I am tired of the commentators saying Trump is not experienced, and just a reality t.v. star....

When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Anyone who becomes a politician suffers from narcissism..........

The RWnuts loved the lack of experience argument against Obama;

now they hate it, now that the shoe is on the other foot.

LOL, we love the experience argument, what you talkin bout Willis!

What experience did Hilly have? Lots of them! Oh, Big B, evading bullets, Russian reset, and of course......e-mails.

Don't you worry bout a thing "chicken wing," we are going to be talking about experience as soon as we get our nominee-) We will show ALL of the wonderful experience Hilly has had, and what the outcomes were. See, we are your BEST supporters-)
When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Anyone who becomes a politician suffers from narcissism..........


Name one who didn't......
The RWnuts loved the lack of experience argument against Obama;

now they hate it, now that the shoe is on the other foot.
actually, we laugh at how the left claimed that being a community organizer was appropriate experience needed to be president but now claim that running a multi thousand employee firm is not
I agree....the pundits are leaving out his mob connections, his creditors swindled in numerous bankruptcies, the fact he isn't revealing his tax returns because he's nowhere near as rich as he claims to be, or the fact he wears women's panties and uses a can of hairspray a day. :lol:

Pics or it doesn't count!
The RWnuts loved the lack of experience argument against Obama;

now they hate it, now that the shoe is on the other foot.

LOL, we love the experience argument, what you talkin bout Willis!

What experience did Hilly have? Lots of them! Oh, Big B, evading bullets, Russian reset, and of course......e-mails.

Don't you worry bout a thing "chicken wing," we are going to be talking about experience as soon as we get our nominee-) We will show ALL of the wonderful experience Hilly has had, and what the outcomes were. See, we are your BEST supporters-)

Hey.....no one knows how to cover up rape and sexual assault like hilary does.......
When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Anyone who becomes a politician suffers from narcissism..........


Name one who didn't......

When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Anyone who becomes a politician suffers from narcissism..........


Name one who didn't......


Yeah.....all narcisissits..........especially kasich.......
Trump is a Reality TV star....it is his only accomplishment in life
I am a Cruz supporter but I heard an interview with a conservative pundit on the Mike Gallagher show, and Michael Barone on the Dan and Amy show....they both said that Trump was a reality T.V. star as if that was the only thing Trump has ever done with his life....

Trump was a reality T.V. star after having created a multi billion dollar empire in Real estate and other ventures....he is vastly more "Experienced" than just about everyone he is running against, both republican and democrat....even Ben Carson, who is an incredible surgeon is less qualified to actually run a government than Trump would be.

I do not doubt Carson's intelligence or managerial experience, but it no way compares to Trump's experience at running vast operations that involve 10s of thousands of people in countries around the world.

So please.....as far as experience goes, Trump has far more experience than obama, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders and hilary..... And even the governors....they walked into established Bureacracies that they simply had to run....Trump had to create his own management teams from scratch and create the infrastructure to run his businesses.....so again, he is even far more expereinced than those who were governors of states.

I'm tired of Trump pretending that he has some brilliant insight into the nations problems and the current elected officials are just idiots -- and NO ONE calls him out his lack of specifics (besides the fantasy wall)...

"We're going to get rid of common core." not without congress.

"We're going to block muslims from entering the country." -- Illegal, unconstitutional.

"We're going to make Mexico pay for the wall." -- How exactly? (given all the businesses with factories in Mexico, how would you force a sovereign nation pay for something they don't need or want? And given the FACT that illegal immigrants are not taking american jobs or threatening the U.S. Economy -- why do this?

"We're going to make sure our military is best and has everything they need." We are the biggest (x8) best trained and best equipped military in the world. He must be stupid. Or his followers are.

I'm sick and tired of the media talking about Donald Trump as if he's in any way suited for the job of POTUS.
When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Obama had lots of specifics when he ran. You are uninformed.
Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Anyone who becomes a politician suffers from narcissism..........


Name one who didn't......


Yeah.....all narcisissits..........especially kasich.......

Again, disagree.
When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Obama had lots of specifics when he ran. You are uninformed.

Feel free to list them.
When are you going to start demanding specifics from this highly experienced candidate? That's gonna be Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge!

Oh please, obama provided no specifics just 'hope n change' and 'fundamentally transforming America' (translation: make it less great). When you start demanding more from your side then you can bitch about the other side. Hypocrite.

ftr, I don't support Trump and have asked numerous times where his specifics are, just like I did with obama. They're both narcissistic types who love the sound of their own voice and think they're above it all.

Obama had lots of specifics when he ran. You are uninformed.

Feel free to list them.

Fuck off.

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