Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden
9 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

The 56-page indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion makes for racy reading, with the special counsel describing a four-year criminal pattern directed at maintaining Biden’s “extravagant lifestyle.”
That lifestyle included massive expenses for strippers, sex clubs, fast cars and other distractions.
The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.
In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.
There are three glaring omissions in the indictment that tend to shield critical payments and conduct that implicate the president.
The Burisma-Ukrainian money
First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years.
That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most controversial payments from Ukraine gas company Burisma.
Hunter the foreign agent
Also missing in the indictment is any charge against Hunter Biden as an unregistered foreign agent.
Recently, the Justice Department added a charge to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that he ran afoul of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA also was used to go after Donald Trump associates such as Paul Manafort.
The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious.
It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick Garland has spent years avoiding.
The unindicted co-conspirator
By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars.
Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.
The president has continued to maintain that he had no knowledge or interaction with these dealings. Those statements are clearly and knowingly false.
nstead, Weiss indicts the failure to pay taxes on the proceeds of these dealings without addressing that underlying corruption.
It is akin to arresting a bank robber for speeding away from the crime scene without mentioning the reason for his flight.

Doesn't it seem strange that Hunter, only a few months ago, got a ‘sugar-coated’ plea deal from the same prosecutor? Now he's being indicted for Tax evasion. Strange?
Certainly that many of you are as annoyed as I am with the volume of illegal activity from Biden family and a variety of Democrat corruption has resulted in ZERO actual punishment. Elected republicans, talk radio hosts and conservative publications for years have complained and expose reprehensible Democratic cover ups, yet nothing has happened to any of them. At the same time President Trump was impeached twice, lost a questionable election, indicted 4 times, free speech is denied conservatives on college campus's, a duly elected House of Representative conservative was kicked out of congress, and on and on it goes. Our conservative passive approach to all issues needs to be changed !!
The indictment of Hunter is a ploy to stall the house investigation estimation because it's contents will be debated at trial and fix the house race when it does go to trial Weiss will bungle it on purpose and do things that Abby Lowell can exploit on purpose and Hunter will walk they will make Lowell into Perry mason and Weiss will be paid off in cash for throwing the case.
Democrats of old must be turning in their graves, yeah some of them were crooks too, but not selling out their country like this current anti American bunch. That none of them are calling out Biden when its plain as the nose on their faces he has been on the take from foreign countries for years. Treasonous. Where are the statesmen who put country above party?
Turley is correct. This shows, the depth and breadth of the corruption within the DOJ, Garland, Weiss, Smith the Bidens, et al. Perfect timing to keep him from the deposition. These charges and more serious ones were there all along.
If his name wasn't Hunter Biden this wouldn't be happening. Joe, Hunter, James and Frank would all be locked up by now.
Many thanks to Jonathan Turley for specifying the precision used by Weiss/Garland to avoid implicating their hero Joey.
Comer will explicitly specify Joey's critical role behind the millions received for no discernable products sent or services rendered. Sorry, but what person or country would ship millions of dollars to a drug-addled guy with no discernible personal influence or expertise?
If he wasn’t Hunter Biden, it would have been handled with civil litigation, not criminal.

He’s being prosecuted because they fear retaliation from Republicans.

Violating FARA laws is a Federal criminal offense.
You're accusing the GOP of the very thing DSA Democrats have repeated done.
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Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden
9 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

The 56-page indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion makes for racy reading, with the special counsel describing a four-year criminal pattern directed at maintaining Biden’s “extravagant lifestyle.”
That lifestyle included massive expenses for strippers, sex clubs, fast cars and other distractions.
The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.
In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.
There are three glaring omissions in the indictment that tend to shield critical payments and conduct that implicate the president.
The Burisma-Ukrainian money
First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years.
That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most controversial payments from Ukraine gas company Burisma.
Hunter the foreign agent
Also missing in the indictment is any charge against Hunter Biden as an unregistered foreign agent.
Recently, the Justice Department added a charge to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that he ran afoul of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA also was used to go after Donald Trump associates such as Paul Manafort.
The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious.
It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick Garland has spent years avoiding.
The unindicted co-conspirator
By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars.
Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.
The president has continued to maintain that he had no knowledge or interaction with these dealings. Those statements are clearly and knowingly false.
nstead, Weiss indicts the failure to pay taxes on the proceeds of these dealings without addressing that underlying corruption.
It is akin to arresting a bank robber for speeding away from the crime scene without mentioning the reason for his flight.

Doesn't it seem strange that Hunter, only a few months ago, got a ‘sugar-coated’ plea deal from the same prosecutor? Now he's being indicted for Tax evasion. Strange?
Certainly that many of you are as annoyed as I am with the volume of illegal activity from Biden family and a variety of Democrat corruption has resulted in ZERO actual punishment. Elected republicans, talk radio hosts and conservative publications for years have complained and expose reprehensible Democratic cover ups, yet nothing has happened to any of them. At the same time President Trump was impeached twice, lost a questionable election, indicted 4 times, free speech is denied conservatives on college campus's, a duly elected House of Representative conservative was kicked out of congress, and on and on it goes. Our conservative passive approach to all issues needs to be changed !!
The indictment of Hunter is a ploy to stall the house investigation estimation because it's contents will be debated at trial and fix the house race when it does go to trial Weiss will bungle it on purpose and do things that Abby Lowell can exploit on purpose and Hunter will walk they will make Lowell into Perry mason and Weiss will be paid off in cash for throwing the case.
Democrats of old must be turning in their graves, yeah some of them were crooks too, but not selling out their country like this current anti American bunch. That none of them are calling out Biden when its plain as the nose on their faces he has been on the take from foreign countries for years. Treasonous. Where are the statesmen who put country above party?
Turley is correct. This shows, the depth and breadth of the corruption within the DOJ, Garland, Weiss, Smith the Bidens, et al. Perfect timing to keep him from the deposition. These charges and more serious ones were there all along.
If his name wasn't Hunter Biden this wouldn't be happening. Joe, Hunter, James and Frank would all be locked up by now.
Many thanks to Jonathan Turley for specifying the precision used by Weiss/Garland to avoid implicating their hero Joey.
Comer will explicitly specify Joey's critical role behind the millions received for no discernable products sent or services rendered. Sorry, but what person or country would ship millions of dollars to a drug-addled guy with no discernible personal influence or expertise?
If he wasn’t Hunter Biden, it would have been handled with civil litigation, not criminal.

He’s being prosecuted because they fear retaliation from Republicans.
Hunter already paid off the civil debt to the IRS. The reason the IRS charges people criminally, is to form the basis, and the leverage for civil collection of back taxes, and to stop ongoing tax avoidance.

Just compare Hunters $2 million tax bill to Willie Nelson, who owed over $16 million
Violating FARA laws is a Federal criminal offense.
You're accusing the GOP of the very thing DSA Democrats have repeated done.
Manafort often lobbied on behalf of foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, former dictator of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, former dictator of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko, and Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi.
Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden
9 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

The 56-page indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion makes for racy reading, with the special counsel describing a four-year criminal pattern directed at maintaining Biden’s “extravagant lifestyle.”
That lifestyle included massive expenses for strippers, sex clubs, fast cars and other distractions.
The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.
In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.
There are three glaring omissions in the indictment that tend to shield critical payments and conduct that implicate the president.
The Burisma-Ukrainian money
First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years.
That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most controversial payments from Ukraine gas company Burisma.
Hunter the foreign agent
Also missing in the indictment is any charge against Hunter Biden as an unregistered foreign agent.
Recently, the Justice Department added a charge to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that he ran afoul of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA also was used to go after Donald Trump associates such as Paul Manafort.
The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious.
It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick Garland has spent years avoiding.
The unindicted co-conspirator
By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars.
Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.
The president has continued to maintain that he had no knowledge or interaction with these dealings. Those statements are clearly and knowingly false.
nstead, Weiss indicts the failure to pay taxes on the proceeds of these dealings without addressing that underlying corruption.
It is akin to arresting a bank robber for speeding away from the crime scene without mentioning the reason for his flight.

Doesn't it seem strange that Hunter, only a few months ago, got a ‘sugar-coated’ plea deal from the same prosecutor? Now he's being indicted for Tax evasion. Strange?
Certainly that many of you are as annoyed as I am with the volume of illegal activity from Biden family and a variety of Democrat corruption has resulted in ZERO actual punishment. Elected republicans, talk radio hosts and conservative publications for years have complained and expose reprehensible Democratic cover ups, yet nothing has happened to any of them. At the same time President Trump was impeached twice, lost a questionable election, indicted 4 times, free speech is denied conservatives on college campus's, a duly elected House of Representative conservative was kicked out of congress, and on and on it goes. Our conservative passive approach to all issues needs to be changed !!
The indictment of Hunter is a ploy to stall the house investigation estimation because it's contents will be debated at trial and fix the house race when it does go to trial Weiss will bungle it on purpose and do things that Abby Lowell can exploit on purpose and Hunter will walk they will make Lowell into Perry mason and Weiss will be paid off in cash for throwing the case.
Democrats of old must be turning in their graves, yeah some of them were crooks too, but not selling out their country like this current anti American bunch. That none of them are calling out Biden when its plain as the nose on their faces he has been on the take from foreign countries for years. Treasonous. Where are the statesmen who put country above party?
Turley is correct. This shows, the depth and breadth of the corruption within the DOJ, Garland, Weiss, Smith the Bidens, et al. Perfect timing to keep him from the deposition. These charges and more serious ones were there all along.
If his name wasn't Hunter Biden this wouldn't be happening. Joe, Hunter, James and Frank would all be locked up by now.
Many thanks to Jonathan Turley for specifying the precision used by Weiss/Garland to avoid implicating their hero Joey.
Comer will explicitly specify Joey's critical role behind the millions received for no discernable products sent or services rendered. Sorry, but what person or country would ship millions of dollars to a drug-addled guy with no discernible personal influence or expertise?
Let's recap the article.

Yes, Hunter Biden got indicted. But because the statute of limitations is expired on his tax returns during his time on Burisma's board, it means the statute of limitations is a Democratic plot.

Hunter Biden wasn't charged with FARA violations, despite the fact that the actual violation is neither alleged nor charged, therefore that means the DOJ is going easy on him. Just for reference, who is Hunter supposed to be lobbying, and how do you propose to prove any such lobbying in a court of law, beyond a reasonable doubt?

To be honest the entire article is about complaining about whatever Hunter Biden isn't charged with. What seems to be not considered is whether or not the charges are provable or even make sense.

This in itself begs the question. Why are you Doc not questioning the sense of the charges being proposed?

Let me offer my opinion. You don't care that the media you consume makes sense, just that it confirms your biases. That's how Fox can pay hundreds of millions of dollars to settle a situation of outright lying. Or other media can post apologies for the same. None of it matters or changes your opinion.
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The spineless GOP doesn't have the stones.
The spineless GOP knows they have no actual evidence, just accusations. Something that will come into focus the moment they have to present their case in the public eye of an actual impeachment. Therefor they are better served with making the case on the safe space of Fox and Newsmax.
The spineless GOP knows they have no actual evidence, just accusations. Something that will come into focus the moment they have to present their case in the public eye of an actual impeachment. Therefor they are better served with making the case on the safe space of Fox and Newsmax.
Enough with the Dem stupidity narrative. There's overwhelming evidence of Biden corruption and lies now proven to be lies. That clown is as dirty as they come. Now piss off home!
Enough with the Dem stupidity narrative. There's overwhelming evidence of Biden corruption and lies now proven to be lies. That clown is as dirty as they come. Now piss off home!
Lol. Overwhelming evidence? Not enough to validate an actual impeachment, as is shown by the "spineless GOP."

At the moment you have a vague reference about a big man getting 10 percent. You have the assume that ten percent was something illegal and that Joe Biden was the recipient.

Then you have some bank statements that Joe and Hunter Biden transferred money. This requires you to assume that money was transferred for something illegal as opposed to paying back a loan to a family member.

Even Comer himself has said you have to "infer" the illegal acts.
Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden
You can always tell you are on to something when the usual suspects come out in chorus against it. From a legal viewpoint, the biggest scandal is that Hunter was offered a blanket immunity deal four months ago, when the evidence supporting the current indictment was already known.

Now the DNC/DOJ has come up with an excuse for Hunter to not testify before Congress. Does anyone not believe that he will be pardoned before his father leaves office?
Hunter Biden is not charged with violating FARA.

Not so, statute of limitations ran out on the 2014, 2015 violations
Correct, Hunter is not charged with FARA violations. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT.
Hunter should be charged with FARA violations for making deals with China, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan through two he represented. They are Rosemont Seneca and Owasco..
However, the puppets of the DoJ, Garland and Weiss fail to do so.
Guess his name is not Manafort.
Remember What Joey Xi Bai Dung tells us Americans in a whisper. ---- "Pay your fair share"....
Maybe he should emphasize that to Hunter next time he E-mails under the name "Robin Ware", “Robert L. Peters” and “JRB Ware”
Looks like Hunter preferred to pay platoons of hookers and dope dealers instead.
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Manafort often lobbied on behalf of foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, former dictator of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, former dictator of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko, and Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi.

So did his partner Tony Podesta....(who suddenly disappeared for four years)

Hunter already paid off the civil debt to the IRS. The reason the IRS charges people criminally, is to form the basis, and the leverage for civil collection of back taxes, and to stop ongoing tax avoidance.

Just compare Hunters $2 million tax bill to Willie Nelson, who owed over $16 million
To quote Jonathan Turley once more:

"In a scandal with dozens of references to the president and millions sent for influence and access, it took a steady hand for Weiss to avoid ever touching on President Biden’s role.
This was a truly Homeric feat — unseen since the Greek hero Odysseus won a competition by shooting an arrow through the tiny hole in a dozen ax heads.
It takes perfect aim to avoid any contact. It is itself the very model of evasion.
Hunter already paid off the civil debt to the IRS. The reason the IRS charges people criminally, is to form the basis, and the leverage for civil collection of back taxes, and to stop ongoing tax avoidance.

Just compare Hunters $2 million tax bill to Willie Nelson, who owed over $16 million
Or more recently, Roger Stone’s $2M that he didn’t go to jail for!
Hunter indictment designed specifically to avoid Joe Biden
9 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jonathan Turley

The 56-page indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion makes for racy reading, with the special counsel describing a four-year criminal pattern directed at maintaining Biden’s “extravagant lifestyle.”
That lifestyle included massive expenses for strippers, sex clubs, fast cars and other distractions.
The steps taken by Hunter to evade taxes are impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the efforts of the Justice Department to evade any direct implications for his father, President Biden.
In that sense, the indictment itself is a marvel of evasion.
There are three glaring omissions in the indictment that tend to shield critical payments and conduct that implicate the president.
The Burisma-Ukrainian money
First, the special counsel only indicts tax evasion that occurred in recent years.
That’s because the long “investigation” into Hunter inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to expire on the most controversial payments from Ukraine gas company Burisma.
Hunter the foreign agent
Also missing in the indictment is any charge against Hunter Biden as an unregistered foreign agent.
Recently, the Justice Department added a charge to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) that he ran afoul of FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA also was used to go after Donald Trump associates such as Paul Manafort.
The problem with charging Hunter with FARA is obvious.
It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick Garland has spent years avoiding.
The unindicted co-conspirator
By focusing on tax evasion alone, Weiss again avoids any direct reference to the focus of the influence-peddling used to raise these millions of dollars.
Even without mentioning the president, the implications of the indictment are devastating for the narrative and denials of Joe Biden.
The president has continued to maintain that he had no knowledge or interaction with these dealings. Those statements are clearly and knowingly false.
nstead, Weiss indicts the failure to pay taxes on the proceeds of these dealings without addressing that underlying corruption.
It is akin to arresting a bank robber for speeding away from the crime scene without mentioning the reason for his flight.

Doesn't it seem strange that Hunter, only a few months ago, got a ‘sugar-coated’ plea deal from the same prosecutor? Now he's being indicted for Tax evasion. Strange?
Certainly that many of you are as annoyed as I am with the volume of illegal activity from Biden family and a variety of Democrat corruption has resulted in ZERO actual punishment. Elected republicans, talk radio hosts and conservative publications for years have complained and expose reprehensible Democratic cover ups, yet nothing has happened to any of them. At the same time President Trump was impeached twice, lost a questionable election, indicted 4 times, free speech is denied conservatives on college campus's, a duly elected House of Representative conservative was kicked out of congress, and on and on it goes. Our conservative passive approach to all issues needs to be changed !!
The indictment of Hunter is a ploy to stall the house investigation estimation because it's contents will be debated at trial and fix the house race when it does go to trial Weiss will bungle it on purpose and do things that Abby Lowell can exploit on purpose and Hunter will walk they will make Lowell into Perry mason and Weiss will be paid off in cash for throwing the case.
Democrats of old must be turning in their graves, yeah some of them were crooks too, but not selling out their country like this current anti American bunch. That none of them are calling out Biden when its plain as the nose on their faces he has been on the take from foreign countries for years. Treasonous. Where are the statesmen who put country above party?
Turley is correct. This shows, the depth and breadth of the corruption within the DOJ, Garland, Weiss, Smith the Bidens, et al. Perfect timing to keep him from the deposition. These charges and more serious ones were there all along.
If his name wasn't Hunter Biden this wouldn't be happening. Joe, Hunter, James and Frank would all be locked up by now.
Many thanks to Jonathan Turley for specifying the precision used by Weiss/Garland to avoid implicating their hero Joey.
Comer will explicitly specify Joey's critical role behind the millions received for no discernable products sent or services rendered. Sorry, but what person or country would ship millions of dollars to a drug-addled guy with no discernible personal influence or expertise?
As predicted, the right gets what it wants and still are not happy.

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