I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

Dems get swept out of power: the talking heads spout off about how they're never coming back. Repubs are swept out of power: talking heads spout of about how they're never coming back. Over and over and over and over...... Yet, we're all left holding a giant pile of shit and it becomes larger each time.

The bottom line is you couldn't field a candidate who was able to beat the most vulnerable incumbent I've seen in my lifetime. How bad do you suck?
Oh.. and NO MORE WARS.. and rebuilding every fucking body else.. BRING THEM ALL HOME.. We'll protect this nation at home.

Will you get your ass down to the flame zone and honor your bet?

First off Willow.. I've been messaging that BATSHIT nut BOD all thru the day.. I told her to send over whatever stoopid fucking shit she has.. Secondly, don't fucking worry about what I do.. And lastly.. I told her to fuck herself and NO BET long ago after she stalked me all over this fucking forum.. So i don't have to honor SHIT.. I'll tell you what.. I'll toss a coin up in the air and if I FUCKING feel like it.. I'll actually call heads or tails..


LOL, yet you have a quote from a very well known Liberal on your sig line! :lol:
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

Obama ran the better campaign. Axelrod is one savvy dude and he didn't have to shave his mustache on TV...:badgrin:

Kudos to Mitt Romney who gave it his all. I am so proud of him and his efforts.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

See, when you're sober you can be reasonable. I'll join in giving you thanks for a post of substance.
I don't give a shit about what you do Willow but it's quite obvious you butt your fat ass in to my biznez on a regular basis and I'm damn sick and tired of it. Go slurp up your gubmint check and STFU..

For the last time.. I messaged that BIATCH TWICE and told her to send over the signature.. END OF FUCKING STORY .. Now kindly go blow it out your old used up ass!

Alright, I thought I would never say this..

You are an embarrassment to conservatives. :lol:

I am being dead serious here. Gramps and others can be crotchety at times (we all can be), but for the most part we are "civil".

You are a lunatic. You have no honor, integrity and have been completely unable to demonstrate the ability to grasp even the simplest of facts.

Your meltdown is humorous and all, but, grow up already.

People like LGS are victims of the propaganda they get fed from the rightwing media. Of course they're going to have meltdowns when they realize they've been lied to for months, and they've been convinced to believe, and repeat, and have faith in those lies.

What o you expect when you have blowhards like hannity stating that this is "the most important election of our lifetime" and it will be doom and gloom of Obama wins. Add dickhead morris, hannity, and limbaugh lying to their listeners and promising a republican win, I can understand how some of their followers will go over the edge. :)
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.
One of the best analysis I have read was written by radio talk show host Neal Boortz. In an Article titled “Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out,” Neal blasted the GOP for their positions on abortion, gay marriage and immigration reform, Regarding abortion, Boortz commented:

“The Republican Party needs an exorcism. It needs to rid itself of these abortocentrist nutcases who are chasing away voters, particularly women. This is about as clearly as I can say it: Abortion is NEVER going to be illegal. Get over it! The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you will be able to regain credibility with the voters. Your boys Todd Aiken, Richard Mourdock and John Koster chased away millions of female voters with their idiotic remarks about abortion … and they cost us two seats in the Senate.”

On the issue of gay marriage, Boortz chastised the Republicans for wanting to get involved in a purely private matter that affects no one but the gay partners themselves:

“I’ve been on the air for years and never in my 42 years of talk radio has anyone been able to tell me how Joe and Steve living down the block in wedded bliss will have any impact on their life. Come into the 21st century with me on this one and just leave the issue the hell alone. If you’re so determined to defend the institution of marriage – the concept of committed couples living together in a dedicated relationship – then why don’t you turn your attention to Hollywood. Forget about demonizing a gay couple that is every bit as much in love and committed as you are to your spouse. Aim your derision on the Hollywood crowd that looks at marriage as not much more than a new car – something to be traded in on a new model in two years.”

Boortz saved his last salvo for the Republicans' hard stance against immigration, including plans to send all illegals back to Mexico:

“And when it comes to immigration, rounding up all the Mexicans in this country and sending them back to Mexico is never, ever going to happen. Do you hear that? It ISN’T going to happen! Does it occur to you that these people come here because they WANT to work? Do you really have such a huge problem with aspirational people? So come up with a reasonable policy on immigration reform, and lock down the borders. No problem with that. But give up this asinine idea that those already here – those who have been here for years – are going to be loaded into railroad cars and sent back to Mexico.”

The rest of Boortz's article can be found at this link:

Republican Party ... Let Me Help You Out | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

PS: For those who do not know Boortz, he is a libertarian who promoted Romney. Boortz is one of Obama's most vocal and most severe critics; however, he's not in love with the GOP either.
I guess that like hannitard, boortz has suddenly found "religion". Here's an excerpt from from Boortz's Program notes from 5/16/2011:
"Naturally, the Progs and the illegals are outraged. The law makes Georgia one of only three states – Arizona and Utah being the others – to adopt immigration reform that will make more of an effort to enforce federal immigration policy. On Friday illegals protested outside the state Capitol building, holding signs like "R.I.P. Southern Hospitality" and "Immigrant Rights are Human Rights." Note, please, that invaders are “immigrants.” At the Braves-Phillies game over the weekend, Carlos Santana used baseball's annual Civil Rights Game to scold Georgia saying, "The people of Arizona, and the people of Atlanta, Georgia, you should be ashamed of yourselves." Ashamed of what, Carlos? Ashamed of enforcing the laws? Ashamed of stepping in where federal officials won’t? The reality, Carlos, is that I don’t give a flying anything about how some musician feels about enforcement of the law in Georgia."

Why is Neal making suggestions to the republican party if he's the "Libertarian" that he lies about being? Boortz is a neocon republican tryingt o pass himself of as a "Libertarian".

"There’s the rub. Illegal immigrants and their advocates know they really don’t have all that much to worry about from the federal government, especially when the party in power is pandering for Hispanic votes. Those determined law enforcement officers in Arizona are another matter. "

" Before we move on, let’s address the two pertinent questions about the Arizona immigration law. I’ve been asking for someone to answer one or both of these questions for two weeks now. Thus far nobody has stepped forward. Are you ready to tackle them? OK, here you go:

1. What can any Arizona law enforcement official — a sheriff, sheriff’s deputy, police officer — any Arizona law enforcement official do that a federal immigration officer cannot already do under existing federal law?

2. What identification or paperwork requirement does the new Arizona law place on any noncitizen living or traveling in Arizona that current federal law does not already place on a noncitizen living or traveling anywhere in the United States?

Now if there is no meaningful difference between the two, what in the wide, wide world of liberal activism are we so agitated about here? Well ... I’ll tell you what. There actually is a big difference between the federal law and the Arizona law. That difference is this: The federal government has no intention whatsoever of enforcing its immigration laws. Arizona does. "
Neal Boortz: Illegal immigrants see L.A. differently | www.ajc.com

We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying lfowldoes nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

You just pissed off the leghorns. Geeze Gramps:lol:
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

There is no GOP. There is no DNC. There is only the beltway.

I just want to ask, have you ever been there? I have. I've walked the White House. I ran up the needle with my dad. I have been at the top of the pool.

It makes you passionate.
Last edited:
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

Usually with age comes wisdom. In your case that obviously didn't happen. Good luck getting Obamacare as a 65 year old. Your life worth has done been spent.
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

There is no GOP. There is no DNC. There is only the beltway.

The beltway didn't re-elect Obama.
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

Usually with age comes wisdom. In your case that obviously didn't happen. Good luck getting Obamacare as a 65 year old. Your life worth has done been spent.

I don't need Obamacare, but I care about those who do.
I seem to remember hearing this same type of stuff after the 2008 election I also remember what happened in the 2010 midterms just two year's later so you will all forgive me if I don't freak out over this election. While the Democrats are enjoying the victory you might start asking yourself who is going to carry the torch after Obama is done I really don't think it will be Biden Hillary maybe beyond that who really stands out for the Democrats?
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

There is no GOP. There is no DNC. There is only the beltway.

The beltway didn't re-elect Obama.

It's a life unto itself.

Dollars to donuts there were wives from every media outlet going "re elect him". "I want to go to the party honey".

Hehehe. Do you know who Jay's wife is?

:eusa_angel: Nuff said. It's all about the social life in Washington.
Did you hear Laura Ingrham tonight. I agree with her. To change into being what the democrats think we should be we have to become "racial bean counters". :lol:
Given the present direction of the nation, it is understandable that a caring person would be deeply disappointed. It would however be more sensible to adopt a callous attitude towards the result, accept the fact that the 47% now rule the roost and start to explore emigration options.

Watching this administration operate without a plan (or budget) gives new meaning to the concept of blind faith. And with that a new religion was born - Obama baby...Obama.

You do know that the elderly make a significant portion of the 47% and they voted for Romney in large numbers. The non-college graduates also are a big part of the 47% and they split for Romney heavily.

This whole line of BS has no basis in fact
The Republican Party is the problem - not Obama.

I used to vote Republican as much or more than Democrat, but that all changed with Reagan.

Radical extremists now dominate the Republican Party. The rot is deep and widespread.

I'm 65, and I don't foresee the GOP returning to honor and reason in my lifetime.

Usually with age comes wisdom. In your case that obviously didn't happen. Good luck getting Obamacare as a 65 year old. Your life worth has done been spent.

I don't need Obamacare, but I care about those who do.

Of course not, you're on medicade and have been for life right? Isn't the government hallows where all indian's go to die? Waiting on that government check to come through. 65 years and all of them spent on the government dole. Nice job worthless.
Usually with age comes wisdom. In your case that obviously didn't happen. Good luck getting Obamacare as a 65 year old. Your life worth has done been spent.

I don't need Obamacare, but I care about those who do.

Of course not, you're on medicade and have been for life right? Isn't the government hallows where all indian's go to die? Waiting on that government check to come through. 65 years and all of them spent on the government dole. Nice job worthless.

I hope all you racist retards keep that shit up in 2016. DNC should be paying you...

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