keep free elections and you are just screwed.

Yet you're the one that whole heartedly supports and defends corruption on one side of it. And you call me the problem. :cuckoo:

Free elections??? :laughing0301:
You would know.

You cultists have walked yourself off from all outside influence and information.

You will not understand this -

Impossible to wall ourselves off.

I and other Conservatives are the most informed people in the country.

We consume all the information that you consume and everything that you will not consume.

We are extremely well rounded.

Then we use logic, experience and intelligence to decipher truth from fiction.

Sometimes there are gray areas.
You're a worthless troll, I'm not sure why anyone would even try to engage in any discussion with you. You're bought, hook line and sinker, you support corruption, you support the wealthy and the elite, and they'd squash you like a bug under their shoe. You're just not very bright. :dunno:
Ironically your post is a clear example of trolling.

Mine was not.
Ironically your post is a clear example of trolling.

Mine was not.

You're not sincere in asking any question or having any discussion, who the hell do you think you're fooling? You're already sold out to the elite rich who have you dancing to their tune to defend them from anything and everything. You're a puppet, nothing more.
You're overpaying but I can guarantee you'll NEVER hear anything you disagree with. That isn't being informed...that is being fed.
So what media do you recommend to get the whole story, the truth?
You will not understand this -

Impossible to wall ourselves off.

I and other Conservatives are the most informed people in the country.

We consume all the information that you consume and everything that you will not consume.

We are extremely well rounded.

Then we use logic, experience and intelligence to decipher truth from fiction.

Sometimes there are gray areas.
No, I don’t see you consuming the information. You may be exposed to it (but often not given how right wing media is an echo chamber and some people refuse to look outside it), but that doesn’t mean you absorb the information. You just ignore whatever doesn’t suit your narrative and bias.

I bring up facts that are ignored constantly; and gave done so in this thread. Bringing up these facts gets me labeled as a troll and other derogatory name calling as a defense mechanism. Never are these facts acknowledged or addressed. They’re just ignored.
You're not sincere in asking any question or having any discussion, who the hell do you think you're fooling? You're already sold out to the elite rich who have you dancing to their tune to defend them from anything and everything. You're a puppet, nothing more.
I’m indeed quite sincere.

The OP labeled this as a bribery scheme. Do you think this is a bribery scheme? How so? Joe Biden wasn’t even in office when this supposedly took place. Seems that fact was ignored.

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