I am not voting for Trump

History has demonstrated over and over that it's about the enablers of the damaged individual, and not the damaged individual himself.
I absolutely agree, and it's why I can't support a candidate that promotes some of the shit on the left. Defund the police, forced speech, and the biggie of not holding people accountable for destroying other peoples shit.
Mac laughs cause he has no come back
Mac1958 still you got nothing. Color me surprised
You are nothing, sorry.
I'm saying elections aren't about "picking a winner". By your tortured logic, any vote for a candidate who doesn't win is wasted. I disagree. Any vote that doesn't honestly represent your values is wasted
I always thought people ran for office to win.
Duh? But that's not why we vote. We don't vote to "win". We vote to express who we want to lead our government. If you vote for someone who doesn't win - that's not a "wasted" vote.
I'm saying elections aren't about "picking a winner". By your tortured logic, any vote for a candidate who doesn't win is wasted. I disagree. Any vote that doesn't honestly represent your values is wasted
I always thought people ran for office to win.
Duh? But that's not why we vote. We don't vote to "win". We vote to express who we want to lead our government. If you vote for someone who doesn't win - that's not a "wasted" vote.
So they don’t have to win? Interesting. Tell me the policy hitlery has put in place the last three years?
Honestly? I think it's mostly the idiot fucks who follow him. Haven't met one yet who wasn't a deplorable moron
Deplorable means what? People who are different have no rights in your world?

Ignorant bigots who are afraid they'll lose out if we don't have an ignorant bigot running things.

I can say without a doubt, Joe Biden has flipped to the greeners. I have evidence , as well his anti black crime bill from the 90’s
Yep. Totally agree. What's that got to do with how deplorable Trumpsters are?
I'm saying elections aren't about "picking a winner". By your tortured logic, any vote for a candidate who doesn't win is wasted. I disagree. Any vote that doesn't honestly represent your values is wasted
I always thought people ran for office to win.
Duh? But that's not why we vote. We don't vote to "win". We vote to express who we want to lead our government. If you vote for someone who doesn't win - that's not a "wasted" vote.
So they don’t have to win? Interesting.
Interesting enough for you to actually think about it? Seriously, give it a try:

If you vote for Trump and he doesn't win, was your vote "wasted"?
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

Damn, you're a great parrot of the MSM. Do you ever have original thoughts?

Yeah, dittos Rush.

Is he still alive, I heard he had cancer or something.

Interesting enough for you to actually think about it? Seriously, give it a try:

If you vote for Trump and he doesn't win, was your vote "wasted
Not at all, he has the best chance who believes in my country
Yep. Totally agree. What's that got to do with how deplorable Trumpsters are?
Name what you consider deplorable. I asked you avoid. Interesting, can’t back up your shit
I just did - YOU!!

Trumpsters are idiots who can't follow basic reason. Yet they feel compelled to spout off with their idiot nonsense anyway. They defend racists and bigots, they want the government to take over social media (or any media that doesn't accommodate them), they want government to build soviet style walls on our border, they want government to force insurance companies to cover "pre-existing conditions", without realizing (or maybe just not caring) how irrational that is.
Interesting enough for you to actually think about it? Seriously, give it a try:

If you vote for Trump and he doesn't win, was your vote "wasted
Not at all, he has the best chance who believes in my country
Yep. Same here. I'm voting for Jo Jorgensen because, among the candidates who believe in my country, she has the best chance. (implied - so you probably didn't get it - I don't think Trump believes in my country).
th their idiot nonsense anyway. They defend racists and bigots
I don’t defend Biden or Obammy the bigots holding blacks in ghettos. You ignore this blacks and claim to be black lives matter. Sureeeee I’m here asshole, prove I’m a bigot or racist. I believe in school choice, you?
There are other boxes. Listen, your argument makes no sense. Voting Libertarian is not the same as voting for Trump/Biden. Think about it.
I have. Your vote is a sure loser. So you’re saying someone else can pick a winner
I'm saying elections aren't about "picking a winner". By your tortured logic, any vote for a candidate who doesn't win is wasted. I disagree. Any vote that doesn't honestly represent your values is wasted.

The only candidate that will represent 100% of your values is YOU. Grow the fuck up man.

Trumpsters are idiots who can't follow basic reason. Yet they feel compelled to spout off with their idiot nonsense anyway. They defend racists and bigots,
Not sure if I've ever done that.

they want the government to take over social media (or any media that doesn't accommodate them),
I do admit I don't like media that removes a presidents ability to talk to the people on their platform, or they use "fact checkers" that don't actually fact check. However I don't think it's correct to say that anyone is calling for a government take over it. I think that is a mischaracterization.

Trying to make sure that voices aren't silenced, is not the same as silencing those voices. While both can be used to do "evil" so to speak, one is inherently more "evil" than the other.

they want government to build soviet style walls on our border,
You got me there... I have no problems with a border wall. The style doesn't bother me.

they want government to force insurance companies to cover "pre-existing conditions", without realizing (or maybe just not caring) how irrational that is.
EH... Little odd that Trump is getting hit on something that Democrats agree with. But... I don't think you are a democrat either.

Do you have a suggestion on what should happen to those with pre-existing conditions?
No, the shameless corruption and never ending lies from the democrats will continue like it
has for the last 4 years.

What corruption? Wiener's dick pics?

Trump corruption and abuse of office is a bipartisan finding of the impeachment trial. What have you got?

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