Hypothetical question for my fellow atheists

Okay. I'll humour you. How do you propose to understand "put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys," as anything other than, "If it moves kill it. If it doesn't move, kill it just in case,"?

you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?


That some people are even allowed to exist for decades being so deliberately fucked up and still have a chance at redemption only highlights the abundance of Gods mercy.....
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Okay. I'll humour you. How do you propose to understand "put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys," as anything other than, "If it moves kill it. If it doesn't move, kill it just in case,"?

you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.
I like the idea of god, it's beautiful. Like butterflies and unicorns. Science has this concept of a multiverse, perhaps a christian god and Jesus exists in one of them .Cosmic shrug. Maybe this one of those , who can say?
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Okay. I'll humour you. How do you propose to understand "put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys," as anything other than, "If it moves kill it. If it doesn't move, kill it just in case,"?

you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..

Did you sob when you watched old yeller being put down?

If there isn't any God who are you to decry the way that life sorts out which life forms will continue to exist?
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Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
No one will reign in Hell. Even the Devil will be there against his will. He will not have any power in Hell. No one will. So I would gladly serve my Creator.
Maybe it's not about God for some but what happens after you die...which is eternity
So...pretend to like him, just so you can avoid Hell. You don't think an omniscient God would see that for what it is, and act accordingly?

Of course he would, but just saying if you knew what the implications were re: the afterlife, you might think differently.... maybe not, but, maybe so...
No. I really wouldn't. Genocide is genocide. Either you stand against that, or you don't. And if you suddenly just shut up, and get on board, because you're afraid of the consequences, then you don't.
So if it meant suffering forever it would be worth it. Ok
Yeah. Either something is wrong, or it isn't.

That's the problem. We THINK we know what is right or wrong, but do we really?
Would you consider a moral code universally where WE are not the center of it?
Where maybe the life of the universe isn't all about "us" but something much bigger and smarter?
Well, if hell is real, I sure don't want to go there. Send me a postcard. :biggrin:
I don't particularly, either. But, my principles are useless if I do not stand by them.
Your principles ARE useless if you go against the laws of the universe on purpose.
Not entirely sure what you mean by that. If by "laws of the universe" you mean Oppose the God presented in the bible, I disagree. The God of the Bible goes against the laws of the Universe. One of the most basic Universal Laws is "Life matters". When "God" commands genocide that violates that basic Law, then He goes against the "laws of Nature". Your logic seems to be, "Fall on your face, worm. He is God. He gets to do whatever he wants, but you had better damned well do what you're told". There's a term for that philosophy. It's called slavery.
But your initial query said that the god of the bible has been proven true and real. So the laws of the universe wold be what the god says they are, and it's pointless to go against universal truths.
You are talking about two different things. Where in the Laws of the universe do we find the "unless I do it" clause? I have not suggested that we should buck the laws of the universe; only that the creator of those laws should equally be subject to them. If not, then by what right does he hold anyone else accountable to them? You know it's the "Don't ask anything of anyone else that you are not willing to do yourself" thing.
The creator isn't always subject to the effects of his creation. Especially a creator god, who can do anything it wants, sort of like a president who makes laws that often don't touch him or apply to him.
I'm agnostic for the very same reasons you are Atheistic. I believe someone powerful enough to be God of the Multiverse isn't going to care about my worship. I believe ALL religious books were created as a means for the few to control the many. So that the rich could continue subjugating the poor with a promise of a reward in the next life. If you realize that this is the ONLY life the poor would put up with less shit. Look at the Muslims and what they do because they think this life doesn't matter. And well it might not matter, but how you treat others in this life controls who you will be in the next life if there is a next life. An asshole here will be an asshole there. I also doubt Gandhi will be roommates in the same Hell as Hitler, or my father, the pedophile.

Men get married only to subject women. They have no respect for females and believe women are meant to be controlled. Mothers have children for the same reason. They want downtrodden little slaves to do chores.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? So, too, is your statement that religion is all about the control of many. It tells us more about you than it does about religion. It makes people who espouse such nonsense appear so fearful of being controlled they lack the confidence to enter into any kind of community or activity.
Okay. I'll humour you. How do you propose to understand "put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys," as anything other than, "If it moves kill it. If it doesn't move, kill it just in case,"?

you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

How about that church shooting in Texas. If we learn that God commanded that man to do what he did, would that, magically, make it okay? And if he claims that God commanded him, who are you to say he didn't? How do you know that there wasn't some horrible offence to God going on behind the scene?

You see how disgusting, and absurd it is when you try to justify atrocities? "Because God said so" does not make an atrocity any less atrocious. It just makes God atrocious.
So...pretend to like him, just so you can avoid Hell. You don't think an omniscient God would see that for what it is, and act accordingly?

Of course he would, but just saying if you knew what the implications were re: the afterlife, you might think differently.... maybe not, but, maybe so...
No. I really wouldn't. Genocide is genocide. Either you stand against that, or you don't. And if you suddenly just shut up, and get on board, because you're afraid of the consequences, then you don't.
So if it meant suffering forever it would be worth it. Ok
Yeah. Either something is wrong, or it isn't.

That's the problem. We THINK we know what is right or wrong, but do we really?
Would you consider a moral code universally where WE are not the center of it?
Where does the Bible present any moral laws that do not involve us? Does the Bible offer a single command that we care not the centre of? Your post is absurd. Of course all morality centres on how WE behave, because we know of no other reasoning beings in the universe. Incidentally, even if we did, it would still be about us. Because morality is individual. it is personal. That is the point of morality; it is a code of rules that dictate how I treat you, or the world around me.
you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?

Babies were killed 5000 years ago. Babies who weren't grew up in a fucked up world to kill and be killed only a few years later..

If there is no God as you profess to believe why all the fake moral outrage? If you were God, you would end death for babies, men, women and the elderly?

What about dogs? Should dogs never die? What about puppies?

How would the planet support life then?

You problem is the assumption that life begins in the womb and ends in the grave.
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So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.
You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.

There is no need for anyone to defend God or even Christianity for what people did to each other thousands of years ago..
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.

There is no need for anyone to defend God for what people do to each other.
Except when they do it because God commanded them to. Either that, or the people who claim God commanded them to are liars. If the latter is true, then the Bible is meaningless. Or rather, it is no more significant than the Bhagavad Gita, the Poetic Etta, the Q'uran, or any other book of fairy tales, and fables.
You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.

There is no need for anyone to defend God for what people do to each other.
Except when they do it because God commanded them to. Either that, or the people who claim God commanded them to are liars. If the latter is true, then the Bible is meaningless. Or rather, it is no more significant than the Bhagavad Gita, the Poetic Etta, the Q'uran, or any other book of fairy tales, and fables.

I'll let what you just posted sink in to your own head for a while....
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.

There is no need for anyone to defend God for what people do to each other.
Except when they do it because God commanded them to. Either that, or the people who claim God commanded them to are liars. If the latter is true, then the Bible is meaningless. Or rather, it is no more significant than the Bhagavad Gita, the Poetic Etta, the Q'uran, or any other book of fairy tales, and fables.

I'll let what you just posted sink in to your own head for a while....
Yeah. Meant what I said.
First of all I am not defending or advocating genocide anymore than you are by condemning Christianity. . Second, I am not a Christian. ask someone who is if you don't believe me..

What you, an atheist, are doing is judging ancient people by pseudo christian standards.

Doesn't that make you feel even a little bit icky?
LOL! You're adorable. Now that you realise you can't justify it, you just excuse it because "it was a different time," For a guy who is not a Christian, you certainly sped a lot of time acting an an apologist for them.

There is no need for anyone to defend God for what people do to each other.
Except when they do it because God commanded them to. Either that, or the people who claim God commanded them to are liars. If the latter is true, then the Bible is meaningless. Or rather, it is no more significant than the Bhagavad Gita, the Poetic Etta, the Q'uran, or any other book of fairy tales, and fables.

I'll let what you just posted sink in to your own head for a while....
Yeah. Meant what I said.

Terrific, but do you see any of the implications of your clueless musings?

Take some more time.
you might consider this is a carnivorous Garden, do you pause to explain your own existance - with all that you claim why do you hang around, I'm sure you've eaten a steak or two.

its been dry lately, whole societies in the minor tributaries are being left to die by the evaporating beds they live in - the awful desert religions may be the very reason such occurrences happen to rid the Garden of their presence no matter who is killed to accomplish their demise as to foretell no being is more sacred than any other be as it may.
So, God isn't inclusive. Some people just deserve to die. And you wonder why I consider your God barbaric, and reprehensible.

You pretentious lily white cur. Some people would never choose to do the right thing for their entire lives and even if they could live forever they would always choose to do evil in every circumstance striving to live an easy life off the backs and suffering and blood of other people.

So yes Virginia, some people deserve to die. Do you think that some despotic leader or tribe of people who rape and pillage their way across the countryside stealing all resources and starving everyone else so they can get fat deserve to live?
Why yes, Cupcake, I do think he would deserve retribution for his actions. I don't however, think that his wife, daughters, and dog deserve to be slaughtered for his crimes. Do you? Because, apparently the God you are defending does.

You may not believe in any God but there is ample evidence of many forms of hominids being wiped off the face of the earth.

Some people that have lived on earth were so violent,irrational, and erratic that anyone who lived past the age of 8 was permanently damaged and reduced into something that resembles a wild beast more than a rational human being,and their dogs weren't anything like fifi. Not to mention that dogs in scripture is a derogatory slur against other types of people who act like dogs..
Infants, and babies. That's what he commanded. That's what was done. Infants. And. babies. You are twisting yourself in knots trying to justify genocide. That doesn't make you feel even a little bit icky? This is the moral depravity of Christianity. It forces you to try and defend genocide.

How about that church shooting in Texas. If we learn that God commanded that man to do what he did, would that, magically, make it okay? And if he claims that God commanded him, who are you to say he didn't? How do you know that there wasn't some horrible offence to God going on behind the scene?

You see how disgusting, and absurd it is when you try to justify atrocities? "Because God said so" does not make an atrocity any less atrocious. It just makes God atrocious.
There is the argument that we are just clay pots subject to use or destruction at the will of the maker. Such destruction does not destroy the soul therefore is not an evil act.

Another theoretical point, some people might be computer generated constructs sent here for the soul purpose of being used as cannon fodder.
Of course he would, but just saying if you knew what the implications were re: the afterlife, you might think differently.... maybe not, but, maybe so...
No. I really wouldn't. Genocide is genocide. Either you stand against that, or you don't. And if you suddenly just shut up, and get on board, because you're afraid of the consequences, then you don't.
So if it meant suffering forever it would be worth it. Ok
Yeah. Either something is wrong, or it isn't.

That's the problem. We THINK we know what is right or wrong, but do we really?
Would you consider a moral code universally where WE are not the center of it?
Where does the Bible present any moral laws that do not involve us? Does the Bible offer a single command that we care not the centre of? Your post is absurd. Of course all morality centres on how WE behave, because we know of no other reasoning beings in the universe. Incidentally, even if we did, it would still be about us. Because morality is individual. it is personal. That is the point of morality; it is a code of rules that dictate how I treat you, or the world around me.
The moral code is made by the creator, the one you hate

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