Hypocrite Kaepernick says he'll stand during national anthem if given chance to play in NFL again

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

CBS made the mistake, not me

CBS clarifies after saying Kaepernick would stand for anthem

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

CBS made the mistake, not me
Accepting stuff on the internet at face value is lazy and dangerous.
Trolls love that you do that.
CBS clarifies after saying Kaepernick would stand for anthem

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

Why ? He didn't post it knowing the story was going to be walked back.
During the interview in question, he never said one way or the other what he would do should he again be signed to a team.
By the way, IMO this was a bad move by the mods to move this thread to the sports board.
This story is a legitimate news story, and should be in Current Events.
Thank you guys for ceasing to discuss politics on the sports board.

It really fucks me up when politics are discussed on the sports board and vice versa.
Defenses figured out how to contain his running game and that was it. He was benched and that is when he started his "protest". He is a one dimensional QB and comes with a train load of baggage. Now if some bottom dweller team wants to take a chance on him, so be it but I don't see it.

But liberals will stay say he can't get hired because of RACISM!!! Even though the NFL is 70% black!
Defenses figured out how to contain his running game and that was it. He was benched and that is when he started his "protest". He is a one dimensional QB and comes with a train load of baggage. Now if some bottom dweller team wants to take a chance on him, so be it but I don't see it.

But liberals will stay say he can't get hired because of RACISM!!! Even though the NFL is 70% black!

But most the QB's in the NFL are mostly white doe
Personally I don't really think it would matter at this point.
He forever has become the poster boy and lightning rod for politicizing the NFL, and dividing the fans.
IMO, the NFL would be wise to keep him out of the league. He'll only reopen any wounds that have healed, and as long as he's around he'll keep the protest going whether he personally stands or not.

Actually the Department of Defense ---- and not the football type ---- was the entity that politicized the NFL. They got busted for it too, and it led to NFL sending three-quarters of a million bucks of taxpayer pimp money back.

Oh but that doesn't count, right?

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

CBS made the mistake, not me

CBS clarifies after saying Kaepernick would stand for anthem

Oh god damn GROW A PAIR you fucking pissant. Your own title claims he "said" some shit for which you had no evidence, and then you characterized as "too little too late" when there wasn't even anything there, just because you can't read.

Guess this "isn't your fault" either----
You waffling little bitch. I knew once money got tight enough you'd cave.

Did you now. It would appear you stepped in it, would it not Wimples?
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  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

Why ? He didn't post it knowing the story was going to be walked back.

He tried to run with the ball before he had possession of it, to use a football metaphor. The article contained no link and no quote. And a cursory search of the alleged source (CBS) revealed nothing. Yet he came in spewing shit that had no evidence, because he's an attention whore.
Hypocrite nothing, he needs to make a living. Terrible is a free agent yet, for a peaceful protest of white cops being allowed to kill unarmed men.

Gee, what a shame he didn't think of that while he was relishing in the spotlight.

So sorry, so sad!

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