Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

I remember when you used to pretend to support universal background checks on gun purchases.

LOL! You lost that debate spectacularly! :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Shittycroc thinks the defense actually “chose” an all deep blue jury. 🙄

What a maroon.
Why do jury trials if they cant be trusted? Remember Trump also lost the trial his lawyers had deceided by a judge as well. Is everything everywhere rigged against Trump? Isnt there a simpler answer?
Why do jury trials if they cant be trusted?
Sometimes they can be. Other times they can’t.

Why insist that this jury trial was even remotely a fair trial when it plainly was not?
Remember Trump also lost the trial his lawyers had deceided by a judge as well.
Irrelevant. He would have lost that trial with a similar jury pool. And the judge should nevertheless have allowed them the jury trial.
Is everything everywhere rigged against Trump?
It certainly is in deep blue cesspool states.
Isnt there a simpler answer?
To the nonsense you ask? Rarely.
Apparently you don’t, fuckstick.
Sure I do. You eliminate anyone you think cant be fair and present your case and then you need 100% agreement to get convicted. The fact you think 12 jurors are corrupt and colluded with prosecutors they never met shows how fucking whacko lost ignorant and feckless you are.
The form doesn't say, "Have you ever been" it says "are you"

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

If he stopped using, underwent rehab, and sincerely believed he was clean, then he wasn't lying.
Yeah and when you are smoking crack every 20 mins and in the need of rehab, you are
Sure I do. You eliminate anyone you think cant be fair and present your case and then you need 100% agreement to get convicted. The fact you think 12 jurors are corrupt and colluded with prosecutors they never met shows how fucking whacko lost ignorant and feckless you are.

You’re too silly to have any discussion with.

If you get to help select a jury — but all people in the panel are deep blue — then you’ve been presented with only the appearance of a “choice.”

You’re a real ignorant fuckstick.
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