I Am Offended By Notre Dame's Name

What it defines is if we do something about it. You still have not changed your screen name I see, even though I am offended by it.

A few people being offended is no reason to change the name. A lot of people being offended by it might be.

In this case the offended people need to nut up a bit.

This is about racism you not liking my name is something for the HR dept. You can file a complaint there and since I'm the CEO and the HR dept your request is denied.

I see you've added some more wiggle room. A small # of ppl isn't reason to change it and now you say "A lot of people being offended by it might be."

So now even a large # of people isn't enough. You'll need another ladder if you're going to keep raising the bar like that. That's the 3rd or 4th revision and I'm starting to believe you don't have anything or you woulda decided on one at least

You seriously are not a bright person. Everything you just said supported marty's point.

Sure it did!!
This whole situation is another example of how our current President has absolutely no interest in preserving certain traditions that are, by no means, hurtful to people.

If people are hurt by things like this, maybe they should grow some balls.

As a Jew? I would get a kick out of a team from NJ being called "The Hackensack Heebs"

What about 'The Hackensack Sheisters'? Would that offend?

President Obama seems think that one of the more important issues out there is the name of the NFL team in Washington D.C. He seems to think that we should listen to a small percentage of people who are offended by the Redskin name instead of the majority who don't even see the racism in it. Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins | Fox News

Well, if that's the way they want to be then I am offended when Notre Dame calls themselves the Fighting Irish. That's racist. It assumes that all Irish are prone to violence. Seems whenever one atheist is offended by some religious artifact or one small group is offended about a teams name it shouldn't just be liberal's political action committees that get their way. Everyone should get their way.

I'm surprised Obama isn't offended by the fact that his Presidential Palace is called the "WHITE" House....
We had better start renaming states also since many are derived from native american language.

I was born in a state that has some of the most famous Indian reservations in the country, has the most famous Indian battlefield in the country, yet it's a Spanish name. Montana.....which means mountainous......duh.


General Custers' Tombstone in the middle


I would give you a link to Custer Battlefield national monument but it's shut down for the time being by the Department of the Interior.


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Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Well lookie here...turns out Seawytch is as full of shit as we expected:

In the only recent poll to ask native people about the subject, 90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive.

How Many Native Americans Think ?Redskins? Is A Slur? « CBS DC

Once again, it's only the radical Leftists that must have victims, reality be damned!
Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Well lookie here...turns out Seawytch is as full of shit as we expected:

In the only recent poll to ask native people about the subject, 90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive.

How Many Native Americans Think ?Redskins? Is A Slur? « CBS DC

Once again, it's only the radical Leftists that must have victims, reality be damned!

Had you read the thread, I already provided links to the Native American groups that find this offensive. I don't expect an apology.
Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Well lookie here...turns out Seawytch is as full of shit as we expected:

In the only recent poll to ask native people about the subject, 90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive.

How Many Native Americans Think ?Redskins? Is A Slur? « CBS DC

Once again, it's only the radical Leftists that must have victims, reality be damned!

Had you read the thread, I already provided links to the Native American groups that find this offensive. I don't expect an apology.

Oh you'll hear:

"not enough Indians are offended for it to be offensive" or
"Its meant in a good way so they should like it because I do" or
"I know this Indian guy who said he didn't mind" or...
Well lookie here...turns out Seawytch is as full of shit as we expected:

How Many Native Americans Think ?Redskins? Is A Slur? « CBS DC

Once again, it's only the radical Leftists that must have victims, reality be damned!

Had you read the thread, I already provided links to the Native American groups that find this offensive. I don't expect an apology.

Oh you'll hear:

"not enough Indians are offended for it to be offensive" or
"Its meant in a good way so they should like it because I do" or
"I know this Indian guy who said he didn't mind" or...

I can find a person who is offended by popsicle sticks if I look hard enough, several hundred probably. And "groups" can mean one person with a mailbox pretending to represent "group X" as a whole, when he/she is really the only person in the "group"

Polls have shown large majorities not giving a rats ass about this (80%+).
Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Well lookie here...turns out Seawytch is as full of shit as we expected:

In the only recent poll to ask native people about the subject, 90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive.

How Many Native Americans Think ?Redskins? Is A Slur? « CBS DC

Once again, it's only the radical Leftists that must have victims, reality be damned!

Had you read the thread, I already provided links to the Native American groups that find this offensive.

10% of ANY group will find SOMETHING offensive...particularly if they're Leftists.

I don't expect an apology.

And you won't get one.
Had you read the thread, I already provided links to the Native American groups that find this offensive. I don't expect an apology.

Oh you'll hear:

"not enough Indians are offended for it to be offensive" or
"Its meant in a good way so they should like it because I do" or
"I know this Indian guy who said he didn't mind" or...

I can find a person who is offended by popsicle sticks if I look hard enough, several hundred probably. And "groups" can mean one person with a mailbox pretending to represent "group X" as a whole, when he/she is really the only person in the "group"

Polls have shown large majorities not giving a rats ass about this (80%+).

^^ Or this bullshit which denies reality and/or sees a conspiracy :lol:
I'm offended, and quite frankly disgusted, by assholes who insist on being offended.


Of all aspects of a changing American culture that I consider the most deplorable, most destructive, and most corrupting to core American values, the victim mentality I believe is the most devastating component. Political Correctness is the most visible manisfestation of that and if anything brings us down, it will likely be that.

There is a component of society that would control all the rest of us through that one tactic alone. It is the one tactic that is the most insidious in moving us away from our Democratic Republic to a totalitarian socialist state.

I personally think if we don't start fighting back, it will soon be to late.
I'm offended, and quite frankly disgusted, by assholes who insist on being offended.


Of all aspects of a changing American culture that I consider the most deplorable, most destructive, and most corrupting to core American values, the victim mentality I believe is the most devastating component. Political Correctness is the most visible manisfestation of that and if anything brings us down, it will likely be that.

There is a component of society that would control all the rest of us through that one tactic alone. It is the one tactic that is the most insidious in moving us away from our Democratic Republic to a totalitarian socialist state.

I personally think if we don't start fighting back, it will soon be to late.

i totally agree. I have always said PC is a method of censorship with out having to call it censorship. any free speech can now be controlled through political correctness

President Obama seems think that one of the more important issues out there is the name of the NFL team in Washington D.C. He seems to think that we should listen to a small percentage of people who are offended by the Redskin name instead of the majority who don't even see the racism in it. Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins | Fox News

Well, if that's the way they want to be then I am offended when Notre Dame calls themselves the Fighting Irish. That's racist. It assumes that all Irish are prone to violence. Seems whenever one atheist is offended by some religious artifact or one small group is offended about a teams name it shouldn't just be liberal's political action committees that get their way. Everyone should get their way.

he was asked a question, he answered he would think on it if he was the owner, and moved on.
stupid reactionary Op is stupid. Its all you righties do, react.
I'm offended, and quite frankly disgusted, by assholes who insist on being offended.


Of all aspects of a changing American culture that I consider the most deplorable, most destructive, and most corrupting to core American values, the victim mentality I believe is the most devastating component. Political Correctness is the most visible manisfestation of that and if anything brings us down, it will likely be that.

There is a component of society that would control all the rest of us through that one tactic alone. It is the one tactic that is the most insidious in moving us away from our Democratic Republic to a totalitarian socialist state.

I personally think if we don't start fighting back, it will soon be to late.

i totally agree. I have always said PC is a method of censorship with out having to call it censorship. any free speech can now be controlled through political correctness

It would have happened anyway, but we cannot disrespect the blood that was shed in a long, terrible war that completed the abolishment of slavery in this country.

But we now have the statists, political class, and socialists who are determined to force segments of society into slavery that serves various protected classes. They then use those protected classes to keep themselves in power. And to make sure that nothing impedes that, as you say, PC is the gag on free speech and the restraint intended to keep us from pushing back against totalitarianism.
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