Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

We have become a very materialistic society, & have lost the Christian charity we once more or less had. It's all about ME these days. There are good people in the US still, but I speak generally.

I think a good % of people watch porn. No wonder society is falling and can't get up. And Christians would rather go to a Joel Olsteen like "church" than go to the Church Christ Himself established on Earth.

I think God is fed up. I can't say I know God extremely well. He surprises me often. But I just keep getting the thought that He is punishing us.

Don't believe me? Look who controls things in this country. If you find out the details on THAT story... you will be thoroughly sickened, as those of us in the know are.
God never tries one with evil. James 1:13)-- His day is set in stone, This system is almost done.
God does not threaten eternal damnation. Quite the opposite. He promises redemption and eternal salvation. Sometimes I think people invented hell as a good reason for not bothering with faith/belief.

This is totally NUTS

Jesus talked about Hell. No human invented the notion of Hell.

You call yourself Catholic?!

This is totally NUTS

Jesus talked about Hell. No human invented the notion of Hell.

You call yourself Catholic?!

Jesus talked more about redemption and salvation. He didn't die for the cause of hell, but for the cause of redemption and salvation. Further, 'hell' as it is know today, didn't come into being until two or three hundred years after Christ. Jews (Jesus included) had no belief in Dante's hell. The Gehenna Jesus spoke of was the Jerusalem city dump. Jesus also spoke of purification by fire. Jews did have a belief in Hades, a shadowy afterlife for those who were not in the bosom of Abraham.

Yes, I call myself a Catholic. Parochial school taught us 'hell' is one's chosen separation from God. It is not God who deserts the individual but the individual who deserts God. When one returns...remember what the father of the Prodigal Son said and did?
Everything you Catholics may have been taught is the work of God filtered through two millennia of political maneuvering in a campfire circle of bias translators

Jesus talked more about redemption and salvation. He didn't die for the cause of hell, but for the cause of redemption and salvation. Further, 'hell' as it is know today, didn't come into being until two or three hundred years after Christ. Jews (Jesus included) had no belief in Dante's hell. The Gehenna Jesus spoke of was the Jerusalem city dump. Jesus also spoke of purification by fire. Jews did have a belief in Hades, a shadowy afterlife for those who were not in the bosom of Abraham.

Yes, I call myself a Catholic. Parochial school taught us 'hell' is one's chosen separation from God. It is not God who deserts the individual but the individual who deserts God. When one returns...remember what the father of the Prodigal Son said and did?

who said Jesus died "for the cause of Hell"? I mean, don't put dumb words in my mouth.

And you are wrong in your history about when Hell began to be taught by the Church. Do you forget that Jesus Christ Himself mentioned Hell?

He called it "eternal punishment" .. Mt 25:31

And he mentioned it in other psgs.

The teaching of eternal punishment aka Hell goes back to Jesus Christ.
Everything you Catholics may have been taught is the work of God filtered through two millennia of political maneuvering in a campfire circle of bias translators

That's your view

But it comes from misinformation and being outside the True Church. It's not your fault, really... We can blame Luther for separating people from the True Church Christ founded.

of course he is likely burning in hell as we speak
Wouldn't people of faith call eternal separation from God an eternal punishment? Catholicism teaches that this separation from God is chosen.
You apparently have never envisioned what it would be like to be totally without God?

no good things like sunshine on a spring day... no kittens playing in the grass... All good things come to an end when one is in Hell... except maybe in one's memory

no, you just get monstrous demons everywhere and Satan tormenting you.

If you don't have God, u by default have Satan... an extremely hideous being...
it's history>

I read some of this and it began immediately to "sound Protestant" so I didn't continue. I've heard it all from that group anyhow.

the Council wanted to clarify that Jesus IS indeed God, just as much as the Father and the HS are God. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was (is) God... and came and dwelt among us." ST John 1

Funny how that simple concept was not mentioned in that article you cited.
If you don't have God, u by default have Satan... an extremely hideous being...
? Unless you are an atheist, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, follower of the Great Spirit, animist, etc. . But they all agree:

God hates Florida and smites it regularly with hurricanes and old people.
I read some of this and it began immediately to "sound Protestant" so I didn't continue. I've heard it all from that group anyhow.

the Council wanted to clarify that Jesus IS indeed God, just as much as the Father and the HS are God. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was (is) God... and came and dwelt among us." ST John 1

Funny how that simple concept was not mentioned in that article you cited.
The council was formed by Rome in 300AD, after they became bored of throwing christians to the lions Misery

It was about the politicization of the church

Being that no 'separation' existed at the time, Rome sought to assimilate (they were the original borg) catholics as they had done to many other cultures they had been invading

Ergo, they then edited and/or revised accordingly

FF to the dark ages throughout Europe ,along with the insurrections and religious control freaks tailoring it all for their advantage

And we see the reason so many 'books' didn't make it to the gutenberg press.....

FF to modern televangelists , who are none the better, and we've 2 millennia of campfire circle circus freaks bias filtering the 'word of God'

The council was formed by Rome in 300AD, after they became bored of throwing christians to the lions Misery

It was about the politicization of the church

Being that no 'separation' existed at the time, Rome sought to assimilate (they were the original borg) catholics as they had done to many other cultures they had been invading

Ergo, they then edited and/or revised accordingly

FF to the dark ages throughout Europe ,along with the insurrections and religious control freaks tailoring it all for their advantage

And we see the reason so many 'books' didn't make it to the gutenberg press.....

FF to modern televangelists , who are none the better, and we've 2 millennia of campfire circle circus freaks bias filtering the 'word of God'

what is FF?

And you forget an important fact (Mr Strobel mentions this in the book I talk about here on how he as an atheist studied things and became a Christian)

the fact I mentiion is this:

God is almighty. If He gave us Jesus and Scripture and Jesus builds His Church (Mt 16:18)

I think Jesus has ways of preserving such things. And he knows better than anyone how easily corrupted human beings are ("losing" sacred documents --being tempted to alter this and that.. and etc....)
what is FF?
Fast Forward
And he knows better than anyone how easily corrupted human beings are ("losing" sacred documents --being tempted to alter this and that.. and etc....)
well then HE should be plenty PO'ed Misery



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