Hypocrite Kaepernick says he'll stand during national anthem if given chance to play in NFL again

I wonder how this will go down with the other protesters. Maybe it's the beginning of the resolution of this tempest in a teapot. Or just adding another gallon of gasoline to the fire.

That was a mixed metaphor but I'm too lazy to change it.
Defenses figured out how to contain his running game and that was it. He was benched and that is when he started his "protest". He is a one dimensional QB and comes with a train load of baggage. Now if some bottom dweller team wants to take a chance on him, so be it but I don't see it.
As I stated from the beginning, he should find a role somewhere and as part of his agreement a clause that would make the contract null and void if he kneels for the anthem. This would have been dealt with long ago, and, it might actually send a message to other players that it's time to stop kneeling, since the man who started it has stopped; or, that this is one contract consequence you may face if you continue to do so.

Noone should have their career impeded for life based on such a situation. If he committed a crime charge him with something or move past it and give him a second chance. A man has a Right to earn a living, especially if he is better for the job than someone else.

Otherwise you all might as well move to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Why too little too late? Do we all not bleed the same color? Can we not forgive someone?

I think his return to football would actually be good if he stood and signed a contract that had a clause that ensured he was respectful to the flag and anthem. It would be a win/win for the NFL and might even allow him a platform to apologize and thank those who have fought and died for the country.

Noone should be so extreme as to not be willing to listen, understand, and yes where warranted, forgive and move on.

It's Thanksgiving in Canada. I've lived through hell lately, but I'm no quitter and I'm thankful for the life God granted me. This isn't a day in which I can shoot arrows at a man who simply wants to compete and earn a place in the sport. If he is the best guy for the job, let him have a shot.
  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?
You waffling little bitch. I knew once money got tight enough you'd cave. You're a disgrace and don't deserve to ever play.

So you wet your diaper if he doesn't stand, and you wet it again if he does.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

  1. Please tell me this is FAKE NEWS and this retarded mutherfucker didn't say this?

Funny how there's (a) no link in the OP article to such a report, that (b) a search for a CBS page returns only "page not found" and (c) other news outlets parroting the same story describe the reporter as "paraphrasing" whatever Kaepernick said.

And that (d) nobody anywhere has a quote.

Well can the OP be banned for posting fake news?

From this one I'd expect nothing more. Usually he doesn't even bother with a link, let alone a real story.
Personally I don't really think it would matter at this point.
He forever has become the poster boy and lightning rod for politicizing the NFL, and dividing the fans.
IMO, the NFL would be wise to keep him out of the league. He'll only reopen any wounds that have healed, and as long as he's around he'll keep the protest going whether he personally stands or not.
Behind every Prog Virtue Signaller is a greedy little pig with a self-serving agenda.

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