I am aligned with Black Lives Matter!


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done. :clap2:
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
BLM is a marxist revolutionary group hell bent on destroying america as we know it,,,
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
So how the fuck does that make you aligned with BLM?
I against cops that stand by and do nothing while rioters loot the stores so does that mean I aligned with Black Lies Matter too
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
" If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash."

I agree with the above sentiment but if you are aligned with BLM it just makes you anti-cop and anti law and order. I am anti-BLM.
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
You’re a domestic terrorist and should be arrested !!!
So how the fuck does that make you aligned with BLM?
I against cops that stand by and do nothing while rioters loot the stores so does that mean I aligned with Black Lies Matter too

Indeed. There is a big difference between being against cops, when they go after genuine criminals who unjustly cause harm to others, and being against cops abusing their power and violating the rights of law-abiding citizens.

We need a system of laws and enforcement, to protect us from actual criminals, but we also have to be very careful not to allow this system to become the very hazard to us against which it is supposed to protect us.

It is an unfortunate fact of human nature that power corrupts, and power tends to attract those who are most inclined to abuse it.
not only marxist
I am 100% against cops who enforce unconstitutional laws. If you are a cop and you arrest someone for running their business or having more than 3 families in a house for dinner or a father for having a catch with his daughter in the park, you are trash.

FOLLOWING ORDERS is not an excuse. The Nuremburg trials is the precendent for that. Nazis who were just following orders to commit genocide were rightfully executed.
BLM is a marxist revolutionary group hell bent on destroying america as we know it,,,

not only marxist revolutionary-----active criminal
thugs. To clarify, they are not a 'let's discuss marxism
in the local pub' gang-------they support blatant crime and DO blatant crime
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.

Quarantine is not unconstitutional. You must be very young-----you do not remember when Tuberculosis
was an active PUBLIC HEALTH problem and------people were actually being forcibly placed in "sanitariums" uhm...... you missed Bette Davis in "Jezebel"
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.

Quarantine is not unconstitutional. You must be very young-----you do not remember when Tuberculosis
was an active PUBLIC HEALTH problem and------people were actually being forcibly placed in "sanitariums" uhm...... you missed Bette Davis in "Jezebel"
only infected people were put in hospitals,, in this case its healthy people being told what to do,,

big difference if you ask me,,
I am being facetious. BLM are communists and are using the police issue as a way in. They dont truly give a shit about black lives.

The greater point I am making is that police should not enforce unconstitional laws.
Another point worth making is that police should not ignore when laws are broken no matter who told them to stand down. If the police just watch as rioter burn and loot stores they are just as guilty as the rioters. The should be ashamed to take a paycheck for standing by and watching
Wow. The core and essence of the right wing rolled into one post. And a Nazi cherry on top of the sundae! Well done.

^^ ^^ ^^ As usual, Funnelhead Jack criticizes people for defending Freedom and Liberty as promulgated under the Constitution and calls it NAZISM, while actually defending Nazi tactics of taking away human rights and liberty under the umbrella of "for the greater good of all" by USING jackbooted thuggery to blindly SUBMIT to the unjust will of the State under threat of FORCE.

Good one, Jack. A hypocrite like all leftists right down to your last corpuscle.

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