I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

They're Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of Citizens' lives. And they're attempting to achieve it by way of Government force. It's all about the New World Order. I advise more people read up on their plans.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
and you members of the AGW religion are telling us that you can measure the temperature of the "whole earth" to .2 of a degree?

come on RW, even you aren't that dumb.

Why not?

Scientific measurements can be taken much closer than .2 degrees. You can sample locations around the world to make determinations on global climate
It is obvious man is changing the weather ......... measurements. Weather stations located at what was a cow pasture now a concrete jungle is of course going to change weather readings to a higher value.

New study of NOAA's U.S. Climate Network shows a lower 30-year temperature trend when high quality temperature stations unperturbed by urbanization are considered - 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

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Whoop de fucking do.......

So cherry picking a few sites that you think may be compromised somehow invalidates Global Warming?
Science invalidates MANMADE global warming.

Of course it doesn't

That is why 93% of scientists agree man is contributing to global warming
Man made global warming = fake news
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
easy and obvious, cooler, whatever that means.
Who exactly are you talking about?

Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?
Global Warming zealots are Globalist Totalitarians. They want absolute control of the People by way of Government force.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
That's a completely false statement. People can care about the environment without being big government totalitarians. I'm a small government guy but I support the governments role in limiting the destructive power that large corporations can do to our environment and markets. You seem to confuse regular people with corporations and billionaires, who need oversight as they possess more power than most. A major function of government is to protect the interest of regular people over the profit interest of the wealthy and powerful

your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?
your hate of corporations and successful people is noted. Is it jealousy?

Pollution does not change global climate. There is absolutely no proven link.

If the warmers would focus on the real issue of pollution of air and water, everyone would get behind them. No one wants to live in a polluted world. But when they make up a link to climate, they lose all credibility, because it becomes about control, not environmental concern
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.
If you are talking about the handful of wingnut extremeists then fine, you have a valid point of opposition. I just hope you realize that is not the viewpoint of most rational people. Liberals included. Most are just looking for a good balance
I have no hate for the wealthy in our world but I do think their power should be held in check, everyday people can't stand up to them if they abuse their power, we have a "united" voice in our government whose job is to do that.

Explain to me how climate control differs from anti pollution and environmental preservation efforts. On a policy level?

how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
For example? What does the Right wing use the fear tactic on most of the time?
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
For example? What does the Right wing use the fear tactic on most of the time?

Probably Warmongering.
the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.

Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
For example? What does the Right wing use the fear tactic on most of the time?

Probably Warmongering.
Perhaps, although i'm weary to make those accusations without knowing all the facts and average citizens have nowhere near the access to intelligence as our Military and political leaders. It's hard to know.

The worst case of fear mongering that I see from the Right is with the Debt Cliff. Not that it shouldn't be a concern but I see so many outright lies and misrepresentations about what our national debt is. Our leaders and media should be educating people not making them dumber by spreading lies and propaganda. You can say the same thing about Climate Change if you disagree with the science. Im not an expert so I won't claim to know if mans effect on the climate is a significant one. I simply believe we should be as resourceful and respectful of our environment as possible. (Within reason)
Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
For example? What does the Right wing use the fear tactic on most of the time?

Probably Warmongering.
Perhaps, although i'm weary to make those accusations without knowing all the facts and average citizens have nowhere near the access to intelligence as our Military and political leaders. It's hard to know.

The worst case of fear mongering that I see from the Right is with the Debt Cliff. Not that it shouldn't be a concern but I see so many outright lies and misrepresentations about what our national debt is. Our leaders and media should be educating people not making them dumber by spreading lies and propaganda. You can say the same thing about Climate Change if you disagree with the science. Im not an expert so I won't claim to know if mans effect on the climate is a significant one. I simply believe we should be as resourceful and respectful of our environment as possible. (Within reason)

Fear works. Folks who live in fear, generally go along with anything Big Brother proposes. Americans are rapidly losing the ability to be independent and self-sufficient. More & more they're depending on Big Brother to 'save' them.
how do they differ? man can control pollution and environmental preservation. Man cannot control climate. Really pretty simple. We should focus on what we can affect and stop thinking that we are masters of our planet.
So what are the wingnutters that you oppose suggesting we do to address climate change that you feel is a wasted effort?

I'm not proposing anything. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Human Beings will either adapt to changes, or they'll go extinct. I don't live in fear of Climate Change like you wingnutters do. I value my freedom and liberty far more than i fear your Global Warming Boogeyman. But hey, you wanna live in fear, so be it. Just don't think you're gonna force your agenda on me.
You dodged my question... the poster I'm responding too says that he supports environmental measures that limits pollution and habitat destruction but he doesn't buy into climate change... that's fine. My question is, what policies do you think the left is trying to push on us that is specific to climate change and not pollution/environmental concerns?

the warmer religious zealots want to control our activities, what we drive, what temp we can keep our homes at, what we grow and eat, when and where we travel. The want to stop the recovery and use of fossil fuels before viable replacements are available, they want to tax activities that they disapprove of----like driving a big SUV or diesel truck. They are determined to use the chicken little sky is falling rhetoric to force compliance with changes that will do nothing on the climate but will create misery for human life.

They are the reason that we can only buy expensive dangerous light bulbs made in china--just one example.

Yes, we need to explore all forms of energy and yes, we need to stop polluting our environment. CO2 is not a pollutant.
If you are talking about the handful of wingnut extremeists then fine, you have a valid point of opposition. I just hope you realize that is not the viewpoint of most rational people. Liberals included. Most are just looking for a good balance

Rational people do not believe that the acts of humans are changing the climate of planet earth.
Fear works. It's been proven all throughout human history. The Global Warming fanatics fully understand that. But i don't live in fear of Climate Change. So i won't allow the fanatics to force their agendas on me. Like i said, i value my freedom & liberty far more than i fear their Global Warming Boogeyman.
You are correct about the fear tactic. The left uses it for both environmental and civil right concerns. I'm curious if you are objective enough to recognize how the Right wing uses it?

Oh they all use fear. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything.
For example? What does the Right wing use the fear tactic on most of the time?

Probably Warmongering.
Perhaps, although i'm weary to make those accusations without knowing all the facts and average citizens have nowhere near the access to intelligence as our Military and political leaders. It's hard to know.

The worst case of fear mongering that I see from the Right is with the Debt Cliff. Not that it shouldn't be a concern but I see so many outright lies and misrepresentations about what our national debt is. Our leaders and media should be educating people not making them dumber by spreading lies and propaganda. You can say the same thing about Climate Change if you disagree with the science. Im not an expert so I won't claim to know if mans effect on the climate is a significant one. I simply believe we should be as resourceful and respectful of our environment as possible. (Within reason)

two trillion dollars = two thousand billion. Our growing debt is a real problem that must be addressed.

We agree on the environment. But we cannot let the lunatics control the debate.

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