Hunter will be indicted by the end of the month according to the DOJ

trump wants his to be put to death.

I'm curious to know - I couldn't find it on Google - what the exact circumstances of the whole gun ordeal were. My understanding is he lied on a form to obtain a firearm, claiming he was drug free while apparently snorting up more lines than Tony Montana in Scarface - I get that part. Lying on a federal form is perjury/false statement, which is itself a criminal act.

But am wondering how he relinquished the gun. Did he check himself into a rehab facility and then tell the doctors "Oh yeah, I got this gun I need to ditch." Was he 5150'd and did the police come to his house to confiscate his weapon? I know California has state laws that require people to give up firearms in certain circumstances and the cops occasionally knock on doors to confiscate them in extreme cases (i.e., domestic violence charges).

Just wondering if anyone here knows how Hunter and his sidepiece parted ways.
I didn`t say that. Can you read beyond the level of a 5th grader? I have no interest in what the son of a politician does.
You have no interest because you don't want their relationship to be found out that it may have included corruption, otherwise that involved our nations national security being compromised in the extreme, and that the tragic implications of that is just to much for you. You all are playing hell in order to try and protect this president who makes Trump look like a boy scout.
I didn`t say that. Can you read beyond the level of a 5th grader? I have no interest in what the son of a politician does.
Your last words gives the exact same implication that were found within the infamous statement that read "Biden wasn't ever in business with his son Hunter", otherwise as was released by the white house through it's spokesperson trying to get the media off it's back on the issue. Wonder how long it took the Demoncrat think tank to fashion that excuse ???

If he received any corrupt pay to play money into his bank account or into his family members bank account's, and without questioning the origins of that money, otherwise (because of his official government office and employee status), then he is covering up for the bull shite in order to protect his job in power that could be compromised severely because of his connections to it all.

Just love it how you folks on the flip side try to say stuff like "Hunter is Joe's son, so of course he tries to protect him", otherwise making that connection, but you won't make the connection that because he is his father, and Hunter was nothing but a crackhead with impulsive addiction problems for whom can amazingly get jobs on highly important energy boards with no experience, and can run all these shell companies for his family, but you all buck when it comes to speaking out with super curiosity that Joe his father may have been involved of course with his loving son's activities in which their family was benefitting highly from.

People may be missing the bottle inspection at times, but one could pick this bottle of drink off the line, drink it, and put it back in it's same place because it's so obvious as to what's gone on.
Problem is Biden created what his son had became, and that's why he's a chip off the ole block. The fruit doesn't roll to far from the tree. Biden can't control his own family, but he's attempting to control the American family. That's why he is a laughing stock here and abroad..

What a damned embarrassment it has all been. Especially with all his dimwitted picks in which he hoisted into offices against the American people's will. Can anyone imagine having to work for some of these mentally challenged character's that this Biden muck up had put into positions of power ? Unbelievable.

When will America wake back up from these nightmares ???
Yes, Trump has been an amazing embarrassment. Although nothing criminal has been found and won't, I think, Biden is an example of the octogenarian political establishment. We are in a bad place.
Your last words gives the exact same implication that were found within the infamous statement that read "Biden wasn't ever in business with his son Hunter", otherwise as was released by the white house through it's spokesperson trying to get the media off it's back on the issue. Wonder how long it took the Demoncrat think tank to fashion that excuse ???

If he received any corrupt pay to play money into his bank account or into his family members bank account's, and without questioning the origins of that money, otherwise (because of his official government office and employee status), then he is covering up for the bull shite in order to protect his job in power that could be compromised severely because of his connections to it all.

Just love it how you folks on the flip side try to say stuff like "Hunter is Joe's son, so of course he tries to protect him", otherwise making that connection, but you won't make the connection that because he is his father, and Hunter was nothing but a crackhead with impulsive addiction problems for whom can amazingly get jobs on highly important energy boards with no experience, and can run all these shell companies for his family, but you all buck when it comes to speaking out with super curiosity that Joe his father may have been involved of course with his loving son's activities in which their family was benefitting highly from.

People may be missing the bottle inspection at times, but one could pick this bottle of drink off the line, drink it, and put it back in it's same place because it's so obvious as to what's gone on.
You can lock up all of the Biden family including their dog but you still won`t have an electable candidate in 2024. The Bidens aren`t your biggest problem.
Start here: Sloppy Joe had the benefit of the Dem /Marxist Russia collusion fraud that interfered in the election.

So yes. The lies, deceit and outright fraud perpetrated the Dems / Socialists interfered with an election.v

EXCLUSIVE: If only we'd known: three quarters of survey respondents say voters lacked 'critical' information about Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 elections, and half would have voted differently


marxists, socialists, name calling.... yawn

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?

So, somebody's son will soon be indicted by the DOJ, and one of the major political parties is wetting it's pants and celebrating?​

You can lock up all of the Biden family including their dog but you still won`t have an electable candidate in 2024. The Bidens aren`t your biggest problem.
Are you stupid ? I'm a Republican voter and supporter you dummy, so locking up Biden and his cohorts would be icing on the cake for me, otherwise in the projected final fall of the insurrectionist Democrat's. Yes Democrat's who started an insurrection the day Trump came down the escalator or before that, in which led to unrest in this nation, and division in this nation like no time in our history can it ever begin to match.

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