I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

Hey Gramps. Stop saying exactly what the Libtard meme wants you to say.

Read this and take two asprin and call me in the morning:

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward - The Washington Post


your true colors do indeed run...

disgracing an American flag. shame on you:mad:
While those are indeed abuses of power that need to be addressed, it is still a far cry from declaring the entire bill of rights unconstitutional don't you think? That was typical bullshit hyperbole.

Right now there are 4 constitutionalists, 1 moderate, 2 leftists, and 2 Bolsheviks on the court. One of the constitutionalists is about to turn 80. Should he die or retire, then Obama will appoint another Bolshevik, as he did with Kagan. With a bloc of 5 leftists, what would stop them from simply throwing out civil liberties? Obama has been waging hot war against the 1st Amendment for years. The 5th amendment is entirely gone (Kelo, asset forfeiture.) The 9th and 10th have long since been revoked. The 4th Amendment is pissed on by tax reporting requirements. The 6th is pissed on by the NDAA.

Seriously, are you this ignorant, or do you just live in a fantasy world?
Also forgot (cats distracted me lol) ... Krauthammer saying "The Republicans are the party of smaller government". No, Republicans used to be the party of smaller government, not any more. That's the problem ... two big government parties leaves no party left to check and balance things, and that's just bad for everyone.
Boehner, Hannitty and Rice say the GOP needs to rethink immigration: seal the borders, get in line, send home criminals.

This is a start to renewing the party and getting rid of the extremists on the far right.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

Crying "fowl"????
What does calling for "birds" have to do with it???

You know your intelligence is really suspect when you make stupid comments like that and as a result YOUR thoughts are suspect then because it shows you don't have even enough discipline to LEARN simple word meanings and spellings!

Then being the idiot you are you say it's a "branding" problem???
Those are talking head memes.. narratives!

The number ONE problem is the MSM bias favors Democrats. It's proven! In a study of journalist political donations 144 journalists gave to Democrats in 2008 - 2 to GOP!
Content biased by political ideology influences polls, polls influence people and when EVERY poll with MORE democrats then GoP in the poll FAVOR Obama... that makes the problem NOT branding but CONTENT!!!
THANK GOD though MY cohorts in my college day journalism classes who like me were either on the fringe of the Students for Democratic Society/Weathermen who firmly believe USA is the bad guy... THESE guys are NOW in mid-level editors/producers of news... AND thank GOD they are dying off or retiring or their media going out of business!
The replacement content deliveries are NOT as biased or if they are WE KNOW their bias!
But MOST MSM "journalists" DON"T think they are biased ...YET Candy Crowley in the DEBATE SHOWED the unconscious bias by HELPING Obama in the Benghazi question!
Her saying Obama was correct biased the viewers! She LATER apologized to say she was wrong!

Fortunately Obama will be impeached by the House! He will then resign because actually HE didn't want a 2nd term!!!
You are a dodo, healthymyths.

Obama is your and my president for another four years. Have no doubt about it.
You are a dodo, healthymyths.

Obama is your and my president for another four years. Have no doubt about it.

He's yours. He's never been mine. I cannot honor a man who states I am his enemy and we must vote for R E V E N G E. You keep him and welcome to him.
WAH! Oh, shut up. Yes, he is your president, whether you like it or not, that's how the Social Compact works in America. You wanted revenge on him, and the other side got it on us. Tough friggin' luck, girl. Get over it.

You are a dodo, healthymyths.

Obama is your and my president for another four years. Have no doubt about it.

He's yours. He's never been mine. I cannot honor a man who states I am his enemy and we must vote for R E V E N G E. You keep him and welcome to him.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

Crying "fowl"????
What does calling for "birds" have to do with it???

You know your intelligence is really suspect when you make stupid comments like that and as a result YOUR thoughts are suspect then because it shows you don't have even enough discipline to LEARN simple word meanings and spellings!

Then being the idiot you are you say it's a "branding" problem???
Those are talking head memes.. narratives!

The number ONE problem is the MSM bias favors Democrats. It's proven! In a study of journalist political donations 144 journalists gave to Democrats in 2008 - 2 to GOP!
Content biased by political ideology influences polls, polls influence people and when EVERY poll with MORE democrats then GoP in the poll FAVOR Obama... that makes the problem NOT branding but CONTENT!!!
THANK GOD though MY cohorts in my college day journalism classes who like me were either on the fringe of the Students for Democratic Society/Weathermen who firmly believe USA is the bad guy... THESE guys are NOW in mid-level editors/producers of news... AND thank GOD they are dying off or retiring or their media going out of business!
The replacement content deliveries are NOT as biased or if they are WE KNOW their bias!
But MOST MSM "journalists" DON"T think they are biased ...YET Candy Crowley in the DEBATE SHOWED the unconscious bias by HELPING Obama in the Benghazi question!
Her saying Obama was correct biased the viewers! She LATER apologized to say she was wrong!

Fortunately Obama will be impeached by the House! He will then resign because actually HE didn't want a 2nd term!!!

Don't talk to me about grammar when you use all caps every other word.

WAH! Oh, shut up. Yes, he is your president, whether you like it or not, that's how the Social Compact works in America. You wanted revenge on him, and the other side got it on us. Tough friggin' luck, girl. Get over it.

You are a dodo, healthymyths.

Obama is your and my president for another four years. Have no doubt about it.

He's yours. He's never been mine. I cannot honor a man who states I am his enemy and we must vote for R E V E N G E. You keep him and welcome to him.

Nope! He's not mine. Not now not ever.
Hey Gramps. Stop saying exactly what the Libtard meme wants you to say.

Read this and take two asprin and call me in the morning:

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward - The Washington Post

There in a bit of a nutshell is the problem with the republican party today - it is run by a bunch of talking heads who don't work, who don't contribute, who do nothing but talk BS which comes to be reality for republicans. The BS fits an ideological frame and nothing else. Meanwhile back at the ranch things get done: stimulus job growth, DADT repealed, immigration issues, Healthcare moves forward, regulations re-established.

Meanwhile the republicans are listening to the likes of Hannity Limbaugh Coulter Savage, Ingram, Fox, et al whining about some lost fantasy world in which they attach meanings that amount to nothing real. When you do nothing how is it you expect to win anything? Sorry folks the problem isn't what Krauthammer imagines, it is Krauthammer. Spigots of useless information that accomplish nothing.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office.""Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe
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Tough, four eyes. :lol:

WAH! Oh, shut up. Yes, he is your president, whether you like it or not, that's how the Social Compact works in America. You wanted revenge on him, and the other side got it on us. Tough friggin' luck, girl. Get over it.

He's yours. He's never been mine. I cannot honor a man who states I am his enemy and we must vote for R E V E N G E. You keep him and welcome to him.

Nope! He's not mine. Not now not ever.
Good for you. I am 100VA medical, plus a veteran's disability pension: earned it the hard way.

I had student loans in the seventies, paid them back. My wife used wick, and we have contributed to women and children's causes ever since.

I earned two grad degrees on the GI Bill, bought a home on the VA loan, and have paid many times in taxes what the government gave me.

Government, if we control it, can do an immense amount of good.
You are a dodo, healthymyths.

Obama is your and my president for another four years. Have no doubt about it.

Why would I want a president who HATES me?
Who is doing everything to cost me MORE MONEY?
I mean he wants to bankrupt companies!
He wants to throw 400,000 people out of work!

I'm not much of a fan of a President that did APOLOGIZE for the USA helping people world wide!

My president WOULD NOT BLAME other people for his f...king idiocy!
I mean this dumb f...k in his OWN words:
"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited [deficit 2008 $ 459 billion] in half by the end of my first term in office." [That would be $230 billion]
That's why today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.

The Kubler-Ross grieving model:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

The Republican grieving model:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Anger
4. Anger
5. Aneurysm

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