Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

"circumstantial evidence"? How about ACTUAL evidence?

People are convicted everyday on circumstantial evidence.

For example, despite what you may think, a smoking gun and/or fingerprints is not required to convict someone of murder.

Except if we know who owns them, they aren't shell companies, are they?

You clearly don't know the definition of a shell company.

why should he pay child support for a child he never agreed to have?

Maybe because he made the choice to engage in an activity that could result in pregnancy.

Right, still waiting to see what these people got for all the influence they bought... Seems to me that if they supposedly paid for influence, you should be able to show what they actually got.

What did they buy then? We may never know all the favors they received for their "contributions" to the Biden family.
People are convicted everyday on circumstantial evidence.

For example, despite what you may think, a smoking gun and/or fingerprints is not required to convict someone of murder.

You clearly don't know the definition of a shell company.

Maybe because he made the choice to engage in an activity that could result in pregnancy.

What did they buy then? We may never know all the favors they received for their "contributions" to the Biden family.
Joe is the biggest what if poster we got on this site... The sky is blue, and Joe will say -but what if it's not really blue, but in reality it's really red ??? ROTFLMBO 🤣

He tries to deflect, distract or use whataboutism to the nth degree for his cause.
People are convicted everyday on circumstantial evidence.
Yes, they are. Heck, if you are poor and black, you can be convicted on wishful thinking. Unfortunately for you, Hunter isn't poor or black, so you'd better bring some real evidence.
For example, despite what you may think, a smoking gun and/or fingerprints is not required to convict someone of murder.

I live in a state where 16 men were sent to Death Row for crimes they didn't commit. This is nothing to be proud of. Where is your ACTUAL evidence? Show me where Hunter got paid by (X), and as a result, (X) got a favorable policy decision from the Vice President. That's actual evidence.

Not, "Hunter got money because of his name, and that make me soooo angry."

You clearly don't know the definition of a shell company.

Neither does this guy...

Rep. James Comer, a multimillionaire farmer, boasts of being one of the largest landholders near his rural Kentucky hometown, and he has meticulously documented nearly all of his landholdings on congressional financial disclosure documents – roughly 1,600 acres (645 hectares) in all.

But there are 6 acres (2.4 hectares) that he bought in 2015 and co-owns with a longtime campaign contributor that he has treated differently, transferring his ownership to Farm Team Properties, a shell company he co-owns with his wife.

Maybe because he made the choice to engage in an activity that could result in pregnancy.
again, she was a stripper, the guy had every right to doubt her.
What did they buy then? We may never know all the favors they received for their "contributions" to the Biden family.

Well, when you can prove they got something, get back to me.

Look, you guys shot down every attempt at campaign finance reform and lobbying reform for the last 20 years. When Congress passed McCain-Feingold, you guys rushed off to SCOTUS and got the Citizens United Decision that makes it easy to shovel BILLIONS into campaigns.

And you are upset that Hunter got consulting contracts because of his name?
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Yes, they are. Heck, if you are poor and black, you can be convicted on wishful thinking. Unfortunately for you, Hunter isn't poor or black, so you'd better bring some real evidence.

I live in a state where 16 men were sent to Death Row for crimes they didn't commit. This is nothing to be proud of. Where is your ACTUAL evidence? Show me where Hunter got paid by (X), and as a result, (X) got a favorable policy decision from the Vice President. That's actual evidence.

Not, "Hunter got money because of his name, and that make me soooo angry."

Neither does this guy...

Rep. James Comer, a multimillionaire farmer, boasts of being one of the largest landholders near his rural Kentucky hometown, and he has meticulously documented nearly all of his landholdings on congressional financial disclosure documents – roughly 1,600 acres (645 hectares) in all.

But there are 6 acres (2.4 hectares) that he bought in 2015 and co-owns with a longtime campaign contributor that he has treated differently, transferring his ownership to Farm Team Properties, a shell company he co-owns with his wife.

again, she was a stripper, the guy had every right to doubt her.

Well, when you can prove they got something, get back to me.

Look, you guys shot down every attempt at campaign finance reform and lobbying reform for the last 20 years. When Congress passed McCain-Feingold, you guys rushed off to SCOTUS and got the Citizens United Decision that makes it easy to shovel BILLIONS into campaigns.

And you are upset that Hunter got consulting contracts because of his name?
Blah, blah, blah blah, blah...
Yes, they are. Heck, if you are poor and black, you can be convicted on wishful thinking. Unfortunately for you, Hunter isn't poor or black, so you'd better bring some real evidence.

Or a very wealthy, white as snow attorney from South Carolina named Alex Murdaugh. I guess that one doesn't count.

Neither does this guy...

Comer's company has real income from hunting leases and land purchases. You fell for a hit piece because you are a gullible fool.

Well, when you can prove they got something, get back to me.

See the thing is you don't care if he is a traitor or not. Companies don't hire people and pay them millions for no benefit. It really is as simple as that. You want absolute proof, which may come to light, but enough circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prove guilt. Just because YOU don't want it to be true, doesn't make it not true to any reasonable observer.
Or a very wealthy, white as snow attorney from South Carolina named Alex Murdaugh. I guess that one doesn't count.
Well, there was ACTUAL EVIDENCE in that case... like a dead body.
Comer's company has real income from hunting leases and land purchases. You fell for a hit piece because you are a gullible fool.

Not seeing a difference, most of Hunter's "Shell companies" have equally legitimate purposes...

See the thing is you don't care if he is a traitor or not.
by your bizarre redneck logic, most of corporate AMerica are "Traitors", as we have all done business in China.
Companies don't hire people and pay them millions for no benefit.
Are you fucking kidding? I can't tell you how many time I've seen companies piss away money on "consultants" who ended up telling them the things their employees had been saying for years.

You want absolute proof, which may come to light, but enough circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prove guilt.
Except you haven't provided ANY evidence of influence peddling. THis should be fairly simple to do.

1) Show a bank transfer from X to hunter.
2) Show something Joe did that benefited X.

That should be REALLY simple.

You can't prove that to a jury, and you know it... which is why Comer wants these fishing expeditions in secret.
Well, there was ACTUAL EVIDENCE in that case... like a dead body.

And there is actual evidence int his case too. Shokin was, in fact, fired. You can claim that it wasn't due to Hunter's influence, but that is no different than Alex Murdaugh saying he didn't kill his wife and son.

Not seeing a difference, most of Hunter's "Shell companies" have equally legitimate purposes...

Name their purpose? And "most" means nothing. He had MANY LLCs that had no income and no stated purpose.

by your bizarre redneck logic, most of corporate AMerica are "Traitors", as we have all done business in China.

Doing business overseas is not the issue. Having your VP dad withhold US aid money to a country unless said country does what your employer wants them to do is a bit different. Democrats are pretty stupid overall, but even they should be able to figure this one out.

Are you fucking kidding? I can't tell you how many time I've seen companies piss away money on "consultants" who ended up telling them the things their employees had been saying for years.

There is at least a perceived gain. Whether or not that comes to fruition is another thing. Burisma, in particular their president, hired Hunter and paid him handsomely because of a perceived gain. By most reasonable accounts, the CEO and the company benefitted greatly, not from his expertise, but from getting exactly what they wanted from the US government.

Except you haven't provided ANY evidence of influence peddling. THis should be fairly simple to do.

If this administration was more forthcoming they would. It is quite amazing how much evidence they have been able to gather to date given the non-cooperation. Whistleblowers have been a real problem for this administration. I guess they just assume that everyone is on board with their lies and corruption. The impeachment inquiry should help, provided they don't continue to stonewall.
And there is actual evidence int his case too. Shokin was, in fact, fired. You can claim that it wasn't due to Hunter's influence, but that is no different than Alex Murdaugh saying he didn't kill his wife and son.

BUt here's the thing. Joe didn't fire Shokin. Hunter didn't fire Shokin. Shokin was fired by the Ukrainian Rada AFTER his top deputies were caught with millions of dollars in uncut diamonds and foreign currency. This was after the EU, IMF, and even Republicans in Congress demanded he should go.

Name their purpose? And "most" means nothing. He had MANY LLCs that had no income and no stated purpose.

Which means nothing. A large consulting firm will often set up such companies to do business in other jurisdictions.

There is at least a perceived gain. Whether or not that comes to fruition is another thing. Burisma, in particular their president, hired Hunter and paid him handsomely because of a perceived gain. By most reasonable accounts, the CEO and the company benefitted greatly, not from his expertise, but from getting exactly what they wanted from the US government.

What did they get, specifically? Not firing Shokin, Shokin was too busy shaking down other businesses to investigate Bursima.

If this administration was more forthcoming they would. It is quite amazing how much evidence they have been able to gather to date given the non-cooperation. Whistleblowers have been a real problem for this administration. I guess they just assume that everyone is on board with their lies and corruption. The impeachment inquiry should help, provided they don't continue to stonewall.

Actually, they've served up a bunch of nothingburgers! And Biden has been a lot more forthcoming on these investigations than Trump was with his two impeachments.
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I guess I was wrong. I didn’t think they were the kind of sheeple to give up their liberties that easily! :dunno:
I guess I was wrong. I didn’t think they were the kind of sheeple to give up their liberties that easily! :dunno:
They respect the law and respect Congress. Unlike Hunter (and clearly his father).
They respect the law and respect Congress. Unlike Hunter (and clearly his father).
They’re two different people. Joe wasn’t subpoenaed. Trying to shoehorn him into Hunter’s problems isn’t working and people are starting to notice.
They’re two different people. Joe wasn’t subpoenaed. Trying to shoehorn him into Hunter’s problems isn’t working and people are starting to notice.
White House confirmed that Joe knew ahead of time of his son's plans to tell Congress to take their subpoena and shove it.
Expanded healthcare
Massive Infrastructure
COVID vaccinations

The Bastard
Education? LOL The US is in a death spiral when it comes to education, Winger! Our kids can't read...can't write...and can't do simple math but the teachers unions and the left want more money so they can continue to push their political agenda to our children!
Education? LOL The US is in a death spiral when it comes to education, Winger! Our kids can't read...can't write...and can't do simple math but the teachers unions and the left want more money so they can continue to push their political agenda to our children!
Which is why Democrats are expanding access to education

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