Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study

I can’t believe you guys are warning people not to take the drug Trump discovered that is actually working for patients
Trump didn't discover this drug. His stockbroker did. He's invested in it for Lupus and Malaria. He wants to make a killing off of it.
94% of the desk in New York City are from people with pre-existing conditions
I accept your surrender. If you cannot challenge the link I provided, then you just lost the game. See how easy this is?
I don’t have to. Everyone knows it works if you watch real news
No you don't because you can't. Fantasy is your game and lying to us and yourself is your cause. And it's a losing cause, and I proved it. You are incapable of proving me wrong based on accurate data from the government.
The study you are referring to only used man old man with pre-existing conditions Some had tubes in the throat.. Take your fake news and shove it up your ass
You''re a loser with nothing as always.
Speak for yourself.
The irresponsibility of Trump and his ignorant supporters is over the top; ‘11 on the corruption scale:’ Chris Hayes on Trump admin. forcing out top vaccine doctor amid pandemic
Didier Raoult the fraud is being slowly exposed:

Their patients were mostly asymptomatic. WTF? It's classic corruption like nothing we have ever seen. ‘11 on the corruption scale:’ Chris Hayes on Trump admin. forcing out top vaccine doctor amid pandemic
You wouldn't know, you don't look for evidence that it isn't, you spew talking points instead
Your war on the english language aside, you seem confused about how the world works. To call it effective, there must be scientific evidence that it is effective.

I posted a number of studies proving it is effective.

You are either illiterate or willfully ignorant, given you don't read anything someone opposing you posts.

Nothing can overcome the hate that 'Orange Man Bad Syndrome' breeds in lefties. As they openly cheer for HCQ to fail.
You are living in an alternate universe; Obama official: Ousting vaccine doctor in fight against COVID is like 'pulling Tom Brady in the 4th quarter'

so, we all know that the article from this thread is pure propaganda

HCN is still be used every day by all the major hospitals, and that will continue

why the propaganda about this drug?

they want Trump to be wrong & it is inexpensive & easy to scale, as opposed to new treatments and vaccines that are not available in genetic brands

there is a financial incentive behind this, just as there is a political incentive

what's best for the folks be damned

it works to mitigate the Chinese Virus if administered early enough

the director of the VA admitted this was a faulty study
There is no evidence it works based on the asymptomatic patients it tested; A small trial finds that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for treating coronavirus

Please prove to us with documentation how the FDA is wrong.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others - one in France and one in China - that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

The smaller the study, the more undefined the results are. Were you expecting us to fall for that? Were you going on earlier in this thread about wanting it to cure everyone who had it with equal result?
You need to wake up, update yourself, and get in the game. You are living in wonderland. Get out of your bubble; ‘11 on the corruption scale:’ Chris Hayes on Trump admin. forcing out top vaccine doctor amid pandemic

Obama official: Ousting vaccine doctor in fight against COVID is like 'pulling Tom Brady in the 4th quarter'
o_O Chris Hayes??? MSNBC???? Do you have any idea who owns MSNBC, and NBC??? Universal owns them, do you know who owns Universal? China! Do you know who owns you? China! All democrats are fascists, just as your masters in China happen to be.... :poke:
I'm not rooting for anything to fail. However, I do want a variety of drugs and vaccines, and I would like them to be safe and not kill patients. And, the VA study showed that if you took the drugs, you were twice as likely to die than if you had conventional treatment.

My preference for treatment? Well, treating infected patients with the plasma of people who recovered has shown a pretty good recovery rate. Matter of fact, they are asking recovered patients here in Amarillo to consider donating plasma to help with our outbreak.
I'm not rooting for anything to fail. However, I do want a variety of drugs and vaccines, and I would like them to be safe and not kill patients. And, the VA study showed that if you took the drugs, you were twice as likely to die than if you had conventional treatment.

My preference for treatment? Well, treating infected patients with the plasma of people who recovered has shown a pretty good recovery rate. Matter of fact, they are asking recovered patients here in Amarillo to consider donating plasma to help with our outbreak.
My understanding is that(blood plasma antibodies)is the best option for folks deep into infection, and likely to succumb to it.... The VA study is utterly fraudulent, and has been resoundingly debunked, you folks really should cease citing it in any fashion. The AP knew this by the way when they deliberately ran it as obfuscation and Chinese propaganda!
I'm not rooting for anything to fail. However, I do want a variety of drugs and vaccines, and I would like them to be safe and not kill patients. And, the VA study showed that if you took the drugs, you were twice as likely to die than if you had conventional treatment.

My preference for treatment? Well, treating infected patients with the plasma of people who recovered has shown a pretty good recovery rate. Matter of fact, they are asking recovered patients here in Amarillo to consider donating plasma to help with our outbreak.
My understanding is that(blood plasma antibodies)is the best option for folks deep into infection, and likely to succumb to it.... The VA study is utterly fraudulent, and has been resoundingly debunked, you folks really should cease citing it in any fashion. The AP knew this by the way when they deliberately ran it as obfuscation and Chinese propaganda!
Why wont Democrats believe what you’re saying
understanding is that(blood plasma antibodies)is the best option for folks deep into infection, and likely to succumb to it....
Fascinating that you understand this, despite the fact that the actual scientific tests of this just started. You must be Miss Cleo.
so, we all know that the article from this thread is pure propaganda

HCN is still be used every day by all the major hospitals, and that will continue

why the propaganda about this drug?

they want Trump to be wrong & it is inexpensive & easy to scale, as opposed to new treatments and vaccines that are not available in genetic brands

there is a financial incentive behind this, just as there is a political incentive

what's best for the folks be damned

it works to mitigate the Chinese Virus if administered early enough

the director of the VA admitted this was a faulty study
There is no evidence it works based on the asymptomatic patients it tested; A small trial finds that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for treating coronavirus

Please prove to us with documentation how the FDA is wrong.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others - one in France and one in China - that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

The smaller the study, the more undefined the results are. Were you expecting us to fall for that? Were you going on earlier in this thread about wanting it to cure everyone who had it with equal result?
You need to wake up, update yourself, and get in the game. You are living in wonderland. Get out of your bubble; ‘11 on the corruption scale:’ Chris Hayes on Trump admin. forcing out top vaccine doctor amid pandemic

Obama official: Ousting vaccine doctor in fight against COVID is like 'pulling Tom Brady in the 4th quarter'

Perhaps it is you who needs to wake up, vehement denier of hope. And before you tell me to 'wake up' perhaps you shouldn't be quoting me the shills at MSNBC.

This tells me all I need to know. You didn't read the studies, you don't accept the science. You deny science simply to quench your hatred of Trump and anything he does or supports.

You are not to lecture me about science again, understand? Because you clearly cannot accept science without permeating it with your own biases.

Oh, and never tell me people like you support science. Because you don't.
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Trump steps on his mushroom dick about that "cure" case in point >>>a lot more here FYI:

Dr. Rick Bright: GTFO – you’re transferred – fired
(Bright was correct about the danger from chloroquine
and hydroxychloroquine)

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