I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

CNN Overjoyed by Phony Jobless Numbers March 06, 2015

RUSH: CNN -- they could barely keep their clothes on reporting this. Nobody knows the truth of anything.
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:
I’m Not Proud That We Elected Obama
When politics becomes personal it can lose perspective.

By Aaron Goldstein – 12.22.14


In an interview that was broadcast last night on 60 Minutes, retiring Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn proclaimed, “I’m proud of our country for electing Barack Obama.”

Senator Coburn is to be admired for his years as a watchdog on the spending habits of Congress and bureaucrats in the federal government. While I was certainly well aware of Coburn’s friendship with Obama, which developed when they were in the Senate, I am nevertheless disappointed to hear that he is proud this country elected Barack Obama to the White House.

Senator Coburn might very well love Barack Obama as a man and with it the content of his character. Alas, I do not love Barack Obama much less admire his character. I’m not proud that we elected Barack Obama to be President of the United States.

I’m not proud of President Obama when he says we’ve entered a new era of responsibility and then spends his entire presidency blaming President Bush, ATMs, the Arab Spring and tsunamis and a myriad of other excuses for his woes.

I’m not proud of President Obama for his contempt for our allies whether through abandoning missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic, his unwillingness to secure Ukraine’s sovereignty against Russian aggression, and his vilification of the State of Israel. Nor am I proud of him for leaving Chris Stevens and three other Americans to fend for themselves in Benghazi and then claim the attack was a result of a silly Internet film about Muhammad rather than a well-coordinated terrorist attack that just happened to occur on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

I’m not proud of President Obama’s endless apologies for America’s ills to countries who have far more to be ashamed of than us. It is these kinds of apologies that led Obama to normalize relations with a Cuba that is totalitarian now as it was half a century ago. I’m not proud of President Obama for giving the Castros not only a lifeline, but the entire store. I’m not proud of President Obama for giving Cuban dissidents the back of his hand just as I wasn’t proud when he did the same to Iranians clamoring for democracy when he said it wasn’t our place to meddle in Iran’s “elections.”

I’m not proud of President Obama when he refers to corpsman as “corpsemen.”

I’m not proud of President Obama for exchanging five top Taliban officials in exchange for one army deserter.

I’m not proud of President Obama when he tells us he has no strategy to deal with ISIS. I’m not proud of President Obama when he says ISIS isn’t Islamic. I’m not proud of President Obama when he refers to ISIS as the “jayvee squad” and then denying he ever said any such thing.


With 25 months left in his White House tenure, I’m afraid there will be ample time for Barack Obama to say and do plenty more things which will not make me proud that we elected him President.

I’m Not Proud That We Elected Obama
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.
I'm not embarrassed to be an American ever! Regardless of our president's bumbling ways, we are still the best country in the world, IMO. :D
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

Exactly.... Anything bad happen Obama is responsible, only part timers unemployment numbers is wrong.... But when good ones come NO it's not Obama.
Total of 271,000 added in October NAH that's not true it's not happening. Obama did not create those jobs. Gas is so expensive it's Obamas fault. Gas prices went down tremendously. No Obama didn't do anything to bring the prices down. Thousands of people working for the petroleum industry got laid off because of oil prices. ITS OBAMA'S FAULT. What a bunch of hypocrites.
I am VERY proud as an American.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

I've been embarrassed that you are an American since the first post of yours I read.
He just bumbled to 300,000 new jobs in February!

He's gonna bumble his way to Mount Rushmore.

Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?
Lol! :lol: You keep telling yourself that. A lot of jobs now are part time, not very well paying and/or temp jobs. :D Also, those statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits. I will admit though that the economy does seem to be improving. Does that have anything to do with Mr. Obama? Or is it just an upturn because the economy goes through cycles, depending on a lot of different factors?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.

ODS is a bitch.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

I've been embarrassed that you are an American since the first post of yours I read.

The odd thing about Murkin Jizzhat is that he never posts anything of his own. It's always a cut-n-paste from somebody else's page, as if the rest of us are too stoopid to know how to read the internets.

I guess he's embarrassed. :eusa_shifty:

Ain't dat right, Jizzhat?
That's pretty funny. If the economy was not improving, you wouldn't hesitate to blame it on him, but when it is improving, you question whether he has anything to do with it. It's spelled: h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y:biggrin:

The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.

For educated people with skills it is, the economy has changed, unskilled labor is no longer here , people need life long learning to gain the skills needed in the new economy. The skills needed today will be obsolete in a few years and new kills will be required
The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.

For educated people with skills it is, the economy has changed, unskilled labor is no longer here , people need life long learning to gain the skills needed in the new economy. The skills needed today will be obsolete in a few years and new kills will be required

No they aren't. I am educated and skilled in the medical field. The jobs that are out there are part time, temporary and are not paying what they should. Also, there are just not a LOT of jobs out there. Like I said, the entire help wanted section is not even half a page for my area.
The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.

For educated people with skills it is, the economy has changed, unskilled labor is no longer here , people need life long learning to gain the skills needed in the new economy. The skills needed today will be obsolete in a few years and new kills will be required

When was the last time you looked for a fucking job anyway? Lol. Stick to what you know about. It's not the job market obviously.
The job market is still sucking it. Also, employers know this and are totally taking advantage of it. They ask for years and years of experience and a person with a degree, and then want to offer 12.50 an hour. What a joke! Meanwhile, we still have to deal with inflation.

Do you expect me to hire a newly graduate IT or an engineer with a 2 year experience?Maybe your decimal point is the wrong spot. Highly experience IT pay at least $130k/year. Minimum $60K at the lowest. Those people with a degree making $12.50 are in the wrong location or they took the wrong majors. Like BS ( build shit ) Psychology, archeology, liberal arts, architecture, studio arts, drama, anthropologists...etc. I have tons of these people making $16. as clerks, warehouse worker and receptionist. And so is other several companies I associated with. That is sad but that's the reality.

I am just relaying information here.

When are you going to begin relaying some information that suggests that the economy is better now than it was 7 years ago?

If only there was any information to that effect to relay. The job market still isn't so great.

ODS is a bitch.

And you . . . when was the last time you looked for a job, you dishonest SOB? I know you are a partisan Obama ass sucker. His crap is all over your face!

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