Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

You think the biggest influence peddling scandal in the history of the country should have been "written off with a fine"? We've never prosecuted a relative of a President like this before because we've never had a relative of a President ACT this way before!

As for my being afraid of Hunter getting some "sympathy"? Not likely. Hunter's a POS. The more that's revealed about the way he's lived his entire life the more disgusting a human being he shows himself to be!
He's possibly a product of a failed marriage between his dad and step mom, otherwise who set in motion everything we see in this man. Greed, power, and corruption creates these kinds of entitled human beings, and it appears that he may have been surrounded by it. If so, Joe should be ashamed of it all.
No, what I am saying is that the Democratic constituency is full of complete morons who will believe any headline they read from the MSM or on social media.

As opposed to the MAGA inbreds who believe anything their Orange Shitgibbon says.

Again, if you guys have the goods on Hunter, why not say them in an open forum? You know, instead of a secret deposition where you can cherry-pick answers (which you guys have already done.)

Congress isn’t looking to prosecute Hunter for his drug problems. In case you haven’t been paying attention, he has been involved in some super shady multi-million dollar deals with foreign entities and his dad has lied repeatedly about his knowledge of any of his son’s business dealings.

Except- you really haven't proven any of his dealings were "Shady" or that Joe knew all that much about them.

Both Hunter and Joe have multiple shell companies(companies with no purpose/income other than pass-through entities). That is very much worth investigating for people who really care about corruption in government.

Hey, speaking of shell companies.

That sounds a lot dicier than anything Hunter did.

Don’t worry, the corrupt DOJ isn’t interested in any of this. Evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, is completely irrelevant to them and most Democrats who support this administration.

You might have a point here. Just like they aren't terribly interested in Jared's 2 BILLION deal with the Saudis (You know, the people who carried out 9/11). The reality is - wait for it - there's a lot of money to be made in foreign markets.
You think the biggest influence peddling scandal in the history of the country should have been "written off with a fine"? We've never prosecuted a relative of a President like this before because we've never had a relative of a President ACT this way before!

Except you haven't proven influence peddling. You have to show me something that Hunter's Clients got from Joe (who was vice-president at the time, and really didn't have any real power) for all the money they spent.

You can't prove that.

As for my being afraid of Hunter getting some "sympathy"? Not likely. Hunter's a POS. The more that's revealed about the way he's lived his entire life the more disgusting a human being he shows himself to be!

Well, I realize that you lack compassion. The guy saw his mother killed in front of him as a child. His brother died of cancer. he struggles with substance abuse (about 17% of Americans do) but got over it.

And obviously, you can't be as successful as he was without a certain level of charisma.
The Trump children sat through closed depositions and then answered questions from members of Congress. Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed under oath. Gee, what are you hiding, Hunter?
I heard what seems quite appropos regarding Hunter.
He's basically no different than a Gangster.They both
don't earn money the old fashioned way and spend Lots of
moolah on Sex stuff.Hunter spent upwards of One Million
on his sexual addictions.Plus he carried around a pistol
and showed off his Drunken sprees.No different than a
Eric Trump explained to Sean Hannity in very lucid
talk last week about how he was about The Most Subpoena'd
person in America.Eric kinda proved it.
Plus not one bit of business troubles or complaints about
his Business practices or Bank activity.
Compared to this Scumbag Hunter,Eric was a
Model citizen.No wonder he got the treatment from
the scumbags at MSNBC.The Place to go to get feed a load
Of B.S. and unamericanism.
Except you haven't proven influence peddling. You have to show me something that Hunter's Clients got from Joe (who was vice-president at the time, and really didn't have any real power) for all the money they spent.

You can't prove that.

Well, I realize that you lack compassion. The guy saw his mother killed in front of him as a child. His brother died of cancer. he struggles with substance abuse (about 17% of Americans do) but got over it.

And obviously, you can't be as successful as he was without a certain level of charisma.
Yer either a sociopath with a dependency for being a liar,
clueless or think yer cute.Either way you belong in some kind of
Institution for the lackadaisically juvenile delinquent.
And NO you cannot receive Communion no matter if one
them Catholic Leftist Demoncrats.
As opposed to the MAGA inbreds who believe anything their Orange Shitgibbon says.

Again, if you guys have the goods on Hunter, why not say them in an open forum? You know, instead of a secret deposition where you can cherry-pick answers (which you guys have already done.)

Except- you really haven't proven any of his dealings were "Shady" or that Joe knew all that much about them.

Hey, speaking of shell companies.

That sounds a lot dicier than anything Hunter did.

You might have a point here. Just like they aren't terribly interested in Jared's 2 BILLION deal with the Saudis (You know, the people who carried out 9/11). The reality is - wait for it - there's a lot of money to be made in foreign markets.
You don't figure in that all subpoenas aren't created as equal. They have a wide range of variances that make them different in evidence there of, and in variations there of.........But yes if anyone has done what Hunter and Joe had allegedly engaged in, then I say damned right bring them in next.
Except- you really haven't proven any of his dealings were "Shady" or that Joe knew all that much about them.

Of course they have. There is ample circumstantial evidence against Hunter Biden.

Hey, speaking of shell companies.

You clearly don’t know what a real shell company is. Don’t worry, most of the MSM is clueless as well.
You don't figure in that all subpoenas aren't created as equal. They have a wide range of variances that make them different in evidence there of, and in variations there of.........But yes if anyone has done what Hunter and Joe had allegedly engaged in, then I say damned right bring them in next.
It's no longer amazing the way the Scumbagger Left has been
so dynamically wrong about most everything.
From Lunchpail Joe being " the grownup in the room ".
To not knowing anything at all about son Hunter's business'.
Then regurgitated pablum ad nauseum about MAGA this
and MAGA that.Like some perpetual TV that's always on and
always acting bratty as if a non-stop edition of some
Punch & Judy Show.
I mean,even Retired Gorilla living in southern Florida in some
old and worn Zoo Cages are demanding they want their
old age retirement funds adjusted or paid in full.
If Clark Gable was around he's side with the Gorillas.
Like he did in - Mogambo - { 1953 }
Except you haven't proven influence peddling. You have to show me something that Hunter's Clients got from Joe (who was vice-president at the time, and really didn't have any real power) for all the money they spent.

You can't prove that.

Well, I realize that you lack compassion. The guy saw his mother killed in front of him as a child. His brother died of cancer. he struggles with substance abuse (about 17% of Americans do) but got over it.

And obviously, you can't be as successful as he was without a certain level of charisma.
I lack "compassion"? Because I think someone who spends millions on drugs and prostitutes but refuses to pay child support is a piece of shit? Because I point out that Hunter Biden has been living off his last name his entire adult life...bringing influence peddling to a level never seen in this country? Because I'm appalled that his family was willing to trade political favors for millions of dollars with some of the worst people on the planet?

You're so right, Joey! I totally lack compassion for Hunter Biden and his family! The level of corruption in the Biden's disgusts me. The way that they have lied about what they've done disgusts me. Their claims of "victimhood" disgusts me.
Of course they have. There is ample circumstantial evidence against Hunter Biden.

You clearly don’t know what a real shell company is. Don’t worry, most of the MSM is clueless as well.
Virtually makes no nevermind.Shell Company or Shell Oil.
Like the way the Drat Lying corrupted Left { Mainstreamed Media }
Played that game with the - Steele Dossier - then onto use of
the dreaded - Quid Pro Quo - that was used exclusively
in Donald Trump's First Impeachment.
It's all a hall of mirrors and disgusting use of some
Huge Porcelain Funny House head { shaking } to get the blood
boiling.Has nothing whatever to do with :
Truth and the American Way
Super impose while constant dumbing down the masses
like what was used with the Covid narrative,mask requirements
and social distancing.
Then onto crap ,like " The Most Secure Election in American history ".
Where it was just learned that 1 in 5 mail-in ballots were
probably not original but duplicates.Co-opted by other than one
It gives me results about the NY fraud case, not Congress.
Yer either a sociopath with a dependency for being a liar,
clueless or think yer cute.Either way you belong in some kind of
Institution for the lackadaisically juvenile delinquent.
And NO you cannot receive Communion no matter if one
them Catholic Leftist Demoncrats.
So you were unable to refute anything I said. Thanks for playing.
Of course they have. There is ample circumstantial evidence against Hunter Biden.
"circumstantial evidence"? How about ACTUAL evidence?
You clearly don’t know what a real shell company is. Don’t worry, most of the MSM is clueless as well.

Except if we know who owns them, they aren't shell companies, are they?
I lack "compassion"? Because I think someone who spends millions on drugs and prostitutes but refuses to pay child support is a piece of shit?

why should he pay child support for a child he never agreed to have?

Because I point out that Hunter Biden has been living off his last name his entire adult life...bringing influence peddling to a level never seen in this country?

Right, still waiting to see what these people got for all the influence they bought... Seems to me that if they supposedly paid for influence, you should be able to show what they actually got.

Because I'm appalled that his family was willing to trade political favors for millions of dollars with some of the worst people on the planet?

Donald Trump? What political favor did they get? Not firing Shokin, he was fired by the Ukrainian Rada.

You're so right, Joey! I totally lack compassion for Hunter Biden and his family!
I know, man, he humiliated your orange god-man.
The level of corruption in the Biden's disgusts me. The way that they have lied about what they've done disgusts me. Their claims of "victimhood" disgusts me.
The fact they beat you disgusts you.

Donald Trump stole from a charity, Jared did a 2 BILLION dollar deal with the Saudis (the truly worst people on the planet!)
I lack "compassion"? Because I think someone who spends millions on drugs and prostitutes but refuses to pay child support is a piece of shit? Because I point out that Hunter Biden has been living off his last name his entire adult life...bringing influence peddling to a level never seen in this country? Because I'm appalled that his family was willing to trade political favors for millions of dollars with some of the worst people on the planet?

You're so right, Joey! I totally lack compassion for Hunter Biden and his family! The level of corruption in the Biden's disgusts me. The way that they have lied about what they've done disgusts me. Their claims of "victimhood" disgusts me.
Don't forget about the way Biden has pandered for votes in the most disgusting and obvious way, and how his administration is using Obama care to pay people off for their loyalty with our taxpayer money.

Have you noticed the amount of YouTube adds showing up in between the video content watched, otherwise telling people they can get Obamacare flex cards valued at $1,200 dollars, and then one can get $1,400 dollars a month up to $5,000 dollars total if qualify for yet another program touted under the affordable care act, and then there is one that says if qualify a person can get other benefits under other programs along those same lines ?? Then they are still giving out these free Obama phones where the drug dealers are carrying two phones now ? Nothing like giving free, and without merit these communication devices that can be used for nefarious reasons right ?

Nothing but damned Vote buying is all it is, and basically using our hard earned tax dollars to pay dependents for their loyalty. Now they've really went and shoved in our faces with this huge unprecedented act of bringing in or enticing these illegals to come in here by the millions in hopes to use them in their loyalty buying schemes. They are truly some super diabolical people these Democrat's are

The American working class have been screwed over by all of this bull shite like nobody's business. On top of it all (giving out all this free shite), it's causing people to say screw work too, otherwise them saying I ain't doing shite or you can't be my boss like that or I'll just quit..... It's showing up in every workforce where manual or clerical labor is involved.

Everything the Democrat's touch turns to shite.
Plus didn't she mostly say she couldn't remember the answer too the questions?
What the crap are you too talking about ? Hunter's role involves government officials being caught up with him in a corruption scandal, and so it matters not if he wasn't in government, but that he was a link in a possible serious government corruption scandal that involves a U.S. President.

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