Hypocrisy - Joe Biden


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

VPs can’t declassify. So what now?

Let’s see the hypocrites defend this.
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VPs can’t declassify. So what now?

Let’s see the hypocrites defend this.
There's nothing wrong to try to defend. Obviously they were locked away and were forgotten. As soon as they were discovered they were turned in the next day. They were discovered when they were clearing out offices in D.C. Unlike trump, he did not play games with the documents. Which makes one wonder the government agency that's devoted to keeping track of such documents, how come they didn't realize they were missing. I mean these documents were out of circulation for almost a decade.
Did RUSSIA gain access to these illegally held CLASSIFIED documents? Did Biden put world democracy at RISK? How much damage did Joe Biden do to our national security? Why isn't Joe Biden in cuffs???
Did RUSSIA gain access to these illegally held CLASSIFIED documents? Did Biden put world democracy at RISK? How much damage did Joe Biden do to our national security? Why isn't Joe Biden in cuffs???
They weren't just lying around, they were locked up and forgotten in an administrative office. The only reason they found them is because they were clearing the office out. No damage other than feigned moral outrage by political opponents. The better question is why isn't trp in cuffs, he evaded the FBI for over a year.
It's about intent. Biden's was obviously accidental and reported immediately. Your crooked Russian compromised treasonous guy deliberately stole them and refused to return them. See if you can spot the difference. Doubt that a person like you would.
Your immediately is BS.....why was it hidden until now.....if immediately?
VPs can’t declassify.

That is a very good point. So that means that either Biden is a slimy, underhanded, treasonous traitor working with the Red Chinese with no authorization from above, or both he and Obumma were in cahoots.

I think we are going to have to have a full accounting of every last pair of dainties in Jill's closet and a full list of all of Hunter's art transactions, prices paid, and sold to who for his daughter, Navy. The Congress has made that request from the art gallery and he has refused---- looks to me like he will have to be subpoenaed to testify before Congress, and if he still refuses, throw him in jail like they did to Steve Bannon.

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