I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

Whoop de fucking do.......

So cherry picking a few sites that you think may be compromised somehow invalidates Global Warming?
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

93% of scientist also agree government funding is real swell.


Also isn't it amazing with government funding? You can say the most crazy ass shit and no repercussions...like I don't know get your ass fired in a real job?


Does the US government fund climate studies around the world?

Why do scientists around the world come to the same conclusion?
Why is Trump the only leader in the world who does not believe in global warming?

Where do most get there information from?


Pal I know you are smarter then this.


Whoop de fucking do.......

So cherry picking a few sites that you think may be compromised somehow invalidates Global Warming?
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

total unadulterated bullshit. Everyone agrees that man is polluting the air and water. Only the far left fringe believes in a direct link between pollution and climate.

Get your facts straight for once.
Does it really matter?? Shouldn't everybody agree that whether it's just pollution or a bigger effect on climate, we should work towards cleaner more efficient energy sources and be more respectful of the land we live on?

Yes, because we are being lied to about climate change. man made pollution is NOT causing the climate or our planet to change.
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

93% of scientist also agree government funding is real swell.


Also isn't it amazing with government funding? You can say the most crazy ass shit and no repercussions...like I don't know get your ass fired in a real job?


Does the US government fund climate studies around the world?

Why do scientists around the world come to the same conclusion?
Why is Trump the only leader in the world who does not believe in global warming?

Where do most get there information from?


Pal I know you are smarter then this.


no, he really isn't.
in 2016, nobody is caring about global warming according to all the polls.........since the Gore movie, caring about global warming is falling like a stone in water. The AGW k00ks have spent 20+ years throwing bombs and what did it net them in ALL the Obama years? DICK......:popcorn:......zero significant legislation unless you call light bulbs significant s0ns!! Renewable energy? Still a total joke with solar still only providing the US with 1% of our electricity!!:rofl::rofl: Cap and Trade........dead as a doornail.:bye1: The Paris Treaty from last year? About to get thrown in the shitter by Priutt and Co.!!

Lets face it..........if you are a climate skeptic as the year ends, you really are getting a good idea of what Chris Matthews was talking about with the whole tingle up the leg thing!! For me, its not a tingle.............its a bolt of lightning that makes me damn near shit my shorts from laughing so hard!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Bottom line and which cant be refutted for a nano-second..............

Those embracing the concept of AGW are walking around right now with a bumpy cucumber up the pie hole so big, they cant sit down!!:coffee:

Hows that bumpy s0ns?:dunno::spinner::spinner:
Whoop de fucking do.......

So cherry picking a few sites that you think may be compromised somehow invalidates Global Warming?
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

total unadulterated bullshit. Everyone agrees that man is polluting the air and water. Only the far left fringe believes in a direct link between pollution and climate.

Get your facts straight for once.
Does it really matter?? Shouldn't everybody agree that whether it's just pollution or a bigger effect on climate, we should work towards cleaner more efficient energy sources and be more respectful of the land we live on?

At what cost?

You have those types like you that sound reasonable, but the majority I found are crazy and have no clue what the economic cost to the world would be .

It's all about balance... we have extremists on both sides. Those who want the freedom to do whatever they want even if it ruins our planet and those that yell and scream if somebody steps on an ant. Those wingnut voices may be loud but they don't represent the masses. Most reasonable people want to respect the environment and will support measures to move towards cleaner energy production but they also realize what needs to happen to keep the lights on, paychecks in the mail, and product costs down.
Whoop de fucking do.......

So cherry picking a few sites that you think may be compromised somehow invalidates Global Warming?
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

total unadulterated bullshit. Everyone agrees that man is polluting the air and water. Only the far left fringe believes in a direct link between pollution and climate.

Get your facts straight for once.
Does it really matter?? Shouldn't everybody agree that whether it's just pollution or a bigger effect on climate, we should work towards cleaner more efficient energy sources and be more respectful of the land we live on?

Yes, because we are being lied to about climate change. man made pollution is NOT causing the climate or our planet to change.
The majority of the scientific community disagrees with what you just said. But again I say, why does it matter?! It's a pointless debate. We should all respect our environment, arguing against that is just plain irresponsible and it puts you on the losing side of the debate.
you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.
Even Republican governors are bragging about how soon we will be 25% renewable energy.

Meanwhile these global warming deniers remind me of the Japanese soldier stuck on an island in 1950 and doesn't know the wars been over for years.
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

total unadulterated bullshit. Everyone agrees that man is polluting the air and water. Only the far left fringe believes in a direct link between pollution and climate.

Get your facts straight for once.
Does it really matter?? Shouldn't everybody agree that whether it's just pollution or a bigger effect on climate, we should work towards cleaner more efficient energy sources and be more respectful of the land we live on?

Yes, because we are being lied to about climate change. man made pollution is NOT causing the climate or our planet to change.
The majority of the scientific community disagrees with what you just said. But again I say, why does it matter?! It's a pointless debate. We should all respect our environment, arguing against that is just plain irresponsible and it puts you on the losing side of the debate.

part of respecting the environment is being realistic about what we can and cannot do to it. We can pollute, that should be controlled.

We cannot change the climate. Climate is controlled by the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and ocean currents. Man has no impact on any of those.

The majority of the scientific community do not support the fake link between pollution and climate.

What I do not understand is why liberals need to create that false link in order to attack pollution.
Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming

total unadulterated bullshit. Everyone agrees that man is polluting the air and water. Only the far left fringe believes in a direct link between pollution and climate.

Get your facts straight for once.
Does it really matter?? Shouldn't everybody agree that whether it's just pollution or a bigger effect on climate, we should work towards cleaner more efficient energy sources and be more respectful of the land we live on?

Yes, because we are being lied to about climate change. man made pollution is NOT causing the climate or our planet to change.
The majority of the scientific community disagrees with what you just said. But again I say, why does it matter?! It's a pointless debate. We should all respect our environment, arguing against that is just plain irresponsible and it puts you on the losing side of the debate.

part of respecting the environment is being realistic about what we can and cannot do to it. We can pollute, that should be controlled.

We cannot change the climate. Climate is controlled by the sun, the earth's tilt on its axis, and ocean currents. Man has no impact on any of those.

The majority of the scientific community do not support the fake link between pollution and climate.

What I do not understand is why liberals need to create that false link in order to attack pollution.
The MMGW narrative places urrency and importance in their cause, which helps them rally support from the global community. Mans actions do have an effect on the climate, there is no doubt about that. Just as pissing in a swimming pool as an effect on the PH balance of the pool. Now whether that effect is significant or not and our ability to measure the degree of that effect is still being studied.
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern

Yeah, the Global Warming movement quickly morphed into a fanatical Fascist cult. Anyone who disagrees with them, is to be lynched. They've forced the firings of many good people who were merely presenting different views on Climate Change. It's a vicious Fascist movement at this point.

They wanna force their agenda on the People by way of Government force. But i think more & more people are beginning to stand up to them. The earth warms, the earth cools. There's no reason to panic and surrender our freedoms. It's time to turn the page on Global Warming zealotry.
They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

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