I am disgusted with our party. I pray to god we get fresh blood in 16

None would know that better than you....

The choices went from "shitty" to what now...great?

Just love pointing out hypocrisy where I see it.

Choices are still shitty so I fail to see your point. Then again I don't think you're capable of showing any. Beyond your desire to simply troll.

It suits you.

It is just strange coming from you to be "rah rah" over Gingrich now when you referred to him, at least in part, as "shitty" earlier this month.

Then again....maybe it's not so strange afterall....considering.

Yeah, you're done. Guess ill zip my pants back up now.
Murk, why are such a jerk? You changed your backing, that's OK, but you freak when called on it?
Murk, why are such a jerk? You changed your backing, that's OK, but you freak when called on it?

I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.
So, you ask a question then when I give you the answer you neg me?

Well fuck you too.

Call it my imagination. Your an idiot. Candycorn and shaman are the two that continually bump my old threads. Look at the time between the last posts and then theirs. Then read their responses and tell me its not just to annoy.

By the way enjoy the neg back idiot.
And by the way you didn't even have time to check my assertion from when I posted it to when you neged me.

Proof of your blind stupidity.
nice to see an honeset conservative here once in a while. The current crop of repub candidates is nothing to write home about. Dr. Paul does bring some important issues to the table though.
Murk, why are such a jerk? You changed your backing, that's OK, but you freak when called on it?

I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.

Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.
Murk, why are such a jerk? You changed your backing, that's OK, but you freak when called on it?

I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.

Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.

That's your perception and your entitled to it. For those of us with a brain be we left or right, we can tell the difference between hyperbole and hypocrisy.

For instance, Obama has failed to keep many of his campaign promises. Many consider that shitty but continue to support him. I make no bones about the stupid shit the right does any more than I like to promote when I like what they do. Newt has done several things to piss off the right but at the same time he does many we like. No different than any other candidate. I don't expect perfection, I expect to beat Obama. I've hammered Newt, I've praised Newt. I try to be as honest as I can. You, on the other hand are just trolling for fun. Half of your posts are about me (personally) .... That says a lot about you. My posts are about whatever the topic of the day is until you or some other troll derails them like your doing now.
I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.

Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.

That's your perception and your entitled to it. For those of us with a brain be we left or right, we can tell the difference between hyperbole and hypocrisy.

For instance, Obama has failed to keep many of his campaign promises. Many consider that shitty but continue to support him. I make no bones about the stupid shit the right does any more than I like to promote when I like what they do. Newt has done several things to piss off the right but at the same time he does many we like. No different than any other candidate. I don't expect perfection, I expect to beat Obama. I've hammered Newt, I've praised Newt. I try to be as honest as I can. You, on the other hand are just trolling for fun. Half of your posts are about me (personally) .... That says a lot about you. My posts are about whatever the topic of the day is until you or some other troll derails them like your doing now.

As honest as you can? That says a lot about you actually.
Murk, why are such a jerk? You changed your backing, that's OK, but you freak when called on it?

I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.

Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.

that siggie is infantile & makes him look petty. Is that a line from the am radio guy who wrote a book about a dog :rolleyes:
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I haven't changed anything. Our party has crappy candidates but I still support them and the less spending policy.

The thing you're leaving out is their are a couple of trolls who do nothing more than stalk and bump old threads of mine in an attempt to annoy me. Fuck em. They want to play childish games ill play right along. Take a look at the first couple pages of threads and look how many of my old threads have been revived. All by the same couple of childish morons who have no intent to comment on the topic at hand but rather just play kiddie games.

Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.

that siggie is infantile.

Well, if that is what he thinks, that is what he thinks. But you don't get to decry partisanship in one breath then promote it in another.

My question is this: "Fresh Blood in 16" leads one to believe that he expects to lose. Today he is predicting victory.

Something strange there. Sort of like the 1/2 million votes Gingrich supposedly got in SC he said on yet another thread.
Again, if you don't want to be portrayed as a hypocrite...stop being one.

You talk about how you disdain the tenor of the debate between rival factions in this nation yet your tag line accuses those whom you disagree with politically as being "diseased". It is a hypocritical stance.

You talk about how your business is "failing" yet you spend your business hours posting on a message board. It is a hypocritical stance.

You called the persons you've pledged to support, "shitty". It is a bizarre, hypocritical stance.

Blame the messenger all you want. You're the one broadcasting the message grumps.

That's your perception and your entitled to it. For those of us with a brain be we left or right, we can tell the difference between hyperbole and hypocrisy.

For instance, Obama has failed to keep many of his campaign promises. Many consider that shitty but continue to support him. I make no bones about the stupid shit the right does any more than I like to promote when I like what they do. Newt has done several things to piss off the right but at the same time he does many we like. No different than any other candidate. I don't expect perfection, I expect to beat Obama. I've hammered Newt, I've praised Newt. I try to be as honest as I can. You, on the other hand are just trolling for fun. Half of your posts are about me (personally) .... That says a lot about you. My posts are about whatever the topic of the day is until you or some other troll derails them like your doing now.

As honest as you can? That says a lot about you actually.

unlike some I don't claim to be a know it all so yea, I'm as honest as I can be. I'm sure however from time to time I post things that can be seen from multiple angles and thus perceived as dishonest.

Someday I may be as perfect as you. Until then I will continue to be NORMAL

Carry on
Fresh blood? How about Republicans drawing blood by growing a spine and cease emulating the Democrat Statists...and reaching across the aisle?

Going on the offensive. Getting RID of the Blue-Blood Repubicans.

Gettin rid of the moderates would require fresh blood.

I stand behind the op. It has nothing to do with whether or not I believe we can win. It simply means I wish we had better people in dc.

Candycorn has to twist shit to justify her incessant trolling. She's my number one fan, ya know. Lol
Fresh blood? How about Republicans drawing blood by growing a spine and cease emulating the Democrat Statists...and reaching across the aisle?

Going on the offensive. Getting RID of the Blue-Blood Repubicans.

Gettin rid of the moderates would require fresh blood.

I stand behind the op. It has nothing to do with whether or not I believe we can win. It simply means I wish we had better people in dc.

Candycorn has to twist shit to justify her incessant trolling. She's my number one fan, ya know. Lol
Fair enough...and that would be the TEA Party folks that seek to change the Repubicans with a dose of Conservatism...and a spine.
We dont need fresh blood with our candidates. We need our party members to be restored to the values they claimed to have. If they do that, the candidates will take care of themselves. if they dont we will be stuck with crap indefinitely.

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