Hypothetical question for my fellow atheists

be sweeter
Why? The world isn't sugar-coated, cupcake.
Got to give you credit ----- if it wasn't for hemmorhoids, you'd be a perfect asshole.

You pontificate, but offer not proof ... you insult, but offer no counter-argument ... you tout your atheism, but yet you live in a world of non-atheistic discussion ... when challenged, you attack ... rather than discuss, you try ridicule, name calling, and deflection.

Pretty much makes you useless ...
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
Goid is anything to do with love and beauty deal with it
There is no objective evidence of the existence of God. You deal with that.
by those of us who know him personally there is
Why? The world isn't sugar-coated, cupcake.
Got to give you credit ----- if it wasn't for hemmorhoids, you'd be a perfect asshole.

You pontificate, but offer not proof ... you insult, but offer no counter-argument ... you tout your atheism, but yet you live in a world of non-atheistic discussion ... when challenged, you attack ... rather than discuss, you try ridicule, name calling, and deflection.

Pretty much makes you useless ...
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
Goid is anything to do with love and beauty deal with it
There is no objective evidence of the existence of God. You deal with that.
by those of us who know him personally there is
You get that, by definition, that's not how objective evidence works, right? Objective means that it would be recognised by anyone regardless of their point f view. When I state that I know that when I drop a ball from the roof of a building, it is going to fall to the ground, you sdon't need to agree with me to observe the objective evidence of my claim. I let go of the ball, and it either falls, or it doesn't. Regardless of whether you believe it will fall, or not. That's how objective evidence works. So, you either have objective evidence of the existence of God, or you don't.
Got to give you credit ----- if it wasn't for hemmorhoids, you'd be a perfect asshole.

You pontificate, but offer not proof ... you insult, but offer no counter-argument ... you tout your atheism, but yet you live in a world of non-atheistic discussion ... when challenged, you attack ... rather than discuss, you try ridicule, name calling, and deflection.

Pretty much makes you useless ...
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
Goid is anything to do with love and beauty deal with it
There is no objective evidence of the existence of God. You deal with that.
by those of us who know him personally there is
You get that, by definition, that's not how objective evidence works, right? Objective means that it would be recognised by anyone regardless of their point f view. When I state that I know that when I drop a ball from the roof of a building, it is going to fall to the ground, you sdon't need to agree with me to observe the objective evidence of my claim. I let go of the ball, and it either falls, or it doesn't. Regardless of whether you believe it will fall, or not. That's how objective evidence works. So, you either have objective evidence of the existence of God, or you don't.
yes doll duh i know
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
Goid is anything to do with love and beauty deal with it
There is no objective evidence of the existence of God. You deal with that.
by those of us who know him personally there is
You get that, by definition, that's not how objective evidence works, right? Objective means that it would be recognised by anyone regardless of their point f view. When I state that I know that when I drop a ball from the roof of a building, it is going to fall to the ground, you sdon't need to agree with me to observe the objective evidence of my claim. I let go of the ball, and it either falls, or it doesn't. Regardless of whether you believe it will fall, or not. That's how objective evidence works. So, you either have objective evidence of the existence of God, or you don't.
yes doll duh i know
Then why would you intentionally make a false claim about objective evidence,. Evidence is not objective if it is only recognisable by "those who know him personally". Which means your response to my assertion "There is no objective evidence of the existence of God," is inaccurate. Your assurance that you understand the concept of objective means that you intentionally made an inaccurate assertion. You do know what we call an intentionally inaccurate assertion, right? We call that a lie. Why are you lying?
Got to give you credit ----- if it wasn't for hemmorhoids, you'd be a perfect asshole.

You pontificate, but offer not proof ... you insult, but offer no counter-argument ... you tout your atheism, but yet you live in a world of non-atheistic discussion ... when challenged, you attack ... rather than discuss, you try ridicule, name calling, and deflection.

Pretty much makes you useless ...
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
I did not pretend that faith and logic go hand in hand.

What I did say, however, is that your spurious attacks, and fits of fantasy, bear absolutely no resemblance to reality. Instead, you use cheap semantic dissertations to try to bolster an obviously flagging ego. You spout your opinion, as if they were facts, rather than nonsensical rantings designed to feed your obviously over-developed sense of superiority.

God exists. Don't believe it? Ask me.

If that's not good enough, ask the other 9 out of 10 Americans who believe He exists. Most Americans Still Believe in God

Maybe you should consider, in the face of THAT empirical evidence, you just might be wrong. But, then, that would force you to admit a potential fallibility that you really don't believe you have - you sincerely believe that you are smarter than all the 300 million people who don't agree with you.
You talk about my "spurious attacks", nonsensical rantings", and then follow that up with a bandwagon argument? Guess what, Sunshine? 500 million worldwide think Christians are full of shit. Does that make me "more right than you"? REALLY?!?!?! That's what passes for logic to you?
Ignorance abounds.

You try to claim there is no God .... and then, you use the 500 million non-Christians, most of whom believe in God, as proof?? Seriously?

And the really sad part? You don't see just how incredibly dishonest you sound.
The ignorance is all yours. I was being snide, because your argument is stupid. 1.6 million people currently insist that the Earth is flat (yes, I actually looked that figure up; it is appalling). Does the fact that there are a million of them make any moron who believes this any. less. Wrong?!?!? Of course not. So why should your 300 million magically make you right, just by virtue of the fact that there are 300 million of you?!?!? It's called a bandwagon fallacy, and no matter how big the bandwagon is, it is still a logically flawed arguement.
Nice try ... you claimed the 300 million (funny how you changed it from 500 million) made me wrong.

Please try to keep up .... all those God-believes PROVE that I'm wrong for believing in God. What an amazing twist of perverted logic.What hubris. What an ego. What stupidity.
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
I did not pretend that faith and logic go hand in hand.

What I did say, however, is that your spurious attacks, and fits of fantasy, bear absolutely no resemblance to reality. Instead, you use cheap semantic dissertations to try to bolster an obviously flagging ego. You spout your opinion, as if they were facts, rather than nonsensical rantings designed to feed your obviously over-developed sense of superiority.

God exists. Don't believe it? Ask me.

If that's not good enough, ask the other 9 out of 10 Americans who believe He exists. Most Americans Still Believe in God

Maybe you should consider, in the face of THAT empirical evidence, you just might be wrong. But, then, that would force you to admit a potential fallibility that you really don't believe you have - you sincerely believe that you are smarter than all the 300 million people who don't agree with you.
You talk about my "spurious attacks", nonsensical rantings", and then follow that up with a bandwagon argument? Guess what, Sunshine? 500 million worldwide think Christians are full of shit. Does that make me "more right than you"? REALLY?!?!?! That's what passes for logic to you?
Ignorance abounds.

You try to claim there is no God .... and then, you use the 500 million non-Christians, most of whom believe in God, as proof?? Seriously?

And the really sad part? You don't see just how incredibly dishonest you sound.
The ignorance is all yours. I was being snide, because your argument is stupid. 1.6 million people currently insist that the Earth is flat (yes, I actually looked that figure up; it is appalling). Does the fact that there are a million of them make any moron who believes this any. less. Wrong?!?!? Of course not. So why should your 300 million magically make you right, just by virtue of the fact that there are 300 million of you?!?!? It's called a bandwagon fallacy, and no matter how big the bandwagon is, it is still a logically flawed argument.
Furthermore, the 500 million of which I spoke do not believe in God. There is an estimated 500 to 750 million atheists in the world. So, again, 500 million think you are wrong. Since that is more than your 300 million, does that make me more right than you? Or, do you recognise the absurdity of asserting the strength of your position on the number of people who agree with it?
... and now you move the goal posts again ... redefining what you MEANT to say, not what you DID say.

But, I'll address it .... the existence of 500 million ATHEISTS prove I'm wrong .... that would be 500 million atheists out of a world population of 7.5 BILLION (with a B) people .... that means 7 billion people believe as I do ... to tell me that the existence of 500 million misguided and deluded people negates the other 7 billion sure seems like an exercise in egotism to me.

As usual, you have demonstrated yourself NOT to be an atheist ... but to be a misguided egotist who is SCARED shitless you might be wrong, and are constantly calling in the wilderness for somebody to prove you wrong.

Sucks to be you.
Proof of what? That God doesn't exist? It doesn't work that way, sunshine. The unproven doesn't need to be disproven. Tell you what. Present some objective, verifiable evidence of the existence of God, and we'll talk. Until then, quit pretending that faith goes hand in hand with logic and reason.
I did not pretend that faith and logic go hand in hand.

What I did say, however, is that your spurious attacks, and fits of fantasy, bear absolutely no resemblance to reality. Instead, you use cheap semantic dissertations to try to bolster an obviously flagging ego. You spout your opinion, as if they were facts, rather than nonsensical rantings designed to feed your obviously over-developed sense of superiority.

God exists. Don't believe it? Ask me.

If that's not good enough, ask the other 9 out of 10 Americans who believe He exists. Most Americans Still Believe in God

Maybe you should consider, in the face of THAT empirical evidence, you just might be wrong. But, then, that would force you to admit a potential fallibility that you really don't believe you have - you sincerely believe that you are smarter than all the 300 million people who don't agree with you.
You talk about my "spurious attacks", nonsensical rantings", and then follow that up with a bandwagon argument? Guess what, Sunshine? 500 million worldwide think Christians are full of shit. Does that make me "more right than you"? REALLY?!?!?! That's what passes for logic to you?
Ignorance abounds.

You try to claim there is no God .... and then, you use the 500 million non-Christians, most of whom believe in God, as proof?? Seriously?

And the really sad part? You don't see just how incredibly dishonest you sound.
The ignorance is all yours. I was being snide, because your argument is stupid. 1.6 million people currently insist that the Earth is flat (yes, I actually looked that figure up; it is appalling). Does the fact that there are a million of them make any moron who believes this any. less. Wrong?!?!? Of course not. So why should your 300 million magically make you right, just by virtue of the fact that there are 300 million of you?!?!? It's called a bandwagon fallacy, and no matter how big the bandwagon is, it is still a logically flawed arguement.
Nice try ... you claimed the 300 million (funny how you changed it from 500 million) made me wrong.

Please try to keep up .... all those God-believes PROVE that I'm wrong for believing in God. What an amazing twist of perverted logic.What hubris. What an ego. What stupidity.
You don't even pay attention to your own posts, do you?

But, then, that would force you to admit a potential fallibility that you really don't believe you have - you sincerely believe that you are smarter than all the 300 million people who don't agree with you.

I started with 500 million:

Guess what, Sunshine? 500 million worldwide think Christians are full of shit. Does that make me "more right than you"? REALLY?!?!?! That's what passes for logic to you?

Then you erroneously claimed I was talking about people who "believe in God", and I pointed out that there are 500 to 750 million atheists worldwide.

You just really suck at this, don't you? Did you forget that the ;posts are right here to quote?

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