I am not voting for Trump

Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.
No shit sherlock..........only question for you is will you and all your socks vote this time........lol

I will vote for Biden. My socks stay on my feet.
These people are voting for Biden too..in Florida. If Trump loses the senior vote down there, he's toast.
View attachment 400134
Same crap tried by other yesterday........pravda........a few biden stickers in a mainly Trump golf cart event........

lmao..........you people are tools.
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I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.

Does that include shameless corruption and never ending lies?

Trump is a disgrace and if Obama behaved like I'd be voting for Romney. Some things are more important than SC nominations, yes, really.
Funny how that applies to the DNC nominee too

How is Biden a disgrace?

Sounds like you've been fed a bunch of assertive bs, Biden has not been ever found guilty of even a single corrupt act.

Senate Republicans have just recently put out a report on that whole Ukraine-Burisma stuff that Trump likes to lie about (and illegaly hold up millitary aid over) and you know what it found? No evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

But his family sure as hell got rich trading on his positions.

Family of famous and powerful people are usually advantaged, that's just how the world works. But there is no serious evidence Joe abused his position to advantage them.

I guess you missed the fact that days before China transferred a billion to hunters company, joe met with his Chinese partner. His brother got government construction contracts in the mideast and south America with zero construction experience. But feel free to keep denying reality, you're really good at it.

Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

And what do I want?
That's best expressed, politically, by how you vote. Do you want Trump?

Deflection duly noted.

Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along. Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.
And what do I want?
A singular, iconic, arrogant, pugilistic, aggressive, authoritarian, isolationist, nationalist strongman to literally follow and literally adore. A living, breathing expression of the rage, hate, frustration and paranoia that have been implanted and nurtured in you by people who have a vested professional interest in doing so.

Enjoy your time, whether it's two months or four years.

That's a great pile of projection you got there Mac. LMAO

Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

And what do I want?
That's best expressed, politically, by how you vote. Do you want Trump?
Deflection duly noted.

LOL ... Empty accusation of deflection, to cover own deflection, duly noted.

Seriously, how is that deflection? You asked a stupid question "what do I want?" - how is anyone else supposed to know what voters want? The best we can do is look at how they voted. That's what matters.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along. Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.
And what do I want?
A singular, iconic, arrogant, pugilistic, aggressive, authoritarian, isolationist, nationalist strongman to literally follow and literally adore. A living, breathing expression of the rage, hate, frustration and paranoia that have been implanted and nurtured in you by people who have a vested professional interest in doing so.

Enjoy your time, whether it's two months or four years.
The autorantic virtual moonbat unleashes yet another tedious screed.

Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated

Name 5 specific things that Biden says he would have done that Trump hasn't already done.

... I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. ...


Weapon addict, I guess.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: I own NO firearms of ANY kind. None, nada, zero, zilch, mentally challenged one.:)

So why are you not able to answer the question "Why?" in this context?
Anyone who owns a gun is a weapons addict.............lol

They legalized drugs in Germany.........lmao

In my words: He said he don't own any weapon and said he votes for the right of others to own arms and to go with fully active war weapons in any public place of the USA. And he has not any answer why he votes for people - here in this case the extremist idiot Donald Trump - who support such a totally absurde behavior from the stone age. So how are you able to take serios what this man says?

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Only on USMB would someone make a thread entitled "I'm not voting for Trump" and in their OP have a sentence that says "The reason why Trump will get my vote."
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

Damn, you're a great parrot of the MSM. Do you ever have original thoughts?

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Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.

Trump's response to the virus was no less perfect than any other President's response would have been....And all you have in response to that is to use hindsight to say what would have or should have happened, problem is there is NO WAY to quantify that.
Even at that they can’t provide an avoidance plan. I’m still waiting
I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.

Does that include shameless corruption and never ending lies?

Trump is a disgrace and if Obama behaved like I'd be voting for Romney. Some things are more important than SC nominations, yes, really.
Funny how that applies to the DNC nominee too

How is Biden a disgrace?

Sounds like you've been fed a bunch of assertive bs, Biden has not been ever found guilty of even a single corrupt act.

Senate Republicans have just recently put out a report on that whole Ukraine-Burisma stuff that Trump likes to lie about and you know what it found? No evidence that Biden did anything wrong.

Dude, many congressman are corrupt and not found guilty. Dont be a dumbass.
I like you ignored the rest lol. But thats what partisan shitheads do :dunno:

What part of NO EVIDENCE as per BIASED, ANTI-BIDEN REPUBLICANS, do you not get?

You can't just belive whatever the f you want to and then call OTHERS partisan shitheads while you do that.
And again you deny the rest. LOL

You said Joe is corrupt and I'm trying to stay on that topic with you instead of diluding it with a bunch of BS about him supposedly smelling hair too agressively.

Good idea
He is definitely corrupt
Evidence based corruption.
Trampling our fifty year servants to repeat failures is so entertaining, not
I really believe that Americans loved freedom. I didn’t realize so many enjoy being suppressed
... I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. ...


Weapon addict, I guess.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: I own NO firearms of ANY kind. None, nada, zero, zilch, mentally challenged one.:)

So why are you not able to answer the question "Why?" in this context?
:stir: :stir: :stir:
What the hell do you have against guns...........hmmm

Tradition. My father used an axe to scrap guns.

Perhaps you should arm yourself again..........so we don't have to protect your sorry asses from Russia for another 50 years........

Without France, England and the USA Russia never would had been a problem for us.

Not to mention having to kick your sorry asses Twice...........

With the help of the Russian monarchy and the Soviet Stalin - your allies.

Now you challenge us for refusing to be fucked in trade by you without vasoline..........

Vasoline? What's your problem?

and you go TRUMP IS BAD........

Bad is the wrong word. Perhaps it is good for the USA that this criminal idiot will destroy you. I don't know the plans of god. But I don't like it.


This expression is somehow extremely strange on many reasons. One of the reason is it that it is strange to combine the words "to fuck" and "to hate, to destroy", because "to fuck" means not destruction but to create a new life. And the other reason is that Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in history. But you damaged Germany much more than all other nations in the world. You are really a very strange nation.

Getting cheaper drugs from China......using R & D paid for in high costs in America.

It was the British monarchy, which tried to legalize drug consume in China - and indeed had a leading Brit - the Prussian emperor over Germany William II, who was educated from Queen Vicioria, supported the Brits and the Prussians had Germany teared into an unholy colonialism.

Or the UN saying WE MUST STOP THIS........then America fights the thing needing to be stopped...........Then you WANKERS go.......AMERICA IS EVIL.

Up yours.......high time we left your sorry asses to defend yourselves.........

You have a totally irreal concept. You will feel what you lost, when you lost Germany, because you will feel nothing.

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Just for a second turn the tables, ponder this, what would Biden have done? Then ask yourself what scenario available would have resulted in a different outcome? What would the media’s response have been? Who would he blame?
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

And what do I want?
That's best expressed, politically, by how you vote. Do you want Trump?
Deflection duly noted.

LOL ... Empty accusation of deflection, to cover own deflection, duly noted.

Seriously, how is that deflection? You asked a stupid question "what do I want?" - how is anyone else supposed to know what voters want? The best we can do is look at how they voted. That's what matters.

You're pushing little bumper sticker platitudes instead of answering the damn question. That's all you been doing, not giving any rational explanation for the terms you've been throwing around. I've seen 8 year olds explain themselves better. But hey, you and Mac are really good at parroting MSM talking points.


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