Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Clinton shouldn't have grabbed women by the coochie, and then lied about it.

He didn't. Monica came on to him.

Education? LOL The US is in a death spiral when it comes to education, Winger! Our kids can't read...can't write...and can't do simple math but the teachers unions and the left want more money so they can continue to push their political agenda to our children!

You realize you had four grammatical errors in that sentence, right?
Teaching kids not to be hateful assholes is indoctrination?

Actually, yes, it kind of is because your definition of hateful is different than mine. The hate you spew towards Christians on a daily basis is a prime example. Schools should get back to the basics. Sadly, we have reached the point where even science is politically biased. I guess math is next. At the rate we are "progressing", 2+2 will equal 5 before you know it.
Actually, yes, it kind of is because your definition of hateful is different than mine. The hate you spew towards Christians on a daily basis is a prime example.

And if a teacher acted like me, I'd be the first one to say, "Fire them".
Of course, pointing out the illogic, hypocrisy, and intolerance of "Christians" is more a commentary on organized religion.
I would LOVE to meet some Christians who actually followed what Jesus said instead of combing the Old Testament looking for justifications for war and intolerance.

Schools should get back to the basics.

I agree. But what are the basics? Back in the oldy days, Good Citizenship was considered one of the basics. But Good Citizenship often meant hating on the person who was different. i.e. anyone who wasn't a WASP. The reason why you can't get school choice in most states is because most states passed "Blaine Amendments" to keep the government from funding Catholic Schools. Because James Blaine was an anti-Catholic bigot.

Treating people decently despite their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation is good citizenship.

Sadly, we have reached the point where even science is politically biased.

But who made Science "political"? You guys are the ones who got mentions of evolution purged from the Science books because they want to sell them in Texas. You guys are the ones who like to pretend Climate Change isn't a thing. (And in Chicago, it's going to be in the fifties on Christmas Day..nothing to see here.)
Joe Biden got eighty million votes. No one in the history of mankind ever got eighty million votes. There must be something very special about Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, must be part of that specialness.

There are people who believe this as part of a mass cognitive dissonance that swept our nation in 2020. Joe and Hunter Biden are goodness personified. They have to be because if they are not then the people were fooled. No one wants to be seen as a fool.

Eighty million votes? That is a first in human history so Joe and Hunter must be so special that they cannot be questioned. Think about eighty million votes and look at Joe Biden, his cabinet, his FBI, his DOJ, and his executive orders. Does it make sense in your mind?

If it does, then you should sleep well.
Joe Biden got eighty million votes. No one in the history of mankind ever got eighty million votes. There must be something very special about Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, must be part of that specialness.

There are people who believe this as part of a mass cognitive dissonance that swept our nation in 2020. Joe and Hunter Biden are goodness personified. They have to be because if they are not then the people were fooled. No one wants to be seen as a fool.

Eighty million votes? That is a first in human history so Joe and Hunter must be so special that they cannot be questioned. Think about eighty million votes and look at Joe Biden, his cabinet, his FBI, his DOJ, and his executive orders. Does it make sense in your mind?

If it does, then you should sleep well.
Missed the part where Hunter was Joes' running mate.

I could have sworn his running mate was Kamala Harris.

Biden got 81 million votes, Trump got 74 million, because there was higher turnout and the electorate has continued to grow. This isn't rocket science.

He won because Trump fucked up Covid, the Economy, and handling the BLM riots.
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Treating people decently despite their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation is good citizenship.

I don't know many Republicans, particularly Christians, that would disagree. There is a difference, however, between treating people decently and condoning everyone's behavior and actions.

But who made Science "political"? You guys are the ones who got mentions of evolution purged from the Science books because they want to sell them in Texas. You guys are the ones who like to pretend Climate Change isn't a thing. (And in Chicago, it's going to be in the fifties on Christmas Day..nothing to see here.)

I don't mind teaching evolutionary theory, but it needs to be taught with a grain of salt, pointing out the gaping holes in the theory. Teaching it as absolute fact is dishonest. The same goes for Climate change, except to an even larger degree. There are gaping holes in the theory. Scientists have been caught lying. We don't really have enough data to come to the conclusion that 1) the climate isn't in a cycle and b) that we are causing it. It is pure intellectual dishonesty fueled by $$$ and politics.
I don't know many Republicans, particularly Christians, that would disagree. There is a difference, however, between treating people decently and condoning everyone's behavior and actions.

WHy should what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms be any of your business?

I don't mind teaching evolutionary theory, but it needs to be taught with a grain of salt, pointing out the gaping holes in the theory. Teaching it as absolute fact is dishonest.
Evolution is an absolute fact. WE HAVE FOSSILS! You have a book written by ignorant sheepherders.


The same goes for Climate change, except to an even larger degree. There are gaping holes in the theory. Scientists have been caught lying. We don't really have enough data to come to the conclusion that 1) the climate isn't in a cycle and b) that we are causing it. It is pure intellectual dishonesty fueled by $$$ and politics.
Actually, we have more than enough data, what we don't have is the will to change our lifestyles.

And here's the problem with Republicans today. Back in the 1980s, when it was clear CFCs were destroying the Ozone, the Scientists went to Reagan. Reagan put Free Market Ideologies aside and signed the Montreal Accords, which mandated phasing out CFC from coolant systems and aerosol propellants.

Today's Republicans won't do that. They are too in the pockets of people profiting from the status quo.
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Missed the part where Hunter was Joes' running mate.

I could have sworn his running mate was Kamala Harris.

Biden got 81 million votes, Trump got 74 million, because there was higher turnout and the electorate has continued to grow. This isn't rocket science.

He won because Trump fucked up Covid, the Economy, and handling the BLM riots.
Trump got 74 million actual votes. Biden got 80 million "special" votes. Biden was "selected" not elected. The people were told not to believe their lying eyes. Look at the reaction in 2016 when Trump won. They came right out and said what they were going to do.
Trump got 74 million actual votes. Biden got 80 million "special" votes. Biden was "selected" not elected. The people were told not to believe their lying eyes. Look at the reaction in 2016 when Trump won. They came right out and said what they were going to do.

Except that Trump didn't "win" in 2016, he lost by 3 million votes.

This time he lost by 7 million votes.

Because people looked outside their window at the absolute carnage that was going on under his watch and said, "No thanks, hard pass."
WHy should what other people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms be any of your business?

Prostitution should be legal? All drugs should be legal? The list goes on, but the idea is the same. Society has many laws in place to promote a flourishing society.

Evolution is an absolute fact. WE HAVE FOSSILS! You have a book written by ignorant sheepherders.

LOL...Yes, we have fossils that supposedly took 10s of millions of years to form, except, they didn't necessarily. Fossilized fish in the midst of being swallowed by a bigger fish, for example. There are many more glaring holes that you likely have never been made aware of.

Actually, we have more than enough data, what we don't have is the will to change our lifestyles.
No, we absolutely do not. You have been indoctrinated to believe that we do. You are just one of the sheep that the globalists love.
Except that Trump didn't "win" in 2016, he lost by 3 million votes.

This time he lost by 7 million votes.

Because people looked outside their window at the absolute carnage that was going on under his watch and said, "No thanks, hard pass."
You drank so much Kool-Aid. You should have left some for the rest of us.
You shouldn't have to have been charged to answer to congress.
You don't seem to understand. He simply will not be forced to answer to Congress, specifically because his liberty is under direct threat of incarceration, if found guilty of actual charges against him presently in Federal Court. Testifying under (oath at this time) before congress at this time would be pretty much like a forced deposition to the court under oath, before the trial begins, forcing a closer insight given to actual prosecutors, as it would be under oath, and giving prosecutors an advantage never seen in Federal Court, on areas of interests as well as defense strategies of the accused.

I am afraid you have gotten all you are going to get out of Hunter directly until trial. Heck, he cannot even be forced to testify at his trial. Prosecution will have to win or lose on it's own work, as Hunter cannot be forced to testify.
The Trump children sat through closed depositions and then answered questions from members of Congress. Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed under oath. Gee, what are you hiding, Hunter?
hunter has agreed to testify under oath, but in public. i don't see his problem. he could plead the 5th just as loudly as ovanka.
Prostitution should be legal? All drugs should be legal? The list goes on, but the idea is the same. Society has many laws in place to promote a flourishing society.

Yes, Prostitution should be legalized.
Drug addiction should be treated as a medical problem instead of a criminal one. It's like we learned nothing from prohibition.

LOL...Yes, we have fossils that supposedly took 10s of millions of years to form, except, they didn't necessarily. Fossilized fish in the midst of being swallowed by a bigger fish, for example. There are many more glaring holes that you likely have never been made aware of.

Fossilization is a rare process. Usually a dead animal is scavenged by other animals and we have nothing to fossilize. The evidence we do have, though, is pretty compelling. Life evolved through a process of natural selection.

No, we absolutely do not. You have been indoctrinated to believe that we do. You are just one of the sheep that the globalists love.
Or I just have a set of eyes and I can see that winters are a lot warmer than they were when I was growing up. I can see the melting icebergs and shrinking glaciers and dying coral reefs and say, "Gee, there must be something to that."

This is where the Libertarian Children have corrupted the GOP. A few rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers tell you something and you believe it.
Why not do it in public?

Unlike you, who can't seem to answer a question, I'll answer yours.

Everyone knows why.

Because in public, the press can immediately jump on the whole testimony and spin like the earth to make it look like they want it to look.

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