Hunter, The Hooker, & The Laptop....Forget The Laptop - The Story Is How Badly Our President Is Compromised

Hunter Biden’s Russian Prostitute Videos Indict Both His Father And U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or illegal behavior. Rather, it’s the intense corruption of the media and intelligence agencies, and how greatly our current president is compromised.

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or his illegal behavior. Rather, the latest video reveals the corruption—and more—of the media and the intelligence community, while also establishing how greatly our current president is compromised.

When the New York Post broke news of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook shortly before the election, corporate media framed the story as misinformation and refused to report on it.

While the corrupt media ignored the story, even a hooker saw the significance of a missing laptop containing Hunter Biden’s sex videos.

Did he worry about being blackmailed? the prostitute asked, followed by Hunter acknowledging that was a genuine concern since his father intended to run for president. The elder Biden announced his candidacy just two months after his son’s first computer went missing. Yet when The New York Post reported the existence of the Hunter Biden sex videos on the abandoned laptop, corporate media ignored this huge political

Hunter Biden believed that sometime in the summer of 2018, Russians stole his laptop, which contained videotapes of Biden engaged in sex acts with prostitutes. Either U.S. intelligence knew of this or they didn’t, but both scenarios are equally damning.

In December 2019, the FBI seized the MacBook Hunter had left at the repair store. It is unbelievable to think the FBI did not promptly review the contents to determine if it was in fact Hunter’s and to determine whether the material on the laptop created a national security risk. It is also beyond the pale to think agents did not ask Hunter about that laptop.

Yet ten months later, when The New York Post published the video and email messages, someone at the FBI told USA Today they were investigating whether the story was Russian “misinformation.” To date, though, there has been nothing but corroboration of the materials published by The New York Post, so who at the FBI suggested the content was “misinformation?”

Further, after recovering the MacBook from the Delaware repair store, a competent intelligence industry would have then also discovered the second missing laptop—the one Hunter told a prostitute in January 2019 he believed the Russians had stolen. Did agents know of that fact? Did they brief Joe Biden on the fact that the laptops contained information that could subject Hunter, and thus Biden himself, to blackmail?



As the article says, even a Hooker (paid for with Joe Biden's credit card) was smart enough to understand this.

More rumours, gossip and Russian propaganda from Sleazy. Why do your persist in pushing Russian propaganda Sleazy. You're disgusting with your anti-American lies, and slander. And yet you supported that disgusting sleaze Donald Trump who liked to watch women pissing on each other.

Disgusting doesn't begin to cover you and your Russian bullshit.

And garbage from the Federalist. F. William Buckley must be spinning in his grave to see how far his paper has fallen:

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Everything the left says and does is projection, twist, distraction or confession.

What's it like to be leftist knowing your govt. is sponsored & supported by all forms of misinformation & misjustice? The media left awareness to become political oversight & judge in favor of communists.

EVERYTHING you post comes from questionable, biased and unreliable websites. It's not Democrats who keep getting arrested for corruption, sleazy and lying to federal agencies.

But YOU keep posting that it's the Republicans who are honest and decent. This is why YOU have no credibility. Everyone you support is a lying fascist, intent on undermining democracy in America.

Whenever conservatives try to vilify Biden it always fails – whatever lie the right contrives about Biden, Trump has in fact done worse.

conservatives don't 'vilify the Bidens - they just state proven facts and read the headlines about Joe and Hunter
LOL For an article about Hunter's laptop and the ramifications begin with, "forget the laptop" not very promising, is it?
Reading comprehension is not your strong point, I see.

Enough articles / threads have been written laptop proven to be Hunter's and tge criminal contents found on it.

As the article states, forget all of those provenfacts and focus instead on how compromised Joe is.

The guy was literally paid a BILLION dollars from the CCP...and then took millions more from the CCP and Russia during his election campaign.

You snowflakes would have had an aneurysm by now if this was Trump...but you traitor butt-kissing c lownshave no problem with Joe doing it.

The sad thing is Hunter's lawyet is as dumb as Hunter - he actually left a voice-mail on the PC repairman answering machine declaring his client, Hunter Biden, wants his laptop back. least Hunter has a rain cell- destroying drug addiction to blame HIS stupidity on. What's his lawyer's excuse?
Funny- the hooked in tge article appears to be smarter than Hunter & the majority of snowflakes responding in Hunter's / Joe's defense.

There's a video of Hunter complaining the russians stole his laptop.
Guess where the laptop the computer guy got his hands on came from?
Hunter dropped it off to be repaired.

Next dumbass question, Dumbass.
More rumours, gossip and Russian propaganda from Sleazy. Why do your persist in pushing Russian propaganda Sleazy. You're disgusting with your anti-American lies, and slander. And yet you supported that disgusting sleaze Donald Trump who liked to watch women pissing on each other.

Disgusting doesn't begin to cover you and your Russian bullshit.

And garbage from the Federalist. F. William Buckley must be spinning in his grave to see how far his paper has fallen:

Yeah, that video of Crackhead is made up, right?
Reading comprehension is not your strong point, I see.

Enough articles / threads have been written laptop proven to be Hunter's and tge criminal contents found on it.

As the article states, forget all of those provenfacts and focus instead on how compromised Joe is.

The guy was literally paid a BILLION dollars from the CCP...and then took millions more from the CCP and Russia during his election campaign.

You snowflakes would have had an aneurysm by now if this was Trump...but you traitor butt-kissing c lownshave no problem with Joe doing it.

The sad thing is Hunter's lawyet is as dumb as Hunter - he actually left a voice-mail on the PC repairman answering machine declaring his client, Hunter Biden, wants his laptop back. least Hunter has a rain cell- destroying drug addiction to blame HIS stupidity on. What's his lawyer's excuse?
So, in other couldn't find the laptops? Yup, that figures.

You could have just told us that instead of creating a thread and getting humiliated. Good luck with the laptops. Let us know when you do find it.
EVERYTHING you post comes from questionable, biased and unreliable websites. It's not Democrats who keep getting arrested for corruption, sleazy and lying to federal agencies.

But YOU keep posting that it's the Republicans who are honest and decent. This is why YOU have no credibility. Everyone you support is a lying fascist, intent on undermining democracy in America.
^^^^^From the idiot who thinks the Southern border is closed^^^^^^ :auiqs.jpg:
Yet the computer guy says he can't identify who dropped it out.

It could have been anyone.

You left out that little fact.
Really? Where did he say that?
Why is Crackhead's sig on the repair ticket?

Why did Crackhead's attorney try to get it back?
Really? Where did he say that?
Why is Crackhead's sig on the repair ticket?

Why did Crackhead's attorney try to get it back?
The man, John Paul Mac Isaac, said he has a condition that affects his vision and “can't be 100% sure” it was Hunter Biden who dropped off ...
So, in other couldn't find the laptops? Yup, that figures.

You could have just told us that instead of creating a thread and getting humiliated. Good luck with the laptops. Let us know when you do find it.
Wtf are you talking about? The laptops were found. The FBI has one. What a pathetic, desperate attempt to distract - it just made you look stupid.
conservatives don't 'vilify the Bidens - they just state proven facts and read the headlines about Joe and Hunter

Where is this proof you speak of? Other than forgeries prepared by Russian intelligence, you have NOTHING. Not a scrap of evidence. Your tape of Biden "admitting" he extorted the Ukrainians, is Biden taking a bow for doing the job Obama, NATO, and the IMF sent him to the Ukraine to do in order for the Ukraine to receive funds - get rid of the corrupt Russian prosecutor.

The Republicans Senate launched a full enquiry into Hunter Biden, Burisma, and the Ukraine last Fall before the election, and the Republican Judiciary Committee in the Senate found nothing illegal in the Bidens' dealings with the Ukraine. The "proof" you touted was proven to be Russian propaganda, and nothing but worthless lies.

Why do YOU continue to repeat Russian lies and propaganda Sleazy????
Your tape of Biden "admitting" he extorted the Ukrainians, is Biden taking a bow for doing the job Obama, NATO, and the IMF sent him to the Ukraine to do in order for the Ukraine to receive funds - get rid of the corrupt Russian prosecutor.
They claim that Biden as VP had the power to withhold the funds. But a simple read of the Constitution says the president not the VP can do that.

The Ukraine president even told Biden he didn't have the power to withhold the loan guarantees. That's when Biden told the Ukraine president if he didn't believe him, to call Obama.
Indeed, even here the crickets refuse to chirp...
There's too much damning factual evidence that the MacBook left at the Computer Repair shop is Hunter's and the evidence within is enough to convict both he and his father of corruption.... Let's give the "Big Guy" his cut....
They claim that Biden as VP had the power to withhold the funds. But a simple read of the Constitution says the president not the VP can do that.

The Ukraine president even told Biden he didn't have the power to withhold the loan guarantees. That's when Biden told the Ukraine president if he didn't believe him, to call Obama.
Obviously you don't believe you lying eyes and ears....

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