I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

I am just glad it wasn't the Dems that lost. The board would have imploded and crashed by now.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents
Your party nominated another squishy, mealy-mouthed, double-dealer "moderate" again, and they dissed two rather important potential voting blocks within their ranks in doing so....What the hell do you want?

Had they nominated someone more conservative than Romney, the loss would have been even more resounding. The only time that Romney made any gains was when he move toward the middle.

The American Electorate is pretty damned centrist.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents
Color me impressed Grampa...kudos!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I heard some pretty bitter Dems in 2000. But I didn't hear any talk of seccession, second amendment solutions, or some of the other nonsense we have seen in the last two days. And Gore won the popular vote, unlike Romney who lost that by nearly 3 million.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

There is a lot of wisdom in this no doubt. We are all in the same boat no matter who gets elected and it is our responsibility to compel them to do their jobs. While cathartic, nobody truly benefits by incessant bellyaching and finger pointing. We know who is in let's make them accountable and responsible representatives.
Maybe not so much the message but how its put forth. The immigration issue is a perfect example.

We scare the Latinos with our hardcore rhetoric and lose the legal portion of their vote despite the fact that it is IMPOSSIBLE to round up and deport them.

why do you say it's rhetoric. it seems to be policy. do you think stating the policy in a nicer fashion makes it any more palatable?

I say rhetoric because that's all it is. Both the left and the right give lip service to the issue of immigration.

This is true and what is the saddest part is it is the kids who pay for this hypocrisy. They get brought here by their parents who no one really wants to send home because without them the Ag industry or hotel industry would collapse. They grow up as Americans but are told they will be sent back to a country they have never known, they don't speak the language.

These kids had guts to fight back and the Republicans look like asses to the general electorate by not allowing them citizenship. These aren't unknown people crossing the borders. These are young adults with relatives and friends who have known them for years. Trying to deport them only creates lifelong hatred of the Republican Party.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

They are going to put you down just like all the other moderates. Have fun dealing with the new radical republicans that are about to crush you under heel like the rest of the people who would have voted with them.

You'd be surprised how easy we are to work with if you dropped all the crazy shit. Cutting spending is a good idea, but you guys want to do it by cutting it to the poor and the elderly and the truly needy, and the things that genuinely help people survive. There's a LOT of extra waste out there that we have no problem with being shrunk.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done.

You sure about that?
You are 100% correct.

I seem to remember hearing this same type of stuff after the 2008 election I also remember what happened in the 2010 midterms just two year's later so you will all forgive me if I don't freak out over this election. While the Democrats are enjoying the victory you might start asking yourself who is going to carry the torch after Obama is done I really don't think it will be Biden Hillary maybe beyond that who really stands out for the Democrats?

Midterms was all about local politicians and stopping spending. Those very same issues didn't carry the day for the presidential race. You can ignore the signs if you like but that is your peril not mine.

Demographics have gradually been changing for years now. Simple platitudes from generations ago are no longer enough to win national elections
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

It's been a fascinating couple of days.

The Republicans seem to have divided into two camps: Those like Grampa, who are engaging in sincere self-reflection (which, frankly, has surprised the livin' shit out of me), and those who are in complete denial and ready to double down on everything that put them in this position.

Question: Did anyone here who thought Obama was going to win (I had him at 300 EV, I undershot) expect any of the Republicans to question themselves? Holy crap, I even heard Limbaugh yesterday sounding very resigned, saying "we're outnumbered". Never would I have expected that.

So who wins - those who can see that the GOP needs to re-evaluate, or those who want to double down?

Pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill- it includes a path to citizenship for the worthy, and A GOOD WORK/SS ID CARD. Or kiss it goodbye, GOP. That's the only way to stop new illegals.

Why do you keep listening to people who are ALWAYS wrong on facts?

who are the worthy Frankie?......and who decides who is worthy?......just wonderin....
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

far too late on the partisan jackass shit. that has been your own MO for ages.

your butt hurts is all

it will get better


No, Grampa was one of the few conservatives who showed a great amount of respectable tact on election night.

You'd have known that if you were logged in that night instead of licking taint down at your favorite gay bar.

Dante!.....your not....:shock:......hey not that there is anything wrong with that.....:eusa_eh:
Dems get swept out of power: the talking heads spout off about how they're never coming back. Repubs are swept out of power: talking heads spout of about how they're never coming back. Over and over and over and over...... Yet, we're all left holding a giant pile of shit and it becomes larger each time.

The bottom line is you couldn't field a candidate who was able to beat the most vulnerable incumbent I've seen in my lifetime. How bad do you suck?

yep.....and as far as i am concerned they did the same thing 4 years ago.....and will probably do it 4 years from now.....but then this decade the Democrats have been fielding some pretty poor Candidates themselves.....including Obama.....
Alright, I thought I would never say this..

You are an embarrassment to conservatives. :lol:

I am being dead serious here. Gramps and others can be crotchety at times (we all can be), but for the most part we are "civil".

You are a lunatic. You have no honor, integrity and have been completely unable to demonstrate the ability to grasp even the simplest of facts.

Your meltdown is humorous and all, but, grow up already.

People like LGS are victims of the propaganda they get fed from the rightwing media. Of course they're going to have meltdowns when they realize they've been lied to for months, and they've been convinced to believe, and repeat, and have faith in those lies.

What o you expect when you have blowhards like hannity stating that this is "the most important election of our lifetime" and it will be doom and gloom of Obama wins. Add dickhead morris, hannity, and limbaugh lying to their listeners and promising a republican win, I can understand how some of their followers will go over the edge. :)

i seen many lefties on TV saying the same thing......and how Romney being Elected will send this Country back to the stone age...so yea what do you expect?....
I don't need Obamacare, but I care about those who do.

Of course not, you're on medicade and have been for life right? Isn't the government hallows where all indian's go to die? Waiting on that government check to come through. 65 years and all of them spent on the government dole. Nice job worthless.

I hope all you racist retards keep that shit up in 2016. DNC should be paying you...

a racist calling someone else a racist.....as Spock would say......"fascinating".....

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