Hunter Biden

How would it get worse for Garland?
Here. I dedicated an entire thread to it.

Really?! How so?

I think the opposite. Garland assigned a special prosecutor legitimizes the seriousness of charges and is worse for Biden.
he assigned a person thats already been caught once trying to cover up the exact crimes hes now tasked with investigating,,
If memory serves me correctly he got personal and started talking shit about my dead father. I don’t need to hear that kind of garbage from people like that who are clearly only here to troll
youre a liar,, I never did that,,

you ran away because I wouldnt believe your excuses for the biden crime family,, now we find out you were either wrong or lying the whole time,,
You did not to any of them and you know it. I’ve pointed that out. And I’m now done with your games. Off to ignore land for you troll. Thanks for playing and being a tremendous waste of space. I hope some day you grow up and learn how to engage in a respectable way. Peace
heres the comment where you put me on ignore and I dont see anywhere that it was about your dad,,

so why did you lie again??
I’m starting to ignore people who repeat lies, can’t explain themselves, avoid questions, and who can’t engage like a grown ups. It is a very nice thing as trolls like them are nothing but a waste of time.

My favorite people to debate with are those who have different opinions than myself, but they need to do it in an earnest and honest way.

I gave Prog so many chances to simply engage in a smart talk like a grown up but He couldn’t hang. I don’t think either of us misses the other. Win win
heres another from you about ignoring me and again nothing about your dead father,,

so what gives?? why are you lying??
If memory serves me correctly he got personal and started talking shit about my dead father. I don’t need to hear that kind of garbage from people like that who are clearly only here to troll
How did he know your personal story unless you shared it? Hmmmm

You do you
Already explained.

“Can’t opine on an ongoing investigation”

He has given Biden a get out of jail card as the election looms.
The level of delusion you’re running on is astounding. That you think this Trump appointed special council and his team of investigators wake up and go to work every day to twiddle their thumbs and pretend to do their job so that they can cover for Hunter Biden…. It’s just absurd. It’s also baseless. Another kooky accusation that you can’t prove.
How did he know your personal story unless you shared it? Hmmmm

You do you
He stated talking shit about my dad and how he raised me. I told him my dad had recently pasted away and that was off limits to talk about and he continued…
The level of delusion you’re running on is astounding. That you think this Trump appointed special council and his team of investigators wake up and go to work every day to twiddle their thumbs and pretend to do their job so that they can cover for Hunter Biden…. It’s just absurd. It’s also baseless. Another kooky accusation that you can’t prove.
why is it you guys try to explain your way out f it instead of just admitting youre wrong??

and why did you lie about me talking about your father??
He stated talking shit about my dad and how he raised me. I told him my dad had recently pasted away and that was off limits to talk about and he continued…
I posted two comments from you on why you put me on ignore and neither had anything to do with your father,,
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
I want to know WTF Hunter has to do with national security?
The level of delusion you’re running on is astounding. That you think this Trump appointed special council and his team of investigators wake up and go to work every day to twiddle their thumbs and pretend to do their job so that they can cover for Hunter Biden…. It’s just absurd. It’s also baseless. Another kooky accusation that you can’t prove.
Why is it always Trump with you and why are you a Biden apologist? You’re a dishonest debater and frankly a horrible person and you have the audacity to put others on ignore. How do you live with yourself?
He stated talking shit about my dad and how he raised me. I told him my dad had recently pasted away and that was off limits to talk about and he continued…
Love it when people blame the parents when some kids are just born bad. Sorry for your loss. I still think you’re a dishonest debater and awful human but I will not attack family.
Why is it always Trump with you and why are you a Biden apologist? You’re a dishonest debater and frankly a horrible person and you have the audacity to put others on ignore. How do you live with yourself?
The fact that Trump appointed this guy and he was put in charge of investigating Biden on Trumps watch means something. It flies in the face of your Biden planted deep state puppet narrative. See how you avoid addressing that and love to the personal insults? That just shows that you are weak at debate.
Love it when people blame the parents when some kids are just born bad. Sorry for your loss. I still think you’re a dishonest debater and awful human but I will not attack family.
Thanks, most decent people wouldn’t. Attack me all you want, got no issues with that. Leave the loved ones out of it. People who do that don’t have the intelligence to debate the issues and are just looking for cheap ways to make others feel shitty. To me, that’s the sign of an awful human… not political positions

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