Hunter committed a known felony, and no one cares

oh bullshit,, you havent answered a thing,,,,

where in the 2nd A does it restrict ownership for drug use or a BG check???

I will make it easy for you

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That also says nothing about juveniles.
So then does that mean juveniles should also have unrestricted gun access rights?
Of course not.
That is because the Bill of Rights was not trying to establish individual rights in terms of protection from state infringement.
The founders considered each state sovereign themselves, and that the federation was just a larger grouping only for larger external issues like defense, diplomacy, immigration, etc.
That means that normal regulation, just as restricting firearms to juveniles, was supposed to be for states and local government, not federal.
Regulating juvenile access to firearms is not an infringement.
But states and municipalities can have much more nuanced regulation.
Like rules in the deep woods you would expect to differ from those in a dense urban population.
So state and local gun regulations are not an infringement, but uniform federal regulations obviously would infringe.
That also says nothing about juveniles.
So then does that mean juveniles should also have unrestricted gun access rights?
Of course not.
That is because the Bill of Rights was not trying to establish individual rights in terms of protection from state infringement.
The founders considered each state sovereign themselves, and that the federation was just a larger grouping only for larger external issues like defense, diplomacy, immigration, etc.
That means that normal regulation, just as restricting firearms to juveniles, was supposed to be for states and local government, not federal.
Regulating juvenile access to firearms is not an infringement.
But states and municipalities can have much more nuanced regulation.
Like rules in the deep woods you would expect to differ from those in a dense urban population.
So state and local gun regulations are not an infringement, but uniform federal regulations obviously would infringe.
I am worried more about cows with guns,, they are far more dangerous

now lets get back to the topic at hand before we venture off into your delusional scenario,,
That's not the issue being discussed. What's being discussed here is if Hunter broke the law by stating he wasn't a drug addict.

Here is the 4473 form.
You seem to be correct that it means current drug use, not past drug use.
But it does mention being kicked out of the military dishonorably, and I believe Hunter Biden was kicked out for drug use?

I had to end with a question mark because this is what one site said:
Joe Biden's son Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for cocaine use. Hunter Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine. Hunter Biden received an administrative discharge, which is a form of discharge that does not include the "dishonorable" classification.
You still didn’t answer
Let's review to see if I did answer the question was asked to you
So you no longer support stricter background checks?
Your response was
Depends on the specifics I guess. You didn’t answer. Do you support BGs and stricter Bgs?
My response is still the same you only support stricter gun laws depending on who is trying to get a gun. Other than that you hypocritical ass is all the response you deserve.
Here is the 4473 form.
You seem to be correct that it means current drug use, not past drug use.
But it does mention being kicked out of the military dishonorably, and I believe Hunter Biden was kicked out for drug use?

I had to end with a question mark because this is what one site said:
Joe Biden's son Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for cocaine use. Hunter Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine. Hunter Biden received an administrative discharge, which is a form of discharge that does not include the "dishonorable" classification.
Being dishonorably discharged automatically disqualified a person.
Here is the 4473 form.
You seem to be correct that it means current drug use, not past drug use.
But it does mention being kicked out of the military dishonorably, and I believe Hunter Biden was kicked out for drug use?

I had to end with a question mark because this is what one site said:
Joe Biden's son Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for cocaine use. Hunter Biden was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine. Hunter Biden received an administrative discharge, which is a form of discharge that does not include the "dishonorable" classification.

I don't know about his discharge, but the question (e) asks if you are addicted to a narcotic or substance. Yes he is addicted to a narcotic. He supposedly fighting it but that doesn't mean he's no longer addicted to them. Alcoholics are alcoholics the rest of their lives. Drug addicts are drug addicts the rest of their lives. Just like felons are felons the rest of their lives. Why would the government want to know if you are currently a user of drugs when it's more than well known and documented rehab seldom works in the long run? It may get you to quit for a few days, months, and even years, but the propensity to go back on them will be lifelong.

As for myself, I've used prescribed opioid products before. When the pain stopped, I quit using them and maybe kept them around for a year or so in case of another major pain. But I never was addicted to them because once the pain was gone, I had no desire to take them any longer.
Hunter Biden was given a gift that most would never get. He was forced out of the military because he failed a drug test and given an administrative discharge which is not an honorable discharge but, it's also not a dishonorable discharge.
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Hunter Biden was given a gift that most would never get. He was forced out of the military because he failed a drug test and given an administrative discharge which is not an honorable discharge but, it's also not a dishonorable discharge.
You're right. Here's the results of being found using or addicted to drugs in the military.
You're right. Here's the results of being found using or addicted to drugs in the military.
He should have been given a dishonorable discharge but because he's senator biden's son given preferential treatment.
The only proof needed is his documented cases of drug abuse. The video, his military record, his rehab records.........

According to others here, he claimed he wasn't sure what the question was asking. If I'm dealing with the feds and unsure about something, I'm calling my lawyer for advice. So why didn't he? After all, he knows how the system works. He's a lawyer himself. Well because he's Hunter Biden. His father will make sure nothing happens to him, and that's what this debate is all about.

What I want to see is this two-tier justice system the Democrats and deep state have setup destroyed. This druggie was kicked out of the military, got involved with very shady deals in other countries his father had influence in. He's getting richer by the day like selling his so-called art work that any six your old can paint for up to a half-million dollars, and he's not going to reveal who's buying them, and nobody on the left will question him about it either. This is what I'm sick of.

You have it wrong as usual, Welfare Ray.

The only reason why this is an issue at all is because he IS famous.

Just like the only reason why the prosecutor in Florida went after Rush Limpballs for Oxy was because he was famous.
Unless it's one of your political enemies, then you want that law enforced.

YOU are the reason we have gun crime

Well, funny thing. We didn't arrest those assholes who were brandishing guns in front of the state capitol in Michigan, either. Most gun laws don't get enforced, because we just don't have room in the jails for petty shit like "gun possession".

He filled out a form wrong. Big whoop. Maybe we should do more than just require someone to fill out a form to get a gun.
You have it wrong as usual, Welfare Ray.

The only reason why this is an issue at all is because he IS famous.

Just like the only reason why the prosecutor in Florida went after Rush Limpballs for Oxy was because he was famous.
Joe you are the worse of the gun control supporters here. And here you are defending someone who violated gun laws. So you should shut the fuck up about any new gun laws.
Okay. You claim you retired from the military, so let me ask: If a solder was kicked out of service for failing drug tests, and he or she comes back three years later telling the military he's clean, and wants to rejoin. Will the military let him or her back in to serve because they said they were clean? Of course not, and why is that? Because as far as the government is concerned, you are a user of narcotics whether it's last year or ten years ago.

Actually, they will...

Check this out.

In general, if they are particularly desperate for your MOS, they can sign a waiver.

During the War on Terror, they allowed all sorts of nonsense to go on to keep manpower levels up.
Well, funny thing. We didn't arrest those assholes who were brandishing guns in front of the state capitol in Michigan, either. Most gun laws don't get enforced, because we just don't have room in the jails for petty shit like "gun possession".

He filled out a form wrong. Big whoop. Maybe we should do more than just require someone to fill out a form to get a gun.
Derp bitch derp
Actually, they will...

Check this out.

In general, if they are particularly desperate for your MOS, they can sign a waiver.

During the War on Terror, they allowed all sorts of nonsense to go on to keep manpower levels up.
Hunter was kicked because he failed a drug test an art. 112a should have been given but because he is senator biden's son it didn't happen.

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