'I am not a Jew with trembling knees'

And remember…..the funding for it was already approved by Congress. Biden is actively seeks out a fortune to give to corrupt Ukraine by getting approval from Congress, and then turns around and HALTS a package to Israel that was already approved?

And Coyote’s attempt to justify this by saying Israel is fighting a smaller opponent doesn’t hold water. Congress knew that when they approved it.
The fact is Hamas has declared a genocidal war on Israel.
The leftist are trying to defend Hamas and pretend Israel has declared a genocidal war on the Palestinians.

The left has no moral center or justification for that.
Do you honestly think Russia's purpose and intent is to exterminate or drive out all Ukrainians? That their intent is to kill women, children, babies? You'll have a very difficult time making a case for that.

Hamas is on the record that their intent is to exterminate all the Jews and erase Israel from the face of the Earth? And they do not intend to stop until they do.

How do you even begin trying to justify those two things as being the same?
Another interesting point to ponder: why weren’t all these students out en masse, yelling ”death to Russians” and blocking Russian students from going to class, or spitting on them, or assaulting them at the start of the Russia-Ukraine war? Why did their ire for the loss of innocent life only kick in when they could blame Jews?
Another interesting point to ponder: why weren’t all these students out en masse, yelling ”death to Russians” and blocking Russian students from going to class, or spitting on them, or assaulting them at the start of the Russia-Ukraine war? Why did their ire for the loss of innocent life only kick in when they could blame Jews?
Levin also raised a point you had raised some days ago. They know the names of the Hamas leaders, the Iranian leaders, the Houthi leaders and others supporting Hamas and funding their terrorist activities but never ever call those out. But Biden and other anti-Israel types constantly criticize Netanyahu by name and infer that Netanyahu is the only villain in this story.
Levin also raised a point you had raised some days ago. They know the names of the Hamas leaders, the Iranian leaders, the Houthi leaders and others supporting Hamas and funding their terrorist activities but never ever call those out. But Biden and other anti-Israel types constantly criticize Netanyahu by name and infers that Netanyahu is the only villain in this story.
This has Obama’s stench all over it. He always hated Netanyahu, and of course sides with Muslims.
This has Obama’s stench all over it. He always hated Netanyahu, and of course sides with Muslims.
Maybe. I don't know. I won't speculate without some pretty credible evidence. But I know for damn sure, trying to equate the Ukraine/Russia conflict with the Hamas/Israel conflict is not credible at all.
Maybe. I don't know. I won't speculate without some pretty credible evidence. But I know for damn sure, trying to equate the Ukraine/Russia conflict with the Hamas/Israel conflict is not credible at all.
The reason I suggest that Obama is behind this is because Biden is too cognitively impaired to make a decision like this, and Obama maintains a home in DC, which is unusual for a former president. I think he’s been pulling some strings here.

But as you point out, there’s no evidence of it - other than the complete transformation of America going on, as Obama threatened.
The Zionist regime doesn't want to squander the sympathy gained for 'decent' Jews due to the holocaust. As the entire world turns against them, that will be their undoing.

The world will see them as the same as any other evil regime that commits genocide against innocent women and children!
Ottawa Osama
The reason I suggest that Obama is behind this is because Biden is too cognitively impaired to make a decision like this, and Obama maintains a home in DC, which is unusual for a former president. I think he’s been pulling some strings here.

But as you point out, there’s no evidence of it - other than the complete transformation of America going on, as Obama threatened.
You wouldn't be the first to speculate that Obama is the mastermind behind all this. It has to be someone as incompetent as he was as President at least in promoting what makes America great. He didn't know how or didn't intend to promote the greatest liberty, prosperity, options, choices, opportunity for all Americans. So the possibility has crossed my mind as well.
Do you honestly think Russia's purpose and intent is to exterminate or drive out all Ukrainians? That their intent is to kill women, children, babies? You'll have a very difficult time making a case for that.

Hamas is on the record that their intent is to exterminate all the Jews and erase Israel from the face of the Earth? And they do not intend to stop until they do.

How do you even begin trying to justify those two things as being the same?
History. A new admiration for Stalin. The fact it has propogandized the war as an “fight against Nazism” with the Ukrainians being demonized as Nazi’s. Actions it has undertaken in its war, which I listed.

What you are doing is focusing on rhetoric - stated intentions - as more important than substance and the ability to carry out intentions. Most of the time, those who commit the most heinous war crimes don’t come right out and say. They just do it and if they call it anything it will be something that cloaks it…like “denazification”.

The other thing is that what Russia is doing goes beyond exterminating corporeal bodies: it’s exterminating an entire culture (which Stalin to multiple minorities, we did with our indigenous peoples, China is doing with it’s minorities...history is full of examples). You take their children and indoctrinate them, you ban the language and the teaching it, of Ukrainian history, customs etc. You exterminate a people, not people.

So remind me…how are they NOT the same?
History. A new admiration for Stalin. The fact it has propogandized the war as an “fight against Nazism” with the Ukrainians being demonized as Nazi’s. Actions it has undertaken in its war, which I listed.

What you are doing is focusing on rhetoric - stated intentions - as more important than substance and the ability to carry out intentions. Most of the time, those who commit the most heinous war crimes don’t come right out and say. They just do it and if they call it anything it will be something that cloaks it…like “denazification”.

The other thing is that what Russia is doing goes beyond exterminating corporeal bodies: it’s exterminating an entire culture (which Stalin to multiple minorities, we did with our indigenous peoples, China is doing with it’s minorities...history is full of examples). You take their children and indoctrinate them, you ban the language and the teaching it, of Ukrainian history, customs etc. You exterminate a people, not people.

So remind me…how are they NOT the same?
One is a territorial dispute that has been happening between peoples since the history of humankind. Doesn't make it right. Russia is clearly in the wrong on this one and I'm pretty sure they know that. But their intent is not to wipe out the Ukrainian people but rather to control the country they occupy.

The other is a terrorist group intent on committing total genocide on another people.

If you don't understand how those two things are not the same, I don't know how to explain it to you.
This has Obama’s stench all over it. He always hated Netanyahu, and of course sides with Muslims.

Ya…he hates Israel so much he gave them the biggest military aid package ever…that makes perfect sense🙄
One is a territorial dispute that has been happening between peoples since the history of humankind. Doesn't make it right. Russia is clearly in the wrong on this one and I'm pretty sure they know that. But their intent is not to wipe out the Ukrainian people but rather to control the country they occupy.

The other is a terrorist group intent on committing total genocide on another people.

If you don't understand how those two things are not the same, I don't know how to explain it to you.
Ultimately both can said to be “territorial disputes” historically.

In addition, Russia has a history of “wiping out people” and peoples One way or another.

Remember Russian invaded Ukraine’s sovereign territory, targeted and murdered civilians, kidnapped thousands of children and civilians “disappeared them” into remote enclaves. It is systematically diluting the population and eliminating all aspects Ukrainian identity.

It really isn’t so different, both are existential, which is why I can’t fathom how some one can support one and not the other.
Ya…he hates Israel so much he gave them the biggest military aid package ever…that makes perfect sense🙄
….yeah, and he gave a big FU to them with the last U.N. vote and made a ” deal” with the state sponsor of terrorism Iran, as well as giving them billions of dollars (under cloak of night) for hostages.

And now, Biden is giving a fortune to Ukraine, with no accountability as to how it’s spent, and then withholds military weapons from our ally Israel as it closes in to eliminate HAMAS. Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab countries, and they see how Biden is supporting HAMAS.
Ultimately both can said to be “territorial disputes” historically.

In addition, Russia has a history of “wiping out people” and peoples One way or another.

Remember Russian invaded Ukraine’s sovereign territory, targeted and murdered civilians, kidnapped thousands of children and civilians “disappeared them” into remote enclaves. It is systematically diluting the population and eliminating all aspects Ukrainian identity.

It really isn’t so different, both are existential, which is why I can’t fathom how some one can support one and not the other.
Many countries historically have condoned, done, supported, believed in things they no longer do. I do not for a minute believe that Putin or anybody else in power in Russia has any intent of committing genocide on the Ukrainian people. I honestly think Putin is sorry he ever started the war but cannot now admit that. I'm pretty sure Trump will figure out a way to mediate peace between the two countries and that will be that.

Hamas is on record they have no intention of stopping until every Jew is dead and Israel is no more. If you think that's okay and/or is no different, then that's what you think. I simply don't think that way.
….yeah, and he gave a big FU to them with the last U.N. vote and made a ” deal” with the state sponsor of terrorism Iran, as well as giving them billions of dollars (under cloak of night) for hostages.

And now, Biden is giving a fortune to Ukraine, with no accountability as to how it’s spent, and then withholds military weapons from our ally Israel as it closes in to eliminate HAMAS. Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab countries, and they see how Biden is supporting HAMAS.

Netanyahu has pushed Biden to this point.

This is the administration that went to the Congress and asked for the provision of $16 billion of assistance to Israel. They have held up one item - 2,000 pound bombs that they've held up. They're not indicating they're going to walk away from our commitment to Israeli security. And I wouldn't want us, when it comes to arms, to raise real questions about that. We don't want to increase the prospect of a wider war in the region. So having a clear message that we stand by Israel's security is important. I think the president is still saying that, but he's also saying, we have interests, too, and we're going to act on those interests.

Does Israel have a credible evacuation plan for the 1.4 million Palestinians (mostly women and children) currently sheltering in Rafah?
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It's comical watching leftists and antisemites rant and rave about Israel taking it to Hamas after what Hamas did...a terrorist attack
I guess you thnk it has been fine for Israel to expand settlements while killing Palestinians at will. All you can see is October 7th.

"Between 1948 and 1997, 20,093 Israeli soldiers were killed in combat, 75,000 Israelis were wounded, and nearly 100,000 Israelis were considered disabled army veterans. On the other hand, in 2010 Yom Hazikaron, Israel honored the memory of 22,684 Israeli soldiers and pre-Israeli Palestinian Jews killed since 1860 in the line of duty for the independence, preservation and protection of the nation, and 3,971 civilian terror victims."

In fact if you add this up, Israel may have killed more Palestinians in the past 8 months than the total number of Isrealis who have been killed by Palestinians in 76 years. That's bullshit we should not support. We should not appease Netanyahu. He created the problem by propping up Hamas and allowimg Qatar to provide them billions of dollars. Netanyahu was told months before the attack by his own initeigence this was cming and took no steps. It was as if Netanyahu sacrficed his own people inorder to start this war.

Biden was patient, and he told Netanyahu that if he invaded Rafah that he would be cut off. Netanyahu told Biden he could GFH and that if Israel has to do this alone they will. Netanyahu seems to believe he doesn't have to listen to Democratic presidents. He had problems with listening to Obama, much of that due to the racist right filling his head full of lead. Netanyahu needs to quit listening to these rght wing fundamentalist idots who believe that they will be cursed by God if they don't support Israel no matter what they do. Biden is right and it's time we made Israel undertstand that they cannot just go willy nilly invading and occupying using the fake ass claim of self defense and America will always arm them whether they are rght or wrong.

So Netanyahu tried to sell his wolf ticket to Biden and Biden said, "OK big mouth, do it yourself." So f---- Netanyahu, because the citizens of Israel oppose this shit too, and certainly they are not supporters of Hamas. So is time for you anti Muslim bigots to fall back.

'Above one of the classroom whiteboards in the Jewish day school I attended as a child hung a poster featuring the face of former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin alongside a quote: “I’m not a Jew with trembling knees.”

I would be tempted to say that our present circumstances call for a proud Jew to tell that to Joe Biden, but the fact is that he’s already been told — by Begin himself. In 1982, at a closed-door meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden had threatened Begin with cutting off military aid for Israel’s offensive campaign in Lebanon. As Tevi Troy noted in the Wall Street Journal, the story went that Begin responded in fiery outrage:​

Forty-two years later, Joe Biden has learned nothing.
But we have learned who Joe Biden truly is. That he is doing exactly what he threatened Begin with over four decades ago suggests that Biden’s actions in pledging to withhold weaponry for an Israeli offensive into Rafah, however surprising they might seem to some, are drawn from a long-standing outlook toward Israel. In other words, Biden threatening to cut off aid to the Jewish state if it takes measures against its enemies is a feature, rather than a bug, of his decades-old policy.
Menachem Begin saw clearly. We can’t say we weren’t warned.
Netanyahu's Goals for the West Bank and Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his goals and intentions regarding the West Bank and Gaza. It is important to note that Netanyahu's positions may vary depending on the context and time period. Here are some key points:

1. Preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state: Netanyahu has taken an approach that aims to maintain a separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

2. Opposing the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza: Netanyahu has stated his opposition to the idea of the Palestinian Authority retaking control of the Gaza Strip after a war. This position goes against the views of the Biden administration, most European countries, and the Arab world, which have indicated that the Palestinian Authority should be involved in Gaza after the war.

3. Ensuring no resurgence of terrorism: Netanyahu has emphasized the need to prevent the resurgence of terrorism in Gaza. He believes that Israel is currently the only force capable of securing this objective.

4. Demilitarization of Gaza: Netanyahu has presented a plan that includes making reconstruction in Gaza dependent on demilitarization. He wants to keep security control over Palestinian areas and ensure that there is no new Hamas or resurgence of terrorism.

5. Maintaining security control: Netanyahu's plan envisions Israel maintaining security control over Palestinian areas, including the West Bank and Gaza. This is in line with his resistance to the creation of a Palestinian state, which he sees as a security threat.

These goals and positions are subject to change based on evolving political dynamics and circumstances. Netanyahu's views may also be influenced by domestic and international factors.

==>It seems Netanyahu's goals are nothing but his fantasies. However, the only way to reach his desirable goals is to kill all Arabs in the world. Can Netanyahu do that? lol. :)

Sources :

1. For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

2. https://www.axios.com/2023/11/11/gaza-palestinian-authority-control-netanyahu-hamas-war


4. https://www.reuters.com/world/middl...first-official-post-gaza-war-plan-2024-02-23/
'Above one of the classroom whiteboards in the Jewish day school I attended as a child hung a poster featuring the face of former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin alongside a quote: “I’m not a Jew with trembling knees.”

I would be tempted to say that our present circumstances call for a proud Jew to tell that to Joe Biden, but the fact is that he’s already been told — by Begin himself. In 1982, at a closed-door meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden had threatened Begin with cutting off military aid for Israel’s offensive campaign in Lebanon. As Tevi Troy noted in the Wall Street Journal, the story went that Begin responded in fiery outrage:​

Forty-two years later, Joe Biden has learned nothing.
But we have learned who Joe Biden truly is. That he is doing exactly what he threatened Begin with over four decades ago suggests that Biden’s actions in pledging to withhold weaponry for an Israeli offensive into Rafah, however surprising they might seem to some, are drawn from a long-standing outlook toward Israel. In other words, Biden threatening to cut off aid to the Jewish state if it takes measures against its enemies is a feature, rather than a bug, of his decades-old policy.
Menachem Begin saw clearly. We can’t say we weren’t warned.

Begin was the perfect leader for his times and the position Israel is in. Netanyahu is a sissy in comparison. Hamas should have been dealt with in 2005, when they attacked Jews living in Gaza. Instead, they were allowed to grow and fester for another 18-20 years. The PLO should have been rubbed out by 1965.

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