Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

You arent aware of the evidence against the Bidens? How is that even possible? Its been in the news for quite some time now. Are you not interested in an actual honest debate?
I am very interested.

But an honest debate requires us to define what we are debating about.

Who bribed Biden to do what?

Hunter Biden earned money from legal consulting and business consulting. Joe Biden earned money from speaking fees and book deals.
I am very interested.

But an honest debate requires us to define what we are debating about.

Who bribed Biden to do what?
Are you under the impression that these are nameless people? They arent. They are named in Hunters laptop and on the bank records.

Why havent the Bidens explained these payments if they were legitimate? They are being accused of bribery and they make ZERO effort to justify any of it. Does that sound "innocent" to you? Do innocent people let bribery allegations in the world news just hang out there without any attempt to dispell those rumors?
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A word of caution.

To consider that text as “confirmation” of the involvement of Joe “Spudz McAlzheimer” Biden, would require that one accept a claim made by Hunter Biden as having been truthful. Specifically, just because Hunter claimed (in the text) that he was “with” his father, at that time, doesn’t really qualify as prof that he actually was with his father at that time.

Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn’t. And we also don’t know if Brandon was even aware of anything Hunter was texting.

It’s ironic that a reasonable defense by President Potato may be that he has to label his son as a liar.
It does prove that Hunter was using his father to influence peddle, and extort money from foreign nations.

And Joe had to KNOW about it, at a minimum.
Are you under the impression that these are nameless people? They arent. They are named in Hunters laptop and on the bank records.

Why havent the Bidens explained these payments if they were legitimate? They are being accused of bribery and they make ZERO effort to justify any of it.
They haven’t explained it because there is no valid explanation. Anyone who denies that is a blind, partisan, brainwashed leftist.
Aw now you got him. Can you feel the thrill running up your leg? Maybe you should try to submit an amicus brief before July 26 to Judge Noreika. After all Donny hired only the best people, right? :auiqs.jpg:
We don't care about "got him" like the left does Trump. We simply care that the proof is there and available to see and well known.
Are you under the impression that these are nameless people? They arent. They are named in Hunters laptop and on the bank records.

Why havent the Bidens explained these payments if they were legitimate? They are being accused of bribery and they make ZERO effort to justify any of it.
Remember when people harassed Obama to show his birth certificate saying “why won’t he just do it and put it to rest” and then he did show his birth certificate and it made no difference to anyone.

Choosing not to engage the controversy is a legitimate strategy. Engaging it only brings it more to the front and it doesn’t do anything to change your mind. There is nothing Biden can say that will make Republicans give it up.

Hunter Biden earned money by legal consulting and business consulting. Joe Biden earned money from book deals and speaking fees. This has been covered extensively in the media.

I’m still trying to figure out who bribed Biden to do what.
Proof Hunter is a douche bag isn’t hard to find… this doesn’t show any corruption by Joe at all. You guys are so desperate you will latch onto anything.
Why do you steadfastly defend the Biden Crime Family? Do you think all of this evidence is any less credible than what has been used against Trump these last 7 years?
He hates Trump at all costs even at allowing Biden to destroy the country. Not affecting him any.
It does prove that Hunter was using his father to influence peddle, and extort money from foreign nations.
That ^ seems like a very fair inference.
And Joe had to KNOW about it, at a minimum.
I’m not sure why Potato had to know. Off hand, I’d venture the guess that Potato did know. But it’s just a guess, for now. What his son claimed doesn’t establish anything about what Potato “knew.”

If I’m wrong, I’d be very open to being advised of where I went off that track.
Remember when people harassed Obama to show his birth certificate saying “why won’t he just do it and put it to rest” and then he did show his birth certificate

No. He didn’t. He never has. Instead, he shared his alleged “certification of live birth” which is not a birth certificate.

All that said, I am still not claiming that he was born in Kenya or anyplace other than Hawaii.
Choosing not to engage the controversy is a legitimate strategy. Engaging it only brings it more to the front and it doesn’t do anything to change your mind. There is nothing Biden can say that will make Republicans give it up.
No one in history has ever employed that moronic "strategy" when their entire family is being accused of high crimes in the world press. If Biden sold a rare baseball card collection for that money, he could easilly dunk on republicans by showing the receipts. Do you have any idea how fucking embarrassing it would be for us republicans if Biden suddenly whipped out the proof that all those money transfers were legit? It would crush our parties chances next election. It would instantly be "game over" for us.
No one in history has ever employed that moronic "strategy" when their entire family is being accused of high crimes in the world press. If Biden sold a rare baseball card collection for that money, he could easilly dunk on republicans by showing the receipts. Do you have any idea how fucking embarrassing it would be for us republicans if Biden suddenly whipped out the proof that all those money transfers were legit? It would crush our parties chances next election. It would instantly be "game over" for us.
Again, you ignore most of my post. This is what frustrates me when I answer your question or allegation, you ignore it and just say the same thing.

There’s nothing Biden can say that will satisfy Republicans so why say anything?

Joe Biden made money on book deals and speaking fees. Hunter made money on legal consulting and business consulting.

We have information on this from years ago.

For example:

I keep asking without an answer. Who bribed Biden to do what?
Again, you ignore most of my post. This is what frustrates me when I answer your question or allegation, you ignore it and just say the same thing.

There’s nothing Biden can say that will satisfy Republicans so why say anything?

Joe Biden made money on book deals and speaking fees. Hunter made money on legal consulting and business consulting.

We have information on this from years ago.

For example:

I keep asking without an answer. Who bribed Biden to do what?
I just told you what he can do to shut us down. Youre right, there is nothing he can say that will convince us, but if he shows us the receipts and lays out a very obvious bussiness transaction, its game over for us. Why hasnt he done this?

Cuz its better "strategically" to just ignore it? Get that horseshit out of my face. He doesnt just owe republicans an explanation, he owes it to democrats too, and the world for that matter. The President of the United States is being accused of bribery by congress (who have the records) for Christ sake, and he says NOTHING.

.. and YOU defend ALL of it.
We don't care about "got him" like the left does Trump. We simply care that the proof is there and available to see and well known.
Trump appointed judge. You could get your way. Who knows? I am sure you have confidence in Trump's appointments.
Most democrats are just stupid. They believed the laptop was fake too. If CNN says something that is the gospel. That's how stupid they are.

*waits for Foxwhataboutism*

They don't have a bright and curious mind.
They don't know how to critically think.
Every news source they trust, trusts them not to look outside their Cult.
I know people who have computers that will not even allow them to access non-Cult approved information.
Trump appointed judge. You could get your way. Who knows? I am sure you have confidence in Trump's appointments.
I have confidence in evidence that supports the law was upheld, or that it was broken despite what any judge rules. That way it doesn't matter who appointed the judge.
I just told you what he can do to shut us down. Youre right, there is nothing he can say that will convince us, but if he shows us the receipts and lays out a very obvious bussiness transaction, its game over for us. Why hasnt he done this?

Cuz its better "strategically" to just ignore it? Get that horseshit out of my face. He doesnt just owe republicans an explanation, he owes it to democrats too, and the world for that matter. The President of the United States is being accused of bribery by congress (who have the records) for Christ sake, and he says NOTHING.

.. and YOU defend ALL of it.
If he’s being accused of bribery why can’t anyone say who bribed him to do what?
That ^ seems like a very fair inference.

I’m not sure why Potato had to know. Off hand, I’d venture the guess that Potato did know. But it’s just a guess, for now. What his son claimed doesn’t establish anything about what Potato “knew.”

If I’m wrong, I’d be very open to being advised of where I went off that track.
I think he HAD to know because his drug addict son was living large by raking in millions of dollars. There was no way that Hunter was coming by that money legitimately.

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