Hunter committed a known felony, and no one cares

Yet the laws enacted by Congress make those restrictions.
Are you claiming that some laws should be followed by the average American and ignored by Elitist Democrat politicians and their children?
No I don't believe he does have separate standards. But if we're going to have these unconditional rules everyone should be on the same level.
Then the Supreme Court of the United States should adjudicate that law and make it null and void.
I wait with baited breath,, in the mean time there are no more blatantly evident unconstitutional laws than gun control laws,,,

but you feeel free to be another useful idiot,,
But that's some funny shit. after you wrote this pile shit.
If you could show he tested positive for them at the time he was asked, instead of later, you might have something.

I did not write that you dumb fuck. Find a 3rd and have them teach you how to follow the flow of a thread
I wait with baited breath,, in the mean time there are no more blatantly evident unconstitutional laws than gun control laws,,,

but you feeel free to be another useful idiot,,
I agree with you that blatant unconstitutional state gun laws are wrong and should be changed, but they should not be ignored unless you want to take the risk going to jail and become a felon.

I agree with you that blatant unconstitutional state gun laws are wrong and should be changed, but they should not be ignored unless you want to take the risk going to jail and become a felon.
its only wrong of you get caught,, and to comply makes one a useful idiot to scared to stand up for your rights,,

just think if all the people that do as you say didnt and stood up against them??

they cant arrest us all,,,
Hunter Biden does not hold political office, nor does he aspire to political office.

If this citizen violates the law, I have no doubt that there are plenty of potential prosecutors eager to contrive evidence to indict him.

Ideological media targeting him and being parroted by those with a political agenda is just flatulence until actual charges are contrived.
No, but he DOES hold immunity from all laws.

Reich has it's privilege.
But he an ineligible person that has access to a firearm and lied on your beloved ATF 4474 . Fucking hypocrite.
Silly boy. Citizen Biden has been charged with no such crime - even by the most virulent Trumpy prosecutor.

If he is ever charged with any crimes, he'll be prosecuted like any other citizen.

To obtain a fire arm, Hunter was asked if he took any illegal substances

He answer no and later tested positive for them. Therefore, he lied.

But according to this article, this felony is common place and basically never enforced

So if we do not enforce the gun laws we have, why make more?
good question

but we all know that D elites can get away with anything.

2 tiered "justice" system in the US.

you're not shocked, are u?
Why should we? We are fucking awash in guns in this country.
some people want to be protected from the ones who have the most guns, namely politicians w/ armed guards who go virtually everywhere with them and have access to the national guard if they get a whim to use them.. If you want to be at the mercy of these power hungry, amoral, child-killing (crying over the loss of Roe) control-freak people, that's u

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