I am disappointed in many of my conservative posters...

Of course not, you're on medicade and have been for life right? Isn't the government hallows where all indian's go to die? Waiting on that government check to come through. 65 years and all of them spent on the government dole. Nice job worthless.

I hope all you racist retards keep that shit up in 2016. DNC should be paying you...

Well, you've now proven to me you aren't 65. You don't live on a reservation and chances are you have less indian in you than Elizabeth Warren being fucked by Gironimo.

he is as much of an Indian as Iron Eyes Cody was....
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

They are going to put you down just like all the other moderates. Have fun dealing with the new radical republicans that are about to crush you under heel like the rest of the people who would have voted with them.

You'd be surprised how easy we are to work with if you dropped all the crazy shit. Cutting spending is a good idea, but you guys want to do it by cutting it to the poor and the elderly and the truly needy, and the things that genuinely help people survive. There's a LOT of extra waste out there that we have no problem with being shrunk.

you mean like how Gov. Brown did that out here?....
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

It's been a fascinating couple of days.

The Republicans seem to have divided into two camps: Those like Grampa, who are engaging in sincere self-reflection (which, frankly, has surprised the livin' shit out of me), and those who are in complete denial and ready to double down on everything that put them in this position.

Question: Did anyone here who thought Obama was going to win (I had him at 300 EV, I undershot) expect any of the Republicans to question themselves? Holy crap, I even heard Limbaugh yesterday sounding very resigned, saying "we're outnumbered". Never would I have expected that.

So who wins - those who can see that the GOP needs to re-evaluate, or those who want to double down?


those who leave the Party.....
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

It's been a fascinating couple of days.

The Republicans seem to have divided into two camps: Those like Grampa, who are engaging in sincere self-reflection (which, frankly, has surprised the livin' shit out of me), and those who are in complete denial and ready to double down on everything that put them in this position.

Question: Did anyone here who thought Obama was going to win (I had him at 300 EV, I undershot) expect any of the Republicans to question themselves? Holy crap, I even heard Limbaugh yesterday sounding very resigned, saying "we're outnumbered". Never would I have expected that.

So who wins - those who can see that the GOP needs to re-evaluate, or those who want to double down?

I'm neither a republican nor do I find Gramps' "reflection" sincere.....Pandering to disparate pressure/identity groups is what progressive/socialists do...Given that I personally find that there's not a dime's worth of difference between the parties, it comes as no surprise that such sophistry is seen by some as such "reflection"....If anyone is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a better result, it's the republicans who have spent the last few decades believing that they can win by out-democrating the democrats.

Fact remains that the message of liberty, free enterprise, hard work and responsibility sells, if you don't allow that message to be obscured by falling for the social issue crap...In case you didn't get the memo, both Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake both won their races....Why does it seem that none of the "reflective" types can manage to look to those instances as models to follow for future success, in favor of hand wringing over the failures of a couple crackpots who walked right into the social issue booby trap and a presidential candidate who had a muddled message at best?

And, BTW, I've seen the full transcript of Limpbagh's "we're outnumbered" comment...You've taken it out of context.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

I had not really noticed any different behaviour from the right wingers...
Midterms was all about local politicians and stopping spending. Those very same issues didn't carry the day for the presidential race. You can ignore the signs if you like but that is your peril not mine.

Demographics have gradually been changing for years now. Simple platitudes from generations ago are no longer enough to win national elections

Some care about winning elections; and you're right - turn the GOP into a carbon copy of the shameful democrats, and you'll win some elections. Whoopee...

I care about constitutional governance, fiscal viability and the world I leave my grand children.

This nation isn't going to implode over night, we are in a slow death spiral. I'm 54 years old, by the time we descend to the level of China or India, I'll be too old to care or dead. But my grandchildren will live in a world that is more bitter and desperate than the one we lived in. Will they curse us for what we squandered? Will they curse us if we jettison principle in hopes of winning elections?
You chicken little wingnuts were saying this 4 years ago, too.

Suck it.

Yeah, we were saying that there would be 4 years of 8% or greater unemployment and GDP hoovering at 1.2%, with housing failing to regain the losses of 08'

Look how wrong we were - oh wait...
What won't the GOP be doing four years from now? The party will not pander to the libertarians and the extremists on the right. That's over.
You chicken little wingnuts were saying this 4 years ago, too.

Suck it.

Yeah, we were saying that there would be 4 years of 8% or greater unemployment and GDP hoovering at 1.2%, with housing failing to regain the losses of 08'

Look how wrong we were - oh wait...


They voted for failure so failure is what they'll get. Just sit back and enjoy the show.
Hey Gramps. Stop saying exactly what the Libtard meme wants you to say.

Read this and take two asprin and call me in the morning:

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward - The Washington Post
This is America, worthy of respect, and the extremists on right and left can just lump it. :lol:
Hey Gramps. Stop saying exactly what the Libtard meme wants you to say.

Read this and take two asprin and call me in the morning:

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward - The Washington Post

What Krauthammer is saying is what Grampa is saying ... you can't alienate the fastest growing portion of the country and expect them to vote for you, you need to find a way to include them. That does not equate to the Republican party becoming just like the Dems. And getting rid of the far right wingers must happen. Pull socially more moderate then leave those issues on the back burner.

I was reading through this thread thinking about illegal immigrants (hadn't come across Krauthammer's article till now). Granted, I don't believe that entering this country illegally should garner some kind of fast and easy reward because then what's to stop people from just continuing to enter illegally? However, mass deportation is not and will not happen. Ever. So, what choice does that leave? Give them a path to almost full citizenship (no one who comes here illegally can ever be allowed to vote, period. If you want to vote come here legally to begin with), have them go to the back of the line to become legal, make entering the U.S. legally far more attractive/beneficial than entering illegally, no more anchor babies automatically becoming citizens, fine businesses who hire illegals. First? Fix the damn border issue because without it, the flow will be endless and we simply can't afford that.

Why does Krauthammer call Paul Ryan "rooted and politically fluent in the new constitutional conservatism"? Based on Ryan's voting record I don't see him as a fiscal conservative as he voted big government spending when Bush was president. :confused:
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It would be quite a stretch since the High Court cannot amend the Consititution.


Let's see, they find this mysterious right to abortion that is nowhere in the constitution - a right to "privacy" that somehow doesn't protect privacy at all, one must detail every aspect of their persons and papers on a 1040 or go to prison. They find that private property can be taken for the benefit of well connected looters, though this is expressly forbidden in the constitution, but you have the chutzpah to claim they couldn't throw out parts that were not convenient?

You live in a fantasy world.

SCOTUS can and will do anything they fucking well please, they ARE the law, documents mean absolutely nothing. Their collective and capricious word is the ONLY law in this nation.

But it is funny to watch all you pseudo-cons whine......

It's frightening to see how stupid the mindless left is.

Don't worry, government is mommy, government is daddy, they only want to care for you.

While those are indeed abuses of power that need to be addressed, it is still a far cry from declaring the entire bill of rights unconstitutional don't you think? That was typical bullshit hyperbole.
Why does Krauthammer call Paul Ryan "rooted and politically fluent in the new constitutional conservatism"? Based on Ryan's voting record I don't see him as a fiscal conservative as he voted big government spending when Bush was president. :confused:
Because Krauthammer is a neocon stooge, who needs to sell Ryan's brand of economic central control and international military meddling as "politically fluent in the new constitutional conservatism"...Like Chimpy McShrub's "compassionate conservatism", it's a classic bait-and-switch.
We lost an important election. That loss does not require that we all act like a bunch of meniacal partisan jackasses.

We have work to do within our own ranks and crying fowl does nothing for our cause. Except maybe make us look small and petty.

No election was stolen. No great injustice was done. We lost both with moderate and conservative candidates. Thus our problem is within not without. We have a message and branding problem. No ammount of crying about the election outcome will change that.

Just my two cents

We lose because two huge groups that love free shit came out to vote!

Wahoo...We once was the land that promoted success, no more!

No racist scum, it has nothing to do with "free stuff"
Why does Krauthammer call Paul Ryan "rooted and politically fluent in the new constitutional conservatism"? Based on Ryan's voting record I don't see him as a fiscal conservative as he voted big government spending when Bush was president. :confused:
Because Krauthammer is a neocon stooge, who needs to sell Ryan's brand of economic central control and international military meddling as "politically fluent in the new constitutional conservatism"...Like Chimpy McShrub's "compassionate conservatism", it's a classic bait-and-switch.

omg, he's back.

good post


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