I am not afraid to tell you I told you so.

I accept that people are born with an attraction to children, as obviously, no sane person is going to choose to find children attractive.

But we don't need to accept them. I can accept someone who says they have an attraction to children, but have no acted on it, but once you give in to those desires, you lose that acceptance.

Pedophiles need to know that they must control their urges, that abusing children is never okay, even if they do say they were born that way.
Public Execution would be my way of doing that.

I don't believe in the death penalty (we don't have it here in Australia) so that is not an option for me.

Well we have the death penalty here, so it is an option.
Either "Show me all the Dem party functions where they are 'welcomed'", or admit that you can't.

Some NAMBLA may be GOP or Dem, but most, likely, are libertarian, which invalidates your last sentence.

whitehall, stop the hating and begin the thinking.

obama not only welcomed, but praised Kevin Jennings and made him safe school czar.

Safe School Czar Praised NAMBLA Figure - Archive - Fox Nation

Kevin Jennings, President Obama's Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug FreeSchools at the U.S. Department of Education, is in hot water this week for having failed to report that a 15-year-old sophomore student in his school had told him of having sex with an older man.

But failure to report what appeared to be a case of statuatory rape of a child may be the least of Jennings' worries. Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men.
All those emperors were centuries...CENTURIES before the Roman Empire collapsed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You mentioning Tiberius particularly cracks me up...he was only Emperor#2....Look up Constantine...the one who made the Roman Empire christian....it did not collapse until after that.

You really need to read for yourself and not take the word of silly people who have NO IDEA of history. :lol:

The apologists' arguments for moral decline and collapse of civilization always fail: no causal evidence exists.

:lol::lol::lol: I LOVE how Koshergirl/Allie thanked you for that. :lol::lol::lol:
All those emperors were centuries...CENTURIES before the Roman Empire collapsed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You mentioning Tiberius particularly cracks me up...he was only Emperor#2....Look up Constantine...the one who made the Roman Empire christian....it did not collapse until after that.

You really need to read for yourself and not take the word of silly people who have NO IDEA of history. :lol:

The apologists' arguments for moral decline and collapse of civilization always fail: no causal evidence exists.

:lol::lol::lol: I LOVE how Koshergirl/Allie thanked you for that. :lol::lol::lol:

she uhpenyun no-ah importan', donchaknoh-ah?
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You need to take your pool boy's dick out of your mouth before you speak, Jake. You've been told this before.
Who said the KKK was only in California?

You did.

Um...no I did not....California is only one state...the KKK is nationwide and is legal. But you are welcome to prove that I said the KKK was ONLY in California. Ready? Go!

In fact, you bragged about KKK Compounds.

Of course you were lying - that's just your way.

Extremism in America - Tom Metzger: Background

Richard Butler and Aryan Nations -- Extremism in America

San Diego County is one of the top producers of racists

Daughter, husband will control property when Aryan leader dies
Um...no I did not....California is only one state...the KKK is nationwide and is legal. But you are welcome to prove that I said the KKK was ONLY in California. Ready? Go!

Lying is what you do best, thinking is what you do least.

Sorry, but the KKK is still legal and still marches...we even have some of their compounds here in SoCal...totally legal and they function out in the open with their buddies the White Aryan Nation and the Skinheads. Why do you think that is?



Don't ever change, Shortbus.
Um...no I did not....California is only one state...the KKK is nationwide and is legal. But you are welcome to prove that I said the KKK was ONLY in California. Ready? Go!

Lying is what you do best, thinking is what you do least.

Sorry, but the KKK is still legal and still marches...we even have some of their compounds here in SoCal...totally legal and they function out in the open with their buddies the White Aryan Nation and the Skinheads. Why do you think that is?



Don't ever change, Shortbus.

Reading is Fundamental...where does it say that the KKK is only legal and only marches in California?
I have to wonder where you guys went to school....considering your woeful lack of reading comprehension skills....probably Texas or elsewhere in the South.

Their damaged sort are everywhere in the country, but not nearly in numbers as they would wish.
I hope this isn't going to signal another of JS's woeful attempts to portray himself as a scholar.

Because that never ends well.
Reading is Fundamental...where does it say that the KKK is only legal and only marches in California?

So, do you have duel mounted backup cameras to aid in your back peddling?

Look, you stuck your foot in your mouth. You usually do - that's what we love about you - you're always sticking your foot in your mouth - which takes real talent, seeing how your head is up your ass and all...

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