I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis

Yes, it's clear the previous Democrat President did abuse his power in attacking the Republican opposition candidate. It was a terrible attack on the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic. It was Watergate Ten-fold. If no one is held accountable, things will only get worse. We are in a Constitutional crisis, but not the 'crisis' Pelosi is ranting & raving about.
Then why was the people against it screaming it was going to undermine national security?
I think the memo got overhyped. I mean, we already knew the democrats colluded with a foreign entity to influence the election before it. So i agree with you there.
As I said, collusion isn’t a crime. If the information was gathered by illegal means then there could be a crime. Did Steele commit a crime while gathering the intel for his dossier? Cause we know the Russians committed crimes when they hacked and interfered in our election.

Yes the memo was way over hyped. Who gives a shit what the partisan Nunez thinks. It was a glorified Hannity interview. I do understand the backlash when a committee head goes public with incomplete and biased conclusions to a classified investigation. It discredits the entire investigation and polarizes along partisan lines. A big waste of time and money if you ask me. These guys need to grow the fuck up

You are the one that needs to grow up.

There was evidence that the dossier was used as a basis for the FISA warrants despite it being known to be a load of crap and performing illegal surveillance on an American citizen violating his 4th Amendment rights.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the dossier was illegal surveillance again? I missed that part

The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
It’s interesting that the so called constitutional crisis is Congress engaging in oversight
So when Papadopolous was shooting his mouth off to Australians that Russians have dirt on Clinton in early spring 2016, that was him lying because he was afraid of....what?

Of all the things and countries in the world, he was specifically talking about Russia, specifically about them bussying themselves with Clinton dirt and communicating to Trump campaign that they have it.

That isn't what he was indicted for, moron. He was indicted for lying to the FBI, not to some drunk in a bar.

He didn't lie about anything that was a crime, moron

I will repeat the question - WHAT WAS HE LYING ABOUT?
He said he didn't have any contact with the Russian ambassador. Of course, it's perfectly legal for him to contact the Russian ambassador.

wrong asshole, asshole.

We are talking about Papadopolous. Try to keep up.
You don’t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesn’t reek of innocence

Manafort and Gates charges precede their involvement in the campaign, Flynn and the greek were charged with procedural crimes, there were no underlying criminal charges. That doesn't exactly reek of guilt for collusion.

So what? Dirty is dirty and in manafort/Gates cases they were doing dirty business with the Russians. They made old evidence stick. Flynn and the Greek plead guilty and agreed to cooperate. You think all they did was mess up some paperwork? Are you kidding me? Read this slowly... Flynn lied to the Vice President and to the American people about his involvement with the Russians.

Listen, I don’t think Trump coordinated hacks and propaganda with Russia to unfairly win the election. I think he kept his ear to the ground for any info he could use against Hillary and I think he told Russia to ignore Obama sanctions. The first is not a crime and the second is in the grey area.

This investigation is so blown out of proportion on both sides. Y’all who say it is nothing and who are trying to discredit the FBI and turn the spotlight back to Hillary are transparent.

Trump tried to shield Russia from sanctions through Flynn, Flynn got caught, and now Trump is trying to shut things down. Obstruction might be in play but it won’t rise to the criminal level. Collisions isn’t going to be a factor. If he keeps doing what he’s been doing he is getting real close to impeachment proceedings should the Dems win back congress. Then we will see how loyal the Reps really are.

The transition team asking the Russians not to over react to the sanctions is not illegal and doesn't even approach a gray area. That's exactly what Flynn told them, according to court documents. Also this obstruction talk is a total joke.

If the sanction talk was so legal and innocent then why did he lie about it?

It looked bad. You know that term that libs like to throw around, "optics". It may look bad, but it is not illegal. Flynn didn't want to look bad.
Why would it look bad to have legitimate talks with the Russians, which was his job? Why would he risk his position as NSA and possible jail time. Come on man. You are trying too hard
You don’t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I don’t think that’s the case. That’s what the memo is trying to paint but we’ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

Once again, Comey told Trump the dossier contained salacious and unverified information, of course he didn't tell Trump that he'd used it two weeks earlier to secure a FISA warrant to spy on his people. And If McCabe told congress the truth there would have been no warrant request without the dossier, in fact the FISA court had refused a warrant earlier. So you can pretend that the court would have issued a warrant without the dossier, but the known facts don't support it.

You don’t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesn’t reek of innocence

We know enough to know that Mewler is conducting a witch hunt. None of the 4 people were indicted for "collusion." The only "crimes" committed were the result of the investigation. They lied unnecessarily because all the histeria over "collusion" with the Russians had them convinced that simply talking to a Russian was a crime. There's no smoke, no fire, no nothing.
You think these guys were so stupid as to think that legal conversations were a crime because of media hysteria?! Really? Ok, you run with that
Yes I do. Why is that shocking? Apparently millions of snowflakes think it's a crime simply to speak to a Russian, and all the Dims in Congress and the fake media behave as if it is.
Since when do dipshits like yourself or people like Flynn care about what snowflakes think? Sounds like a pretty pussy excuse
Where is it said that the word enemy means war? You’re an idiot.

If you aren't at war with them, then how does one know they are an enemy?
I don’t have time to give you a history lesson on US Russia relations nor do I care to catch you up on the current state of affairs between the two counties. If you want to view Russia as a friend and ally then go right ahead. I don’t trust putin or his government.

That doesn't make them the enemy, dumbass!
Does hacking and interfering in our election make them a friend in your eyes? You’re having a bad morning, maybe you should go back to sleep

Britain has hacked our computers and interfered in our elections. So has Isreal. Are they our enemies?
NO they aren’t. Keep doing your homework, you’ll get there
You are trying to present a simple and rational explaination yet you don’t include the MAIN factor which was Russian hacking and interference in our election which is really what instigated all of this. Talk about a partisan hack. If you can’t even include the primary source that spurred these events... you are not even close to objective

Say what?

What started all this was Hillary and the DNC, if they were not so corrupt the Russians wouldn't of had anything .
Wow, still pointing the finger back at Hillary huh? Get over it man, that doesn’t work anymore

Get over what you partisan fucking hack? .....how much spin do you want to put on this

This is all about Hillary and the DNC, if they were not so damn crooked the Russians would of had nothing to release ...
That’s fine but has nothing to do with this conversation. Their dirt got aired and they lost an election. Now moving on to the point of this conversation... The Russians broke the law. Trump and his minions have been lying and acting shady, there’s an investigation into what’s going on. There have been 4 arrests, 2 plead guilty, and you and the other puppets keep trying to through in diversions. It’s quite sad. Just deal with the issues at hand. It makes you sound like the spin artist
You keep repeating that like it proves something. No one has lied more than the Dims and the fake news media. Shouldn't we be investigating them?
And there’s the deflection! Nice
As I said, collusion isn’t a crime. If the information was gathered by illegal means then there could be a crime. Did Steele commit a crime while gathering the intel for his dossier? Cause we know the Russians committed crimes when they hacked and interfered in our election.

Yes the memo was way over hyped. Who gives a shit what the partisan Nunez thinks. It was a glorified Hannity interview. I do understand the backlash when a committee head goes public with incomplete and biased conclusions to a classified investigation. It discredits the entire investigation and polarizes along partisan lines. A big waste of time and money if you ask me. These guys need to grow the fuck up

You are the one that needs to grow up.

There was evidence that the dossier was used as a basis for the FISA warrants despite it being known to be a load of crap and performing illegal surveillance on an American citizen violating his 4th Amendment rights.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the dossier was illegal surveillance again? I missed that part

The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
Easy, and I don’t even need the classified intel to do it. The FISA warrant was renewed 4 times by 4 different judges. Let’s just pretend that the dossier was used to get one of those warrants, the only way to get the renewals is to show evidence and progress that justifies the continuation of the investigation. These were 4 judges who were appointed by a conservative Supreme Court Justice that granted the warrants.

There’s a nice slap of reality, but for some reason I’m guessing you won’t see it. Here comes the next BS excuses or partisan diversion.... bring it on, I could use another laugh.
Once again, Comey told Trump the dossier contained salacious and unverified information, of course he didn't tell Trump that he'd used it two weeks earlier to secure a FISA warrant to spy on his people. And If McCabe told congress the truth there would have been no warrant request without the dossier, in fact the FISA court had refused a warrant earlier. So you can pretend that the court would have issued a warrant without the dossier, but the known facts don't support it.

You don’t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesn’t reek of innocence

We know enough to know that Mewler is conducting a witch hunt. None of the 4 people were indicted for "collusion." The only "crimes" committed were the result of the investigation. They lied unnecessarily because all the histeria over "collusion" with the Russians had them convinced that simply talking to a Russian was a crime. There's no smoke, no fire, no nothing.
You think these guys were so stupid as to think that legal conversations were a crime because of media hysteria?! Really? Ok, you run with that
Yes I do. Why is that shocking? Apparently millions of snowflakes think it's a crime simply to speak to a Russian, and all the Dims in Congress and the fake media behave as if it is.
Since when do dipshits like yourself or people like Flynn care about what snowflakes think? Sounds like a pretty pussy excuse

I care when they are running a witchhunt based on their idiocies.
You are the one that needs to grow up.

There was evidence that the dossier was used as a basis for the FISA warrants despite it being known to be a load of crap and performing illegal surveillance on an American citizen violating his 4th Amendment rights.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the dossier was illegal surveillance again? I missed that part

The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
Easy, and I don’t even need the classified intel to do it. The FISA warrant was renewed 4 times by 4 different judges. Let’s just pretend that the dossier was used to get one of those warrants, the only way to get the renewals is to show evidence and progress that justifies the continuation of the investigation. These were 4 judges who were appointed by a conservative Supreme Court Justice that granted the warrants.

There’s a nice slap of reality, but for some reason I’m guessing you won’t see it. Here comes the next BS excuses or partisan diversion.... bring it on, I could use another laugh.
10 of the 11 FISA judges are Obama appointees, moron. You haven't proved jack shit. You've only spewed baseless inuendo and assumed a lot of stuff.
If you aren't at war with them, then how does one know they are an enemy?
I don’t have time to give you a history lesson on US Russia relations nor do I care to catch you up on the current state of affairs between the two counties. If you want to view Russia as a friend and ally then go right ahead. I don’t trust putin or his government.

That doesn't make them the enemy, dumbass!
Does hacking and interfering in our election make them a friend in your eyes? You’re having a bad morning, maybe you should go back to sleep

Britain has hacked our computers and interfered in our elections. So has Isreal. Are they our enemies?
NO they aren’t. Keep doing your homework, you’ll get there

That's right, they aren't our enemies. So you have still failed to explain what makes Russia our enemy.
You don’t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesn’t reek of innocence

We know enough to know that Mewler is conducting a witch hunt. None of the 4 people were indicted for "collusion." The only "crimes" committed were the result of the investigation. They lied unnecessarily because all the histeria over "collusion" with the Russians had them convinced that simply talking to a Russian was a crime. There's no smoke, no fire, no nothing.
You think these guys were so stupid as to think that legal conversations were a crime because of media hysteria?! Really? Ok, you run with that
Yes I do. Why is that shocking? Apparently millions of snowflakes think it's a crime simply to speak to a Russian, and all the Dims in Congress and the fake media behave as if it is.
Since when do dipshits like yourself or people like Flynn care about what snowflakes think? Sounds like a pretty pussy excuse

I care when they are running a witchhunt based on their idiocies.
You sound like a little birch. You’re scared of a witchhunt? Fucking deal with it. Y’all ran on Benghazi for years! If they are innocent then cool, if not then bust them.

I’m actually sick of all these politicized investigations. Big waste of time and money. But your spin and dishonesty is even worse
Manafort and Gates charges precede their involvement in the campaign, Flynn and the greek were charged with procedural crimes, there were no underlying criminal charges. That doesn't exactly reek of guilt for collusion.

So what? Dirty is dirty and in manafort/Gates cases they were doing dirty business with the Russians. They made old evidence stick. Flynn and the Greek plead guilty and agreed to cooperate. You think all they did was mess up some paperwork? Are you kidding me? Read this slowly... Flynn lied to the Vice President and to the American people about his involvement with the Russians.

Listen, I don’t think Trump coordinated hacks and propaganda with Russia to unfairly win the election. I think he kept his ear to the ground for any info he could use against Hillary and I think he told Russia to ignore Obama sanctions. The first is not a crime and the second is in the grey area.

This investigation is so blown out of proportion on both sides. Y’all who say it is nothing and who are trying to discredit the FBI and turn the spotlight back to Hillary are transparent.

Trump tried to shield Russia from sanctions through Flynn, Flynn got caught, and now Trump is trying to shut things down. Obstruction might be in play but it won’t rise to the criminal level. Collisions isn’t going to be a factor. If he keeps doing what he’s been doing he is getting real close to impeachment proceedings should the Dems win back congress. Then we will see how loyal the Reps really are.

The transition team asking the Russians not to over react to the sanctions is not illegal and doesn't even approach a gray area. That's exactly what Flynn told them, according to court documents. Also this obstruction talk is a total joke.

If the sanction talk was so legal and innocent then why did he lie about it?

It looked bad. You know that term that libs like to throw around, "optics". It may look bad, but it is not illegal. Flynn didn't want to look bad.
Why would it look bad to have legitimate talks with the Russians, which was his job? Why would he risk his position as NSA and possible jail time. Come on man. You are trying too hard

He wasn't the NSA at the time and people had already been investigating Russian collusion, remember?
Manafort and Gates charges precede their involvement in the campaign, Flynn and the greek were charged with procedural crimes, there were no underlying criminal charges. That doesn't exactly reek of guilt for collusion.

So what? Dirty is dirty and in manafort/Gates cases they were doing dirty business with the Russians. They made old evidence stick. Flynn and the Greek plead guilty and agreed to cooperate. You think all they did was mess up some paperwork? Are you kidding me? Read this slowly... Flynn lied to the Vice President and to the American people about his involvement with the Russians.

Listen, I don’t think Trump coordinated hacks and propaganda with Russia to unfairly win the election. I think he kept his ear to the ground for any info he could use against Hillary and I think he told Russia to ignore Obama sanctions. The first is not a crime and the second is in the grey area.

This investigation is so blown out of proportion on both sides. Y’all who say it is nothing and who are trying to discredit the FBI and turn the spotlight back to Hillary are transparent.

Trump tried to shield Russia from sanctions through Flynn, Flynn got caught, and now Trump is trying to shut things down. Obstruction might be in play but it won’t rise to the criminal level. Collisions isn’t going to be a factor. If he keeps doing what he’s been doing he is getting real close to impeachment proceedings should the Dems win back congress. Then we will see how loyal the Reps really are.

The transition team asking the Russians not to over react to the sanctions is not illegal and doesn't even approach a gray area. That's exactly what Flynn told them, according to court documents. Also this obstruction talk is a total joke.

If the sanction talk was so legal and innocent then why did he lie about it?

It looked bad. You know that term that libs like to throw around, "optics". It may look bad, but it is not illegal. Flynn didn't want to look bad.
Why would it look bad to have legitimate talks with the Russians, which was his job? Why would he risk his position as NSA and possible jail time. Come on man. You are trying too hard
Every Dim and every fake news media douchebag was screaming about any conversation that any Republican had with a Russian as if it was evidence of treason. You'll have to ask yourself why it looked bad because you are one of the douchebags who was screaming about it.
We know enough to know that Mewler is conducting a witch hunt. None of the 4 people were indicted for "collusion." The only "crimes" committed were the result of the investigation. They lied unnecessarily because all the histeria over "collusion" with the Russians had them convinced that simply talking to a Russian was a crime. There's no smoke, no fire, no nothing.
You think these guys were so stupid as to think that legal conversations were a crime because of media hysteria?! Really? Ok, you run with that
Yes I do. Why is that shocking? Apparently millions of snowflakes think it's a crime simply to speak to a Russian, and all the Dims in Congress and the fake media behave as if it is.
Since when do dipshits like yourself or people like Flynn care about what snowflakes think? Sounds like a pretty pussy excuse

I care when they are running a witchhunt based on their idiocies.
You sound like a little birch. You’re scared of a witchhunt? Fucking deal with it. Y’all ran on Benghazi for years! If they are innocent then cool, if not then bust them.

I’m actually sick of all these politicized investigations. Big waste of time and money. But your spin and dishonesty is even worse

So you have no problem with putting people in prison because of a witch hunt.

Thanks for admitting that.
You are the one that needs to grow up.

There was evidence that the dossier was used as a basis for the FISA warrants despite it being known to be a load of crap and performing illegal surveillance on an American citizen violating his 4th Amendment rights.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the dossier was illegal surveillance again? I missed that part

The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
Easy, and I don’t even need the classified intel to do it. The FISA warrant was renewed 4 times by 4 different judges. Let’s just pretend that the dossier was used to get one of those warrants, the only way to get the renewals is to show evidence and progress that justifies the continuation of the investigation. These were 4 judges who were appointed by a conservative Supreme Court Justice that granted the warrants.

There’s a nice slap of reality, but for some reason I’m guessing you won’t see it. Here comes the next BS excuses or partisan diversion.... bring it on, I could use another laugh.

Judges are not appointed by Supreme Court justices. Please remove thine head from thine ass!
You don’t know what you’re talking about. What about the dossier was illegal surveillance again? I missed that part

The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
Easy, and I don’t even need the classified intel to do it. The FISA warrant was renewed 4 times by 4 different judges. Let’s just pretend that the dossier was used to get one of those warrants, the only way to get the renewals is to show evidence and progress that justifies the continuation of the investigation. These were 4 judges who were appointed by a conservative Supreme Court Justice that granted the warrants.

There’s a nice slap of reality, but for some reason I’m guessing you won’t see it. Here comes the next BS excuses or partisan diversion.... bring it on, I could use another laugh.
10 of the 11 FISA judges are Obama appointees, moron. You haven't proved jack shit. You've only spewed baseless inuendo and assumed a lot of stuff.
Here, educate yourself, you sound like a moron...

In another unusual twist, the 11 judges are appointed exclusively by the Chief Justice of the United States, without any supplemental confirmation from the other two branches of government. John Roberts has named every member of the current court, as a well as a separate three-judge panel to hear appeals of FISC orders, known as the Court of Review.

What to know about FISA court, the super-secret panel that grants surveillance warrants
So what? Dirty is dirty and in manafort/Gates cases they were doing dirty business with the Russians. They made old evidence stick. Flynn and the Greek plead guilty and agreed to cooperate. You think all they did was mess up some paperwork? Are you kidding me? Read this slowly... Flynn lied to the Vice President and to the American people about his involvement with the Russians.

Listen, I don’t think Trump coordinated hacks and propaganda with Russia to unfairly win the election. I think he kept his ear to the ground for any info he could use against Hillary and I think he told Russia to ignore Obama sanctions. The first is not a crime and the second is in the grey area.

This investigation is so blown out of proportion on both sides. Y’all who say it is nothing and who are trying to discredit the FBI and turn the spotlight back to Hillary are transparent.

Trump tried to shield Russia from sanctions through Flynn, Flynn got caught, and now Trump is trying to shut things down. Obstruction might be in play but it won’t rise to the criminal level. Collisions isn’t going to be a factor. If he keeps doing what he’s been doing he is getting real close to impeachment proceedings should the Dems win back congress. Then we will see how loyal the Reps really are.

The transition team asking the Russians not to over react to the sanctions is not illegal and doesn't even approach a gray area. That's exactly what Flynn told them, according to court documents. Also this obstruction talk is a total joke.

If the sanction talk was so legal and innocent then why did he lie about it?

It looked bad. You know that term that libs like to throw around, "optics". It may look bad, but it is not illegal. Flynn didn't want to look bad.
Why would it look bad to have legitimate talks with the Russians, which was his job? Why would he risk his position as NSA and possible jail time. Come on man. You are trying too hard
Every Dim and every fake news media douchebag was screaming about any conversation that any Republican had with a Russian as if it was evidence of treason. You'll have to ask yourself why it looked bad because you are one of the douchebags who was screaming about it.
Oh was I? Prove it
The dossier was fake. It was used as the basis for the FISA warrant on Page. He is going to walk because they had no valid reason for the warrant and lied to get it!
You’re getting bad information buddy. Sorry to break it to ya. It takes a lot more than a fake dossier to get a fisa warrant, despite what Trump and Nunez try and make you think. It was a pathetic attempt to paint an easily disprovable narrative.

Really? Prove it.
Easy, and I don’t even need the classified intel to do it. The FISA warrant was renewed 4 times by 4 different judges. Let’s just pretend that the dossier was used to get one of those warrants, the only way to get the renewals is to show evidence and progress that justifies the continuation of the investigation. These were 4 judges who were appointed by a conservative Supreme Court Justice that granted the warrants.

There’s a nice slap of reality, but for some reason I’m guessing you won’t see it. Here comes the next BS excuses or partisan diversion.... bring it on, I could use another laugh.
10 of the 11 FISA judges are Obama appointees, moron. You haven't proved jack shit. You've only spewed baseless inuendo and assumed a lot of stuff.
Here, educate yourself, you sound like a moron...

In another unusual twist, the 11 judges are appointed exclusively by the Chief Justice of the United States, without any supplemental confirmation from the other two branches of government. John Roberts has named every member of the current court, as a well as a separate three-judge panel to hear appeals of FISC orders, known as the Court of Review.

What to know about FISA court, the super-secret panel that grants surveillance warrants
That's how they get on the FISA court. 10 of the 11 became federal judges because Obama appointed them.

Busted. There Are 11 FISA Judges, Guess How Many Obama Appointed…

Of the 11 FISA court appointed judges, 10 of them were appointed by Obama, including the corrupt Rudolph Contreras that granted the FISA warrant after another judge rejected it. He is also the same judge who had to recuse himself days after the Michael Flynn plea.

This is yet another inconvenient fact that the media and Democrats don’t want to discuss. The entire FISA court basically was full of Obama appointees. The one Trump apoointee to the FISA court also replaced an Obama appointee named Susan Webber Wright who’s term expired May of 2016. Keep an eye on the story about Rudolph Contreas though. That’s the big story that everyone seems to be missing from this memo release. Corruption at the judge level is even more frightening than corrupt DOJ and FBI hacks.

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