I am DONE with Democrats.

That's better than Republicans
Sure it is. Go ahead, tell us again how great Joe Biden is!

You're really one dumb Simp.
You would have disappointed me had you not worked in at least one ad hominem against the OP in order to deflect from the real issue here that Biden sucks the Big One, and now, even the bluest 50th state in the union gets that!
Did you see them resetting McConnell the other day? It's like someone turn him off and back on.
Yeah, in another thread I posted 'Control-Alternate-Delete.' The Turtle and the Corpse have one thing in common, brain injury. Turtle fell on his noggin and Corpse has had at least 2 brain operations. Both are old and brain damaged it's no wonder they 'check out' from time to time. Turtle may have Parkinsons. My dad died of that and I remember he used to 'freeze' a lot. Lasted seconds to minutes then he snapped back.
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I haven't been able to find the video again but a couple of weeks back there was a local who interviewed another local - a street vendor he called "Fish". This guy was on foot and walked past a long line of cars that were being stopped from moving by a local cop. Fish tried to tell him that the fire was on its way and only a block or so away and the cop refused to let the traffic move because he was "following orders". This Fish guy said he kept walking away and then began hearing explosions behind him, right where those cars were stopped :( It sounds like those gas tanks cooked off and Lord only knows how many died right there. Horrible mismanagement and an indicator of how misplaced our trust in the legal system has become. If those people in their cars died, that cop - if he has any humanity - will grieve from that the rest of his life.
Sure it is. Go ahead, tell us again how great Joe Biden is!

You would have disappointed me had you not worked in at least one ad hominem against the OP in order to deflect from the real issue here that Biden sucks the Big One, and now, even the bluest 50th state in the union gets that!
My post also contained facts showing how Republicans previIously opposed disaster relief. None you have a response for that except to try and defend it by claiming it was loaded with pork. What pork? Well the posters who made that claim don't seem to have a clue. 😄 While you're complaining about me you have nothing but ad hominems.
C'mon, Mary. You've been done with those morons for a while.
Democrats are completely full of shit.

They lie, they cheat, they steal, and they call it politics.

Bullshit, man. They're rotten human beings in the first place, that's why they do what they do.

You get enough rotten human beings together and pretty soon you'll have a rotten institution.

That's what we have. Institutional rot.
The American holocaust in Moloki. How many children are missing? The media doesn't report it. Biden doesn't care, he takes two weeks to respond in between vacations and yawns. Biden sends WOPPING $700 total to Maui residents. But he sent a mere $250 million to Ukraine. Great message, Biden. Who loves ya, baby?

Biden doesn't care because he doesn't have to. Hawaii has been voting blue for decades. Notice how quickly he responded to Florida's hurricane situation. Florida used to be a "purple" state and recently turned red. They would like to have this state back so suddenly Biden cares.
Biden doesn't care because he doesn't have to. Hawaii has been voting blue for decades. Notice how quickly he responded to Florida's hurricane situation. Florida used to be a "purple" state and recently turned red. They would like to have this state back so suddenly Biden cares.

There are a lot of retirees in Florida with Social Security and Medicare..etc. Florida, my home state, has the most draconian laws in the country with respect to Medicaid, and towards the poor. Low wages, high cost of living. Miami is one of the worst cities to live in if you're a working-class person. Where do these rich capitalist employers, who want to pay their workers as little as possible, expect their workers to live? In the Everglades (swamp-jungle), sleeping under a tree in a hammock? Working-class people need affordable housing, and when that is impossible, it hurts the economy. Where do you as a wealthy business owner get your $10 an hour worker? He or she can't live on that salary in Miami, or in most other places.
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250 million to Ukraine? It's more like tens of billions to Ukraine in weapons. How much socialism do you want sent to Maui? I'm all for it, just provide some figures. Thanks.
We are seeing how socialism would play out in real time.

Hawaii has voted blue for how long now? And this is what they get for being good loyal party members. Told to shelter in place and burn to death or given $700 to replace their lost possessions.

There's your socialism
There are a lot of retirees in Florida with Social Security and Medicare..etc. Florida, my home state, has the most draconian laws in the country with respect to Medicaid, and towards the poor. Low wages, high cost of living. Miami is one of the worst cities to live in if you're a working-class person. Where do these rich capitalist employers, who want to pay their workers as little as possible, expect their workers to live? In the Everglades (swamp-jungle), sleeping under a tree in a hammock? Working-class people need affordable housing, and when that is impossible, it hurts the economy. Where do you as a wealthy business owner get your $10 an hour worker? He or she can't live on that salary in Miami, or in most other places.


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