I am disgusted with our party. I pray to god we get fresh blood in 16

First of all I supported Newt before he started his liberal attack ads.

Really? You called him one of several "shitty choices".

When did I say that. The facts of the matter are this. You're on here during business hours most days. The facts are that you get nothing done business-wise why you are here. The facts are that you continuously blame the government for poor business performance.

Feel free to spin and bitch. I'm holding a mirror up to you and you don't like what you see.

And finally you have failed yet again to prove your point or your intellect for that matter.

Troll more honey.

Hearing a yellow dog republican call his candidates "shitty" is my point. I can't get enough of it.

And I stand behind the fact that our choices are shitty. But the fact remains that I STILL HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE. dimwit

And like MANY on here I post from work. So what. You don't like me bitching about OBAMAS ECONOMY then stop reading my posts. Only a fucking idiot would presume to know more about my industry and market share than me. You don't know my business just as I don't know yours. Your just a nosey judgemental bitch.

Obama has blown far more money than any other president and you will still vote for him. Yet I'm the political moron. That is the proof of your hypocrisy. You're just like a teenage girl making everything personal. I await your next troll attempt.

I post from work too (on breaks).

The difference is that you say you own your company. I find the claim to be dubious at best but the success of the business is firmly on your shoulders.

I'm not sure I called you a political moron or professed to know more about your business. Just that your posting here during business hours does nothing to help your business. Which is fine. Post all you want. But you really shouldn't blame others for your failures when you're obviously and factually, at best, apathetic about the success.

Feel free to hate me all you want. The fault is with you. And I think you know that which is what makes your reality so painful.
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McCain was born overseas. Obama is the child of an American citizen, vampiric, and that is the end of it.

Separation of church and state is a fact, and that will never change in our lifetimes. I will fight far right evangelofascism with every fiber of my heart and soul. I will not be told what to think or how to think or how to say it in the public square. Never. Everyone of you is religiously free to believe and pray as you wish, simply not empowered to force others to follow your heresies as you so dearly desire to impose on others.
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Sorry OP. You're going to keep getting many of the same people. And those who step up are going to be just more of the same. And you're always going to have that John McCain / Mitt Romney type to remind you that the stupidest of the radicals in your party are not what the voters want, so instead you'll just have to settle for the terrible.
POTUS is more of an American citizen than vampiric.

Far right christian evangelofascism is very dangerous as well.

How are evangelicals dangerous??

The day there is an evangelical movement to coup the government is the day I will stand side by side with a progressive..

Our government can promote a religion all they want - our government just cant enforce a religion.

"Separation of church and state" IS A LIE..

Go read the First Amendment...

It's not very complicated - as a matter of fact our Bill of Rights is blunt and straight forward.
Our Founders were for the most part deeply religious...SOME were not...But for decades they didn't try to impose thier religious beliefs on anyone...This escapes Fakey.

Evangelicals don't wish to NOW...The fakester is living in his own world of his self-created boogeymen that wear a cross and not want to force him to belive a thing...:eusa_whistle:

Fakey is afraid of powers larger than himself that he doesn't understand...

I have evangelical family, Opus Dei, and they're extremely private about their faith.

Other than being reserved or passive people they're not exactly bible waving... They certainly respect individual choices.

They know you cant force an individual into Christianity...

Theocracies are illogical, hence it would be illogical to attempt on, and it would be illegal.

Thomas Jefferson was brilliant and all he was doing when he asked the question was pondering what could possibly occur under the right circumstances.

Intelligent people question their own ideas, I suppose because logic is in the eye of its beholder.

I've said it before - there are 300,000,000 people in this country with 300,000,000 unique ideas on what is the perfect nation.

Thank God for the Bill of Rights.

Even then the document is challenged by those who want their way.
Really? You called him one of several "shitty choices".

When did I say that. The facts of the matter are this. You're on here during business hours most days. The facts are that you get nothing done business-wise why you are here. The facts are that you continuously blame the government for poor business performance.

Feel free to spin and bitch. I'm holding a mirror up to you and you don't like what you see.

Hearing a yellow dog republican call his candidates "shitty" is my point. I can't get enough of it.

And I stand behind the fact that our choices are shitty. But the fact remains that I STILL HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE. dimwit

And like MANY on here I post from work. So what. You don't like me bitching about OBAMAS ECONOMY then stop reading my posts. Only a fucking idiot would presume to know more about my industry and market share than me. You don't know my business just as I don't know yours. Your just a nosey judgemental bitch.

Obama has blown far more money than any other president and you will still vote for him. Yet I'm the political moron. That is the proof of your hypocrisy. You're just like a teenage girl making everything personal. I await your next troll attempt.

I post from work too (on breaks).

The difference is that you say you own your company. I find the claim to be dubious at best but the success of the business is firmly on your shoulders.

I'm not sure I called you a political moron or professed to know more about your business. Just that your posting here during business hours does nothing to help your business. Which is fine. Post all you want. But you really shouldn't blame others for your failures when you're obviously and factually, at best, apathetic about the success.

Feel free to hate me all you want. The fault is with you. And I think you know that which is what makes your reality so painful.

I don't hate anyone including you. I just find your desire to make things personal in EVERY post you address to me to be very childish. As I stated you know nothing of which you speak beyond your own assumptions. I've sold nearly 85k in labor in the last month. That work will take about 12 weeks. Probably more than you make in a year. Hell maybe two years. Point is you don't know my overhead. You don't know my advertising saturation level. You don't know my business model. You don't know my client base. You don't know shit. You have a job (apparently) that has been sheltered from this recession so in your little pathetic bubble things should be peachey for all. My posting history has 0 to do with the level of contracts I receive. You just don't get it because you've been someone else's bitch your whole life. I've made my own path while you've slaved for others profit.

Ultimately it boils down to your clear jealously about my ability to do what ever the hell pleases me during the work day. Get over it and get over yourself.
McCain was born overseas. Obama is the child of an American citizen, vampiric, and that is the end of it.

Separation of church and state is a fact, and that will never change in our lifetimes. I will fight far right evangelofascism with every fiber of my heart and soul. I will not be told what to think or how to think or how to say it in the public square. Never. Everyone of you is religiously free to believe and pray as you wish, simply not empowered to force others to follow your heresies as you so dearly desire to impose on others.

If you're the son of two American citizens it doesn't matter where you're born - you could be born in outerspace...

Obama's mother was a citizen of the US, his father wasn't.

Without question Obama was born in Kenya - however since his mother was a citizen makes him a citizen.

He was born in fucking Kenya...

His mother was a communist bitch that hated the US and his father was a rewound communist drunk that was so authoritarian he was annexed.

It's amazing how Obamafuck praises his father considering he was a communist drunk.

The guy only lost his legs in a drunk driving car accident then died in one...
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

Still love this thread!
CC, frankly, I wonder what your weird obsession with Gramps is. I don't agree with the guy very often, but he's made a calculation that Romney would be preferable to Obama.

And frankly, I have to admit, it's a tough choice. They both completely suck and neither one of them deserve the job, really.
CC, frankly, I wonder what your weird obsession with Gramps is. I don't agree with the guy very often, but he's made a calculation that Romney would be preferable to Obama.

And frankly, I have to admit, it's a tough choice. They both completely suck and neither one of them deserve the job, really.

I do love pointing out blatant hypocrisy when it presents itself.
CC, frankly, I wonder what your weird obsession with Gramps is. I don't agree with the guy very often, but he's made a calculation that Romney would be preferable to Obama.

And frankly, I have to admit, it's a tough choice. They both completely suck and neither one of them deserve the job, really.

I do love pointing out blatant hypocrisy when it presents itself.

How funny. You're a real twit. I love pointing out idiotic trolls.
CC, frankly, I wonder what your weird obsession with Gramps is. I don't agree with the guy very often, but he's made a calculation that Romney would be preferable to Obama.

And frankly, I have to admit, it's a tough choice. They both completely suck and neither one of them deserve the job, really.

I do love pointing out blatant hypocrisy when it presents itself.

I'm not seeing hypocrisy. I'm seeing someone making a choice of the last to picks on the menu.

I think he's wrong, but Gramps really does think Romney is superior to Obama. I don't. And I don't think he'll win, either.

Honestly, your party went through the same thing in 2004, when the best you guys could come up with was John Kerry.
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

Still love this thread!
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

Still love this thread!

Its now known as "evolving"

get with the times
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.

Still love this thread!

Its now known as "evolving"

get with the times

So...have you "flip flopped" on Romney and the "shitty choice"?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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