I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

far too late on the partisan jackass shit. that has been your own MO for ages.

your butt hurts is all

it will get better


I see rational thought isn't your thing.

That's ok, you're good at something I'm sure
Oh.. and NO MORE WARS.. and rebuilding every fucking body else.. BRING THEM ALL HOME.. We'll protect this nation at home.

Will you get your ass down to the flame zone and honor your bet?

First off Willow.. I've been messaging that BATSHIT nut BOD all thru the day.. I told her to send over whatever stoopid fucking shit she has.. Secondly, don't fucking worry about what I do.. And lastly.. I told her to fuck herself and NO BET long ago after she stalked me all over this fucking forum.. So i don't have to honor SHIT.. I'll tell you what.. I'll toss a coin up in the air and if I FUCKING feel like it.. I'll actually call heads or tails..


still welshing ,still melting

how precious
i remember when the party first started pandering to the religious nutbars, and the party apparatchiks would say "where else are the nutbars going to go?", but they kept catering to them until now, finally, their entire base consists of religious nutbars.

the republican party is conservative in the sense that a bowling ball is a fish.
No, they won't, because we are not accepting the haters anymore. They change their game, they reach out to minorities and women and gays, or the door is over there, to the far right.

We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

They are going to put you down just like all the other moderates. Have fun dealing with the new radical republicans that are about to crush you under heel like the rest of the people who would have voted with them.
First off Willow.. I've been messaging that BATSHIT nut BOD all thru the day.. I told her to send over whatever stoopid fucking shit she has.. Secondly, don't fucking worry about what I do.. And lastly.. I told her to fuck herself and NO BET long ago after she stalked me all over this fucking forum.. So i don't have to honor SHIT.. I'll tell you what.. I'll toss a coin up in the air and if I FUCKING feel like it.. I'll actually call heads or tails..


stay classy, psycho

You make conservatives look bad. Stand or fall by your principle. We're all having fun with my situation. It could have been the same for you. You're too damn emotional. No one forced you to make that bet did they?

I don't give a shit about what you do Willow but it's quite obvious you butt your fat ass in to my biznez on a regular basis and I'm damn sick and tired of it. Go slurp up your gubmint check and STFU..

For the last time.. I messaged that BIATCH TWICE and told her to send over the signature.. END OF FUCKING STORY .. Now kindly go blow it out your old used up ass!

stay classy, psycho
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

We lose because two huge groups that love free shit came out to vote!

Wahoo...We once was the land that promoted success, no more!

One of your talking heads (Limbaugh) stated that 2+ million of "your group" didn't vote this time around and if they would have voted, "your group" would have won. Why do you think about the large majority of the Asian population voted for President Obama, did they want the "free shit" too? :lol:

88% (funny number and symbolism for "your group") of the people who voted for Romney/Ryan were "your group" and the majority of them were men. What does it tell "your group" when President Obama had the majority of Blacks, Asians, Jews, Hispanics, and women who voted for him in this last election. He got 72% from Guam, and Obama’s 39 percent showing among white voters matched the percentage that Bill Clinton received in 1992.
It sure seems that the majority of the people do not like the message of "your people". I heard one of "your people" (hannity) make a 180 change on his stance on immigration and claim that he was 'evolving on the issue'. VIVA LA RAZA!!!!! :lol:
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One of the best analysis I have read was written by radio talk show host Neal Boortz. In an Article titled “Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out,” Neal blasted the GOP for their positions on abortion, gay marriage and immigration reform, Regarding abortion, Boortz commented:

“The Republican Party needs an exorcism. It needs to rid itself of these abortocentrist nutcases who are chasing away voters, particularly women. This is about as clearly as I can say it: Abortion is NEVER going to be illegal. Get over it! The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to regain credibility with the voters. Your boys Todd Aiken, Richard Mourdock and John Koster chased away millions of female voters with their idiotic remarks about abortion … and they cost us two seats in the Senate.”

On the issue of gay marriage, Boortz chastised the Republicans for wanting to get involved in a purely private matter that affects no one but the gay partners themselves:

“I’ve been on the air for years and never in my 42 years of talk radio has anyone been able to tell me how Joe and Steve living down the block in wedded bliss will have any impact on their life. Come into the 21st century with me on this one and just leave the issue the hell alone. If you’re so determined to defend the institution of marriage – the concept of committed couples living together in a dedicated relationship – then why don’t you turn your attention to Hollywood. Forget about demonizing a gay couple that is every bit as much in love and committed as you are to your spouse. Aim your derision on the Hollywood crowd that looks at marriage as not much more than a new car – something to be traded in on a new model in two years.”

Boortz saved his last salvo for the Republicans' hard stance against immigration, including plans to send all illegals back to Mexico:

“And when it comes to immigration, rounding up all the Mexicans in this country and sending them back to Mexico is never, ever going to happen. Do you hear that? It ISN’T going to happen! Does it occur to you that these people come here because they WANT to work? Do you really have such a huge problem with aspirational people? So come up with a reasonable policy on immigration reform, and lock down the borders. No problem with that. But give up this asinine idea that those already here – those who have been here for years – are going to be loaded into railroad cars and sent back to Mexico.”

The rest of Boortz's article can be found at this link:

Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

PS: For those who do not know Boortz, he is a libertarian who promoted Romney. Boortz is one of Obama's most vocal and most severe critics; however, he's not in love with the GOP either.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

I'll take that two cents and raise you another penny:eusa_angel:

We didn't need to go to the middle. We needed to go Ron Paul. Hey they had the fervor. They had the passion.

All our side did was go "ok karl let's play again"
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One of the best analysis I have read was written by radio talk show host Neal Boortz. In an Article titled “Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out,” Neal blasted the GOP for their positions on abortion, gay marriage and immigration reform, Regarding abortion, Boortz commented:

“The Republican Party needs an exorcism. It needs to rid itself of these abortocentrist nutcases who are chasing away voters, particularly women. This is about as clearly as I can say it: Abortion is NEVER going to be illegal. Get over it! The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to regain credibility with the voters. Your boys Todd Aiken, Richard Mourdock and John Koster chased away millions of female voters with their idiotic remarks about abortion … and they cost us two seats in the Senate.”

On the issue of gay marriage, Boortz chastised the Republicans for wanting to get involved in a purely private matter that affects no one but the gay partners themselves:

“I’ve been on the air for years and never in my 42 years of talk radio has anyone been able to tell me how Joe and Steve living down the block in wedded bliss will have any impact on their life. Come into the 21st century with me on this one and just leave the issue the hell alone. If you’re so determined to defend the institution of marriage – the concept of committed couples living together in a dedicated relationship – then why don’t you turn your attention to Hollywood. Forget about demonizing a gay couple that is every bit as much in love and committed as you are to your spouse. Aim your derision on the Hollywood crowd that looks at marriage as not much more than a new car – something to be traded in on a new model in two years.”

Boortz saved his last salvo for the Republicans' hard stance against immigration, including plans to send all illegals back to Mexico:

“And when it comes to immigration, rounding up all the Mexicans in this country and sending them back to Mexico is never, ever going to happen. Do you hear that? It ISN’T going to happen! Does it occur to you that these people come here because they WANT to work? Do you really have such a huge problem with aspirational people? So come up with a reasonable policy on immigration reform, and lock down the borders. No problem with that. But give up this asinine idea that those already here – those who have been here for years – are going to be loaded into railroad cars and sent back to Mexico.”

The rest of Boortz's article can be found at this link:

Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

PS: For those who do not know Boortz, he is a libertarian who promoted Romney. Boortz is one of Obama's most vocal and most severe critics; however, he's not in love with the GOP either.

Open borders are suicide, simple as that.
When Grumps becomes the reasonable voice from the right, you know the right wing has problems. It was easy to see but not even I knew it ran so deep.

I hope you don't consider yourself a reasonable voice of the left ........ :thup:
maybe not so much the message but how its put forth. The immigration issue is a perfect example.

We scare the latinos with our hardcore rhetoric and lose the legal portion of their vote despite the fact that it is impossible to round up and deport them.

open borders for all forever. send that in as a republican platform and see if that gets you the wh.

That is not my position.

Why the fuck does every discussion have to dissolve into far left vs far right positions? There is a middle ground you know.

Step 1
Close the fucking border.

Step 2
Give limited rights to those here illegally.

Step 3
Assimilate them into society and seek the support of their offspring for gennerations to come.


I think that you said that you don't listen to hannity, but that was almost exactly what he said this afternoon in the beginning of the "three o'clock hour". That's a 180 degree turn for him....................... :)
Pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill- it includes a path to citizenship for the worthy, and A GOOD WORK/SS ID CARD. Or kiss it goodbye, GOP. That's the only way to stop new illegals.

Why do you keep listening to people who are ALWAYS wrong on facts?
The 14 of you are not "millions of" the base. We will reach out to those who can rebuild our majority. You are welcome to join us.

Gonna be hard to win if you don't get any of the Black,Hispanic,Women,young voters.
Not a good election night for the GOP.
Gonna be even harder when you alienate millions of your own base and they stay home.
Oh.. and NO MORE WARS.. and rebuilding every fucking body else.. BRING THEM ALL HOME.. We'll protect this nation at home.

Add to that we don't go to war to fix you up later. We go, blow your ass up and leave you with the smoking hole that used to be your country. Lesson? Don't fuck with us.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

far too late on the partisan jackass shit. that has been your own MO for ages.

your butt hurts is all

it will get better


No, Grampa was one of the few conservatives who showed a great amount of respectable tact on election night.

You'd have known that if you were logged in that night instead of licking taint down at your favorite gay bar.

The GOP's self-destruction was a four step process (not in order, probably):

1. The Palin/Bachmann/Beck God Squad takes over the otherwise quaint Tea Party
2. Grover Norquist is let loose to run around and shove those hilarious "pledges" in candidate's faces, intimidating the shit out of them
3. GOP nominees say they would not take $10 in spending cuts for $1 in tax increases
4. The use of "legitimate rape" and the absurd abortion/contraception trap they walked into

Talk about a self-inflicted wound.


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We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents
I haven't done any of the above I will let other's rehash it I'm over it.
One of the best analysis I have read was written by radio talk show host Neal Boortz. In an Article titled “Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out,” Neal blasted the GOP for their positions on abortion, gay marriage and immigration reform, Regarding abortion, Boortz commented:

“The Republican Party needs an exorcism. It needs to rid itself of these abortocentrist nutcases who are chasing away voters, particularly women. This is about as clearly as I can say it: Abortion is NEVER going to be illegal. Get over it! The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to regain credibility with the voters. Your boys Todd Aiken, Richard Mourdock and John Koster chased away millions of female voters with their idiotic remarks about abortion … and they cost us two seats in the Senate.”

On the issue of gay marriage, Boortz chastised the Republicans for wanting to get involved in a purely private matter that affects no one but the gay partners themselves:

“I’ve been on the air for years and never in my 42 years of talk radio has anyone been able to tell me how Joe and Steve living down the block in wedded bliss will have any impact on their life. Come into the 21st century with me on this one and just leave the issue the hell alone. If you’re so determined to defend the institution of marriage – the concept of committed couples living together in a dedicated relationship – then why don’t you turn your attention to Hollywood. Forget about demonizing a gay couple that is every bit as much in love and committed as you are to your spouse. Aim your derision on the Hollywood crowd that looks at marriage as not much more than a new car – something to be traded in on a new model in two years.”

Boortz saved his last salvo for the Republicans' hard stance against immigration, including plans to send all illegals back to Mexico:

“And when it comes to immigration, rounding up all the Mexicans in this country and sending them back to Mexico is never, ever going to happen. Do you hear that? It ISN’T going to happen! Does it occur to you that these people come here because they WANT to work? Do you really have such a huge problem with aspirational people? So come up with a reasonable policy on immigration reform, and lock down the borders. No problem with that. But give up this asinine idea that those already here – those who have been here for years – are going to be loaded into railroad cars and sent back to Mexico.”

The rest of Boortz's article can be found at this link:

Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

PS: For those who do not know Boortz, he is a libertarian who promoted Romney. Boortz is one of Obama's most vocal and most severe critics; however, he's not in love with the GOP either.

Boortz has always been a man of economic conservatism anyway. I'm sure he would rather talk about nothing more than the fair tax.

isn't he retiring from the radio?

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