I Apologize


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Whenever I hear of anyone apologizing in the news, it is almost always a bad thing. You can get someone to apologize for anything these days just to avoid bad press! Case in point, just today alone:

STARBUCKS APOLOGIZES: changes bathroom policy now to where anyone can use it anytime anywhere for any reason to quell racial tension. Instead of merely pointing out their bathrooms are clearly marked for customers only and two guys were thrown out for refusing to abide by store rules, because they were Black, Starbucks caves, shows that racial leveraging wins again, and now they can look forward to hordes of black non-customers overrunning their bathrooms, damaging them, doing drugs, committing crime in stores,. etc. Rather than be contented by the victory, Blacks will only be angrier and demand more. Maybe eventually Starbucks will give all Blacks a 10% discount on everything in the store, before the CEO finally resigns in shame.

The United States TSA APOLOGIZES: To anyone anywhere else, if the TSA asks you to remove an apparel you remove it, to be checked for contraband and weapons. Resist and you get arrested and a cavity search. But when a Sikh working for the Canadian government refused to remove his turban, the TSA apologized and said it was OK to keep it on. Not only did they apologize rather than say, Hey, It's The Law, and just make the guy pop off the cap for a few minutes, a trifle compared to what many flyers have been put through, now they have established a clear path for all future contraband smugglers and terrorists: just wear a turban and tell them you are a Sikh. Mr. Navdeep Bains got special privileged treatment even though he fits the profile of a black muslim, the #1 most likely terrorist threat. Remember that the next time they strip-search a geriatric cancer patient in a wheel chair or a small child.
The next one will have plastic explosives in it.
Whenever I hear of anyone apologizing in the news, it is almost always a bad thing. You can get someone to apologize for anything these days just to avoid bad press! Case in point, just today alone:

STARBUCKS APOLOGIZES: changes bathroom policy now to where anyone can use it anytime anywhere for any reason to quell racial tension. Instead of merely pointing out their bathrooms are clearly marked for customers only and two guys were thrown out for refusing to abide by store rules, because they were Black, Starbucks caves, shows that racial leveraging wins again, and now they can look forward to hordes of black non-customers overrunning their bathrooms, damaging them, doing drugs, committing crime in stores,. etc. Rather than be contented by the victory, Blacks will only be angrier and demand more. Maybe eventually Starbucks will give all Blacks a 10% discount on everything in the store, before the CEO finally resigns in shame.

The United States TSA APOLOGIZES: To anyone anywhere else, if the TSA asks you to remove an apparel you remove it, to be checked for contraband and weapons. Resist and you get arrested and a cavity search. But when a Sikh working for the Canadian government refused to remove his turban, the TSA apologized and said it was OK to keep it on. Not only did they apologize rather than say, Hey, It's The Law, and just make the guy pop off the cap for a few minutes, a trifle compared to what many flyers have been put through, now they have established a clear path for all future contraband smugglers and terrorists: just wear a turban and tell them you are a Sikh. Mr. Navdeep Bains got special privileged treatment even though he fits the profile of a black muslim, the #1 most likely terrorist threat. Remember that the next time they strip-search a geriatric cancer patient in a wheel chair or a small child.
Whenever I hear of anyone apologizing in the news, it is almost always a bad thing. You can get someone to apologize for anything these days just to avoid bad press! Case in point, just today alone:

STARBUCKS APOLOGIZES: changes bathroom policy now to where anyone can use it anytime anywhere for any reason to quell racial tension. Instead of merely pointing out their bathrooms are clearly marked for customers only and two guys were thrown out for refusing to abide by store rules, because they were Black, Starbucks caves, shows that racial leveraging wins again, and now they can look forward to hordes of black non-customers overrunning their bathrooms, damaging them, doing drugs, committing crime in stores,. etc. Rather than be contented by the victory, Blacks will only be angrier and demand more. Maybe eventually Starbucks will give all Blacks a 10% discount on everything in the store, before the CEO finally resigns in shame.

The United States TSA APOLOGIZES: To anyone anywhere else, if the TSA asks you to remove an apparel you remove it, to be checked for contraband and weapons. Resist and you get arrested and a cavity search. But when a Sikh working for the Canadian government refused to remove his turban, the TSA apologized and said it was OK to keep it on. Not only did they apologize rather than say, Hey, It's The Law, and just make the guy pop off the cap for a few minutes, a trifle compared to what many flyers have been put through, now they have established a clear path for all future contraband smugglers and terrorists: just wear a turban and tell them you are a Sikh. Mr. Navdeep Bains got special privileged treatment even though he fits the profile of a black muslim, the #1 most likely terrorist threat. Remember that the next time they strip-search a geriatric cancer patient in a wheel chair or a small child.
The problem arises when risk averse 'leaders' contradict public or company policies. They either allow certain groups to circumvent policy, or chastise and admonish subordinates for following rules to the letter. Yet, when something goes wrong, those same employees are left with their asses swinging in the breeze for not doing so.

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