If it’s torture for punishment, no. If it’s torture to get information from the lowlife that COULD save the life of his innocent victim, yes.

Case in point was the ex-felon scumbag who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and then murdered an innocent woman. He refused to give her whereabouts. It was POSSIBLE, though doubtful, that she was still alive, and a few minutes of waterboarding could have given her the 50 years the monster stole from her.
The problem is that it seldom stops at that. Police easily go from using “enhanced techniques“ on known perpetrators to using them to identify perps.
A hell of a lot of posters on this board support the idea of allowing the Government to torture crime suspects. That disgusts me. You people are stupid and crazy as well as soulless. The usual argument presented was that somehow magically the cops would ONLY torture the criminals that the poster thought needed to be tortured
The historical fact is that cops torture everyone when allowed and do it even when they know they have the wrong person. And you animals would allow that because of feelings, to hell with right and wrong, to hell with the law and the Constitution. Again DISGUSTING.
Torture doesn't work for information. People that lack knowledge are proponents of using torture. They simply have not encountered information or they refuse to acknowledge that information preferring the movie version.

Jon Burge used torture. Still paying on that.
Cost of Burge-Era Torture Grows as Chicago City Council Agrees to Pay 2 Wrongfully Convicted Men $14M
In this country everyone is innocent until proven guilty. You want to do away with everything this country is based upon.

I‘m not saying the ex-felon criminal lowlife scumbag who already has done prison time for another kidnapping and whose DNA was on the victim’s shoes has been tried and needs to go to prison. But I err on the side of saving an innocent life while you err on the side of an ex-felon lowlife criminal scumbag.

And don’t get me started on doing away with what this county is based on. That is a blatant lie, due to your falling for your demigod’s claim that Trump voters are treasonous, evil people. It truly shows how evil Biden is.
The problem is that it seldom stops at that. Police easily go from using “enhanced techniques“ on known perpetrators to using them to identify perps.
Well one has to use judgment. I am talking about the lowlife animal who killed the innocent woman. I err on the side of good people, and you want to give more weight and concern for criminals. This is why Democrat cities are shitholes.
Well one has to use judgment. I am talking about the lowlife animal who killed the innocent woman. I err on the side of good people, and you want to give more weight and concern for criminals. This is why Democrat cities are shitholes.
Like I said, it never stops there.
I‘m not saying the ex-felon criminal lowlife scumbag who already has done prison time for another kidnapping and whose DNA was on the victim’s shoes has been tried and needs to go to prison. But I err on the side of saving an innocent life while you err on the side of an ex-felon lowlife criminal scumbag.

I err on the side of the Constitution.

And don’t get me started on doing away with what this county is based on. That is a blatant lie, due to your falling for your demigod’s claim that Trump voters are treasonous, evil people. It truly shows how evil Biden is.

Sheesh, not even in this thread are you able to refrain from lame politics.
NEW LOW - even for a Democrat. You know my family waa killed by Hitler, and you say something like this.

This proves that nothing is too low for a Democrat.

(And this guy worked for the government. Shows the subhumans working there,)

Yet you are yearning for the good old days when torture and guilty till proven innocent was the norm.
NEW LOW - even for a Democrat. You know my family waa killed by Hitler, and you say something like this.

This proves that nothing is too low for a Democrat.

(And this guy worked for the government. Shows the subhumans working there,)
They were killed by Hitler and you advocate a society like Nazi Germany that rules on torture?

What the FUK is the matter with you?
Your family survived the Holocaust and you want our society to embrace Nazi values?
They were killed by Hitler and you advocate a society like Nazi Germany that rules on torture?

What the FUK is the matter with you?
Your family survived the Holocaust and you want our society to embrace Nazi values?
You are no longer worthy of a reply. You represent the worst of Democrats.
Well one has to use judgment. I am talking about the lowlife animal who killed the innocent woman. I err on the side of good people, and you want to give more weight and concern for criminals. This is why Democrat cities are shitholes.

Look the cops don't just use it on obvious cases, they use it on everyone to include innocent people and those they want info from and don't suspect of a crime. we have YEARS of history to prove that.
I can’t believe how someone whose family was killed in the Holocaust would embrace the brutal tactics of Nazis to torture confessions out of suspects.
You are one sick individual
I can’t believe that a liberal would sink so low as to think it’s a fair comparison between innocent, law-abiding Jews tortured to DEATH for no purpose other than to eliminate Jews from the world to a savage thug to be tortured for a few minutes for the purpose of saving an innocent life.
I can’t believe that a liberal would sink so low as to think it’s a fair comparison between innocent, law-abiding Jews tortured to DEATH for no purpose other than to eliminate Jews from the world to a savage thug to be tortured for a few minutes for the purpose of saving an innocent life.
You will get information. It will be the wrong information and the savage thug is free to continue. Can you live with that? Can you live with someone wrongly convicted? Can you live with allowing the savage thug to continue to murder?
You will get information. It will be the wrong information and the savage thug is free to continue. Can you live with that? Can you live with someone wrongly convicted? Can you live with allowing the savage thug to continue to murder?
Why would the savage thug go free? He would still be held in custody, get a trial, and then go to prison.

And if the information is wrong, so what was lost? There’s a chance that the information could be correct, and a life would be saved.

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