"I am not a baby..." Says Trump

I think it is a great idea for the media to entrap and/or pressure Trump to bad mouth Kim.

That way, we can undo all the diplomacy we have done, and hopefully enrage Kim to the point he does something crazy like shelling Seoul killing tens, or hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

That way, the liberal reporter that succeeds in undoing one of Trump's accomplishments, would be a shoe in for a Pulitzer.

ANd only at the cost of a mountain of corpses. Perhaps radioactive corpses.

BUT, as libs know, nothing is more important that getting Trump.

You give the media way too much credit. Besides, POTUS is more than capable of stepping on his own dick. I mean tie.

REally? THen tell the media, who are trying to start a war, so they can smear Trump.

Or maybe you are just full of hate and shit.

"tell the media, who are trying to start a war." You act like the media is some personified deity that I can just go a talk to. What war are you talking about?

Yes, I referred to a group, that is acting, to a great extent, in concert, as group that you could speak to.

Your confusion on the concept of groups is a common left failure.

I don't care about your mental problems.

My point stands.

REally? THen tell the media, who are trying to start a war, so they can smear Trump.

Or maybe you are just full of hate and shit.

You point does not stand. There is no concerted media effort to start a war and take POTUS down unless you believe Infowars. Nothing else in your comment merits a response.

Your denial of obvious truth is noted and held against you.


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