I am not afraid to tell you I told you so.

California wants to recognize multiple parents, a necessary first step towards the legalization of polygamy.

When a civilization starts down the road of degeneracy, it never stops short of the botton.

Were you born stupid or have you had to practice to lower yourself to this level?

Normalization of same sex marriage, to normalization of pedophilia to normalzation of polygamy. Legalization of drugs. Seems pretty clear as to where we're going. Historically which civilization took these steps and stopped short of total collapse?

The Roman Empire collapsed when the christians took over.
And thus ends the conversation, at least on Bod's side. From here she will revert to blatant lies and distractive trolling, ultimately to deny she ever said anything of the sort.
How in the world can organizations like NAMBLA (north-american-man-boy-love-association) operate in the open without the help of politicians and the media? Left wing quasi-scientists try to tell us that pedophiles who prey on young boys aren't really homosexual. The party of no family values is in the business of protecting pedophiles and sexual predators because they can count on votes from their perverted base.

Probably the same way that organizations like the KKK operate in the open.

That's my point. The KKK has been ostracized from society and no longer operates in the open but left wingers can show their NAMBLA credentials in any democrat party function and be welcomed.
The APA gives college credit for attending Nambla trainings about normalizing pedophilia.
I see there is no evidence to support Katzndogz' assertion.

Assertions are not evidence.

Normalization of same sex marriage, to normalization of pedophilia to normalzation of polygamy. Legalization of drugs. Seems pretty clear as to where we're going. Historically which civilization took these steps and stopped short of total collapse?

You have no evidence for your assertion at all.

Mankind practiced polygamy for thousands of years before the coming of the Christ. Much of mankind has practiced polygamy since then. Only in the West has polygamy been illegal since the coming of the Christ.

You will not find one single, documented evidence that civilizations crashed because the violated your moral code.

No they collapsed because they became wholly degenerate like ours is becoming wholly degenerate. Across the board. Rotted out with the corruption of the putrid.

No, they did not. You have no evidence. End of your story.
How in the world can organizations like NAMBLA (north-american-man-boy-love-association) operate in the open without the help of politicians and the media? Left wing quasi-scientists try to tell us that pedophiles who prey on young boys aren't really homosexual. The party of no family values is in the business of protecting pedophiles and sexual predators because they can count on votes from their perverted base.

Probably the same way that organizations like the KKK operate in the open.

That's my point. The KKK has been ostracized from society and no longer operates in the open but left wingers can show their NAMBLA credentials in any democrat party function and be welcomed.

I am a Republican and am calling your silly lie. Show me all the Dem party functions where they are "welcomed".
Spin, spin, spin.

We have been giving pedo priests our children for hundreds of years.
God told us to.

That's not god, that the bean burrito you had for lunch....

We lock up priests when we find them molesting young boys. Lately it seems we even lock up pedophile football coaches even though they have been protected by the system for years. Why are democrats so angry that the Boy Scouts can legally discriminate against hiring overt homosexual men? Are democrats angry because their voting base might lose another hunting ground?

Oh gee! Right away?
How in the world can organizations like NAMBLA (north-american-man-boy-love-association) operate in the open without the help of politicians and the media? Left wing quasi-scientists try to tell us that pedophiles who prey on young boys aren't really homosexual. The party of no family values is in the business of protecting pedophiles and sexual predators because they can count on votes from their perverted base.

Probably the same way that organizations like the KKK operate in the open.

That's my point. The KKK has been ostracized from society and no longer operates in the open but left wingers can show their NAMBLA credentials in any democrat party function and be welcomed.

Sorry, but the KKK is still legal and still marches...we even have some of their compounds here in SoCal...totally legal and they function out in the open with their buddies the White Aryan Nation and the Skinheads. Why do you think that is?
Yes, there is evidence, yahoo.

"One of the main causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire was the Decline in Morals. The decline in morals, especially in the rich upper classes, nobility and the emperors, had a devastating impact on the Romans. Immoral and promiscuous sexual behaviour including adultery and orgies. Emperors such as Tiberius kept groups of young boys for his pleasure, incest by Nero who also had a male slave castrated so he could take him as his wife, Elagabalus who forced a Vestal Virgin into marriage, Commodus with his harems of concubines enraged Romans by sitting in the theatre or at the games dressed in a woman's garments. The decline in morals also effected the lower classes and slaves. Religious festivals such as Saturnalia and Bacchanalia where sacrifices, ribald songs, lewd acts and sexual promiscuity were practised. Bestiality and other lewd and sexually explicit acts were exhibited in the Colosseum arena to amuse the mob. Brothels and forced prostitution flourished. Widespread gambling on the chariot races and gladiatorial combats. Massive consumption of alcohol. The sadistic cruelty towards both man and beasts in the arena. "

Causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire
Let's see some direct correlation between assertion and effect. Not one of the far right and few of the far left can do that.

Just a lot of yelling ends up smelling.
The APA gives college credit for attending Nambla trainings about normalizing pedophilia.

Oh suuuuure they do.....:eusa_whistle:

"Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

All speakers focused on pedophiles as healthy, normal and unfairly victimized by stigma and mean words. Following repeated assertions that pedophiles never force children, are gentle and loving, one researcher did cite a child “victim” who was raped and sodomized.
One speaker laughingly compared doing an obscene act “on” a child to doing the same obscene act on a shoe. No one protested, and some chuckled. One young female suggested pedophiles might be helped by engaging in “sex play” using naked pictures of pseudo children, allied with some sadism, bridal gowns, etc. This Ph.D. social worker candidate proudly noted her objection to any “repression.”
For their attendance, the pedophile political activists could earn 6.0 units of continuing education credits by the “Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners.” These 12 board members credentialed this pedophile academic farce, giving higher education credits to allow felons and near-felons to advance their child sexual abuse agenda by using bogus and fraudulent research."

Dr. Judith Reisman is former principal investigator for the U.S. Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention study of child sexual abuse and crimes suborned by "soft" pornography, and author of several books, the newest of which is "Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America."

They’re mainstreaming pedophilia
Yes, there is evidence, yahoo.

"One of the main causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire was the Decline in Morals. The decline in morals, especially in the rich upper classes, nobility and the emperors, had a devastating impact on the Romans. Immoral and promiscuous sexual behaviour including adultery and orgies. Emperors such as Tiberius kept groups of young boys for his pleasure, incest by Nero who also had a male slave castrated so he could take him as his wife, Elagabalus who forced a Vestal Virgin into marriage, Commodus with his harems of concubines enraged Romans by sitting in the theatre or at the games dressed in a woman's garments. The decline in morals also effected the lower classes and slaves. Religious festivals such as Saturnalia and Bacchanalia where sacrifices, ribald songs, lewd acts and sexual promiscuity were practised. Bestiality and other lewd and sexually explicit acts were exhibited in the Colosseum arena to amuse the mob. Brothels and forced prostitution flourished. Widespread gambling on the chariot races and gladiatorial combats. Massive consumption of alcohol. The sadistic cruelty towards both man and beasts in the arena. "

Causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire
Do you really want a cyber history record... somewhere... of your prowling around for information on NAMBLA?
Is that how you scare people away from pursuing connections between NAMBLA and the APA?
Sorry, but the KKK is still legal and still marches...

The KKK is completely ostracized. Still marches WHERE, Shortbus?

we even have some of their compounds here in SoCal...

Oh really? And where might that be? You wouldn't be telling fibs, would you, Shortbus? I'm in Santa Fe Springs right now, and live in Yorba Linda - I'll be happy to check them out...

totally legal and they function out in the open with their buddies the White Aryan Nation and the Skinheads. Why do you think that is?

Skinheads, huh?



Your such a fucking moron, Shortbus - don't ever change.
Probably the same way that organizations like the KKK operate in the open.

That's my point. The KKK has been ostracized from society and no longer operates in the open but left wingers can show their NAMBLA credentials in any democrat party function and be welcomed.

I am a Republican and am calling your silly lie. Show me all the Dem party functions where they are "welcomed".

OK fellow republican, let me put it this way. The KKK is ostracized from society but there is no doubt that members of NAMBLA are democrats. They might not flash their I.D. to get into democrat party functions but you can bet your ass (pun intended) that they discuss pedophile politics with party members. The party of no family values is sensitive to sexual predator issues because it's part of their voter base.

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