Hypocrisy at the heart of the anti abortionist argument

The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!

I am not a lesbian, although I don't think that being one would constitute a credible accusation. As as heterosexual person, I wish blessings and long life to my lesbian sisters.

Why don't you answer the questions of who raises these unwanted babies, who will their families be, why are you against the use of modern technology to limit the occurrence of unwanted babies? What problem do you have with the use of modern technology in the sexual sphere? What problem do you have with male-female intimacy? Out with it! What is eating you?

the answer to your question is irrelevant since you murdered the child before we could find them a family,,,

Nobody murders a child, regardless of your mythology.
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!

I am not a lesbian, although I don't think that being one would constitute a credible accusation. As as heterosexual person, I wish blessings and long life to my lesbian sisters.

Why don't you answer the questions of who raises these unwanted babies, who will their families be, why are you against the use of modern technology to limit the occurrence of unwanted babies? What problem do you have with the use of modern technology in the sexual sphere? What problem do you have with male-female intimacy? Out with it! What is eating you?

the answer to your question is irrelevant since you murdered the child before we could find them a family,,,

Nobody murders a child, regardless of your mythology.

your deflection is noted,,,

you freely call them unwanted children and then you claim killing them is not murder,,,then what is it when you kill another human if not murder???
How does the left justify a M.D. surgeon who happens to be the democrat governor of Virginia proposing a scenario where the newborn baby would be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents discuss whether or not to kill it on the basis of conforming to some eugenic standard? The (mostly) left wing animal rights group "PETA" tries to tell us that fish have feelings but apparently full term human babies who are the victims of late term abortions and are stabbed in the back of their heads while frankenstein machines suck out their brains out should be ignored.
How does the left justify a M.D. surgeon who happens to be the democrat governor of Virginia proposing a scenario where the newborn baby would be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents discuss whether or not to kill it on the basis of conforming to some eugenic standard? The (mostly) left wing animal rights group "PETA" tries to tell us that fish have feelings but apparently full term humans who are the victims of late term abortions and are stabbed in the back of their heads while frankenstein machines suck out their brains out should be ignored.

Baby murderers have different priorities than us
Used ones are cheaper than that!

The point was, birth control pills haven't been $9 in a long time.
So they are $15...2 packs of smokes..are you too cheap to buy them...sure you could find some used ones in San Fran, LA or NYC on many street cornors!

They would do me no good but the facts are, you were repeating something as facts that you knew very well was not.
Damn how fucking stupid can a ABNORMAL GET?

Sandra Fluke Says She Didn't Know Target Sells Birth Control Pills for $9 - CNS News
Mar 21, 2012 · (CNSNews.com) – Thirty-year-old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, who told a House Steering and Policy Committee hearing convened

7 years ago. People can not live in the past. Odd when you get called out on this, you admit you are wrong but then double down on it.
Oh my a $6 price increase!!!!....You make yourself look like a bigger idiot than we already know you are...baby killer!.......please keep it up...your insanity is hilarious... ROTFLMFAO!
Men should have the snip when they are about 10 and get their tackle reconnected when they get married and are financially viable. Problem sorted.

who are you to tell a man what he can or cant do with his body???
Now you get it.
get what???

a mans nuts are his while an unborn child is a separate person

so flagging it as funny is all you got,,,
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!

I am not a lesbian, although I don't think that being one would constitute a credible accusation. As as heterosexual person, I wish blessings and long life to my lesbian sisters.

Why don't you answer the questions of who raises these unwanted babies, who will their families be, why are you against the use of modern technology to limit the occurrence of unwanted babies? What problem do you have with the use of modern technology in the sexual sphere? What problem do you have with male-female intimacy? Out with it! What is eating you?
You sick fucks who just THROW AWAY lives like stepping on ants bother me....your unethical. Immoral and unprincipled behavior goes against all teaching from all cultures for centuries....and the cults that did kill babies centuries ago are no longer here....sorry to hit you with facts.....and who pays for it....how about we CHARGE BOTH PARENTS of that baby a SURCHARGE on what they currently make for tax purposes and if you are too poor, WE as a moral society will take care of them, much like the hundreds of billions we spend a year on illegals....only thing is the woman shall be FIXED to never do this again to society!
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!

I am not a lesbian, although I don't think that being one would constitute a credible accusation. As as heterosexual person, I wish blessings and long life to my lesbian sisters.

Why don't you answer the questions of who raises these unwanted babies, who will their families be, why are you against the use of modern technology to limit the occurrence of unwanted babies? What problem do you have with the use of modern technology in the sexual sphere? What problem do you have with male-female intimacy? Out with it! What is eating you?
You sick fucks who just THROW AWAY lives like stepping on ants bother me....your unethical. Immoral and unprincipled behavior goes against all teaching from all cultures for centuries....and the cults that did kill babies centuries ago are no longer here....sorry to hit you with facts.....and who pays for it....how about we CHARGE BOTH PARENTS of that baby a SURCHARGE on what they currently make for tax purposes and if you are too poor, WE as a moral society will take care of them, much like the hundreds of billions we spend a year on illegals....only thing is the woman shall be FIXED to never do this again to society!

"We will help you as long as we can punish you also".
A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers': controlling women | Jill Filipovic

According to self-identified “pro-life” advocates, the fundamental divide between those who want to outlaw abortion and those who want to keep it legal comes down to one question: when does life begin? Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it. The article is pretty much nailed on but it refers to these extremists as "Christian".

Do me a favour.
You are at the heart of the Pro-Abortionist" argument, and justly so.
A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers': controlling women | Jill Filipovic

According to self-identified “pro-life” advocates, the fundamental divide between those who want to outlaw abortion and those who want to keep it legal comes down to one question: when does life begin? Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it. The article is pretty much nailed on but it refers to these extremists as "Christian".

Do me a favour.

Yeah...dipshit....define "gender equity" before you wet your pants....... no, Men are not Women, Women are not being paid less than men for the same job....so please......enlighten us.
you clearly dont know the definition of that word,,,
Nazis want to control a woman's civil rights.
Nazis are eugenicists, just like abortionists are....There's nothing more detrimental to civil rights than that.
Nazis complain that abortion is killing aryan babies.
Yet we know that negro babies are the vast majority of aborted little ones and we RACIST, BIGOTS of the right are the ones FIGHTING for their lives....seems to slap you lefties in the face with your hypocrisy! Simply wonder when THAT FACT takes hold of the black community of MOSTLY good people!
Nazis say only aryan nations have abortion, because Jews seek to kill their babies, and aryan race. They are wrong. Jews aren't out to get anybody, we are peaceful. Nazis are not peaceful like us.
There's nothing peaceful about you murderous eugenicist ghouls....The natural extreme of your inherently violent ideology is currently being manifested in the antifa goon squads....You detest civil rights, when utilizing them forms opposition to tour totalitarianism.
The so-called "pro-life" movement is based on a sexual perversion with misogyny and penis-worship at its core, being brought to us by men who are evil. The "pro-life" people have demonstrated that they care nothing for living beings, else they would be out there running to provide care for the migrant families who are being caged.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB what their plans are to raise all of these babies that they want to force women to bear, and never get any cogent answer.

I keep asking of these "pro-life" people on USMB why they refuse to discuss why they are against using modern technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and never get any cogent answer. If they "hate" abortion, why would they refuse to discuss ways to avoid it altogether unless they have an evil motive?

Why are so many men so malicious (not all are)? They scream that they are heterosexual and hate those who aren't, but they also hate their female partners, seeing them only as farm animals to be bred.
This is a seriously disturbed lesbian woman that is certainly mentally ill!...a $9 box of birth control pills stops it...why are women Soooo fucking stupid...asking a mental case!

I am not a lesbian, although I don't think that being one would constitute a credible accusation. As as heterosexual person, I wish blessings and long life to my lesbian sisters.

Why don't you answer the questions of who raises these unwanted babies, who will their families be, why are you against the use of modern technology to limit the occurrence of unwanted babies? What problem do you have with the use of modern technology in the sexual sphere? What problem do you have with male-female intimacy? Out with it! What is eating you?
You sick fucks who just THROW AWAY lives like stepping on ants bother me....your unethical. Immoral and unprincipled behavior goes against all teaching from all cultures for centuries....and the cults that did kill babies centuries ago are no longer here....sorry to hit you with facts.....and who pays for it....how about we CHARGE BOTH PARENTS of that baby a SURCHARGE on what they currently make for tax purposes and if you are too poor, WE as a moral society will take care of them, much like the hundreds of billions we spend a year on illegals....only thing is the woman shall be FIXED to never do this again to society!

"We will help you as long as we can punish you also".
Yup, that would be seen as an extreme position in advanced societies.
Sorry but I don't see how pro-life advocates having conservative views on other social matters is hypocritical at all.
Women have rights, and it is better to not bring unwanted babies into this world.
A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers': controlling women | Jill Filipovic

According to self-identified “pro-life” advocates, the fundamental divide between those who want to outlaw abortion and those who want to keep it legal comes down to one question: when does life begin? Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it. The article is pretty much nailed on but it refers to these extremists as "Christian".

Do me a favour.

I think abortion should be legal but I would far rather a lot more people exercise some personal responsibility and use contraception religiously if they do not want to have a child.

Hey bub, we don't cotton to rational arguments around here...

I'm sorry. Abortion is a Russian conspiracy to elect Trump to a third trimester.
A new survey shows what really interests 'pro-lifers': controlling women | Jill Filipovic

According to self-identified “pro-life” advocates, the fundamental divide between those who want to outlaw abortion and those who want to keep it legal comes down to one question: when does life begin? Anti-abortion advocacy pushes the view that life begins at conception; the name of their movement carefully centers the conceit that opposition to abortion rights is simply about wanting to save human lives.

A new poll shows that’s a lie. The “pro-life” movement is fundamentally about misogyny.

A Supermajority/PerryUndem survey released this week divides respondents by their position on abortion, and then tracks their answers to 10 questions on gender equality more generally. On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it. The article is pretty much nailed on but it refers to these extremists as "Christian".

Do me a favour.

I think abortion should be legal but I would far rather a lot more people exercise some personal responsibility and use contraception religiously if they do not want to have a child.

Hey bub, we don't cotton to rational arguments around here...

I'm sorry. Abortion is a Russian conspiracy to elect Trump to a third trimester.

Now that's the kind of hyperbole we're looking for. You're forgiven. For now. :04:
On every question, anti-abortion voters were significantly more hostile to gender equity than pro-choice voters.

I have always thought that it is more about punishing "sluts" and this confirms it.

Is this a joke? You swallow anything that tastes good.

True Catholics are far away completely against abortion for one reason: because it is an extreme mortal sin in many cases, and we do not want to go to hell. Secondly, we want to save the baby.

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