I am encourage all of my fellow President Trump supporters/lovers to make it known we will send any Biden stimulus payments to Trump

Ok. Let me get this straight. You are going to send what? A thousand bucks to Trump. Because the multimillionaire doesn’t have enough?

If you want to know how people could vote for Biden. Look in the mirror. Estimates are that homelessness will increase by 45%. But all you can do is scream the Stock Market is doing great. Later you howl that people are voting against their interests. You don’t know what their interests are.

People are struggling. And all you want to do is screw them more. Send your Grand to Trump. I don’t care. But when you later claim people are stupid for supporting Democrats, remember you were the one who sent your money to a multimillionaire to make a point. A stupid point. And acted against your own interests.
I can live with that.
Trumptards don't have any money to send to their master Trump. They spent it all on Flags, Hats, Signs, Fuel, Guns & Ammo.
True. We don't by dresses and makeup, face stapling, and investing in mom's basement.
Lefties don’t have to buy stuff like hats,shoes,guns ammo etc because they looted it all summer long.
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I wouldn't give Trump the sweat of me testicles if he was dying of thirst in the desert.
This will force the Biden administration to think twice before sending out any further stimulus payments, because they don't want the money to go to Trump. The TDS will kick in and they won't be able to help themselves from blocking all stimulus payments. And if they do send the stimulus payments, then sending it to Trump will show him our appreciation for everything he has done for us, and hopefully it will give him the will to plan a coup to ensure he can be our leader once again. I've personally set it up so half of my direct deposit from work is automatically deposited into an offshore account owned by President Trump. It's the least I can do for all that he has done. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If you're not going to do it, then please take down all of your Trump flags, because you are not loyal or appreciative enough to be part of this movement to fundamentally change America into something better than it has ever been.

Sorry, it's too late for that. My property taxes are already paid, thanks to the escrow on the mortgage. So part of my Trump Bux were spent on components to make 600 more rounds of 9mm.

Might send him a "thank you" card though.

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I've heard stupid shit but that's probably the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Go for it. Feed some more money to the Orange Fraud. Don't bother me one bit. Not like you need it right?
This will force the Biden administration to think twice before sending out any further stimulus payments, because they don't want the money to go to Trump. The TDS will kick in and they won't be able to help themselves from blocking all stimulus payments. And if they do send the stimulus payments, then sending it to Trump will show him our appreciation for everything he has done for us, and hopefully it will give him the will to plan a coup to ensure he can be our leader once again. I've personally set it up so half of my direct deposit from work is automatically deposited into an offshore account owned by President Trump. It's the least I can do for all that he has done. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If you're not going to do it, then please take down all of your Trump flags, because you are not loyal or appreciative enough to be part of this movement to fundamentally change America into something better than it has ever been.

Now that's some cult worship on a scale ever Freud would call spooky. You need some first class psychiatric help my friend.
This will force the Biden administration to think twice before sending out any further stimulus payments, because they don't want the money to go to Trump. The TDS will kick in and they won't be able to help themselves from blocking all stimulus payments. And if they do send the stimulus payments, then sending it to Trump will show him our appreciation for everything he has done for us, and hopefully it will give him the will to plan a coup to ensure he can be our leader once again. I've personally set it up so half of my direct deposit from work is automatically deposited into an offshore account owned by President Trump. It's the least I can do for all that he has done. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If you're not going to do it, then please take down all of your Trump flags, because you are not loyal or appreciative enough to be part of this movement to fundamentally change America into something better than it has ever been.
Tell us the truth...

Are you really a Lib-Prog-Dem pretending otherwise, to make Rumplicans look even more stupid than they actually ARE ? :auiqs.jpg:


Then again, if this is on the up-and-up... enough of those idiot Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers are dumb enough to bite on your hook.

Man-oh-man... did you rubes ever get conned by a consummate con-artist... Presidential Flim-Flam... Executive Smoke-and-Mirrors.

Go ahead, re-tards... SEND him your money... DO it... as The Creature laughs his a$$ off... all the way to the bank...

You fools tools are... like... all bent over... and...

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You are absolutely correct. But it is something the Trump Fanboys accuse people of. And honestly so do the LW cheerleaders. I put it there as a dig.
It's more of a LWNJ fanboy thing, imho. Trump supporters aren't the ones who claim the left votes against their best interests, that's a meme used against those who oppose UHC and high taxes on the wealthy.
This will force the Biden administration to think twice before sending out any further stimulus payments, because they don't want the money to go to Trump. The TDS will kick in and they won't be able to help themselves from blocking all stimulus payments. And if they do send the stimulus payments, then sending it to Trump will show him our appreciation for everything he has done for us, and hopefully it will give him the will to plan a coup to ensure he can be our leader once again. I've personally set it up so half of my direct deposit from work is automatically deposited into an offshore account owned by President Trump. It's the least I can do for all that he has done. I encourage everyone else to do the same. If you're not going to do it, then please take down all of your Trump flags, because you are not loyal or appreciative enough to be part of this movement to fundamentally change America into something better than it has ever been.
I was beginning to think I was in the wrong universe here. I have only been seeing negative things about my President! I love what President Trump has done for this country. It's hard to believe just how wrong the left gets it... they don't have a clue.
Well if the 74+ million voters that voted for Trump would send him two thousand dollars each it would make Trump the richest man in the World and if not close enough damn it!

So do it and let me watch the insanity unfold!
Well if the 74+ million voters that voted for Trump would send him two thousand dollars each it would make Trump the richest man in the World and if not close enough damn it!

So do it and let me watch the insanity unfold!
That would force Trump to have to pay taxes & make his head EXPLODE!

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