I believe in God

God hardened Pharaoh's heart forcing him into a course of action. God has about an hour to soften the shooter's heart but didn't. Either a) God doesn't exist at all, or b) God didn't care enough to intervene. Either way, God isn't worth our worship because he never does anything for the benefit of his worshippers. ...Unless you wanna make the case heaven's better than being alive and everyone who meets a premature death only looks bad to us, but to them they're in heaven now and ok with it.

Okay man....:) You presume you can understand these things...I don't.

Choice exists, I do know that. The shooter made an extremely fucked up choice. Why in that church.....why were those specific people hurt? I don't know....but then....neither do you. :)

The true complexities of the Universe are so vast, I do not pretend to understand. Our science knows next to nothing....particularly how systems or fields truly interact with the others.

Try humility....okay. Let this shit go and offer yourself up to the Deity. It might surprise you. :)

"We can't know why God does the things that He does." is a cop-out.

We can understand. We have God's acts and motives in his holy texts. He can, and has violated free will when it suits Him to do so. Pretending His acts are unknowingable complex is nonsense. If that were true, there'd be no reason to worship Him because He's too alien we don't udnerstand Him. We do understand Him:

God's a spoiled rich kid who wants everything on His terms. We have to worship Him and only HIm even though He never does anything in return for His worshippers. Thta's easy enought o understand - God's a 3rd world despot murdering anyone who gets in His way, doing as He pleases, when He pleases, and pilfering the resources and riches of the country He rules.

And just as was perfectly depicted in the remakre of "Clash of the Titans" after a while of that people get tired of being God's plaything to abuse and misuse and say screw you and start burning churches and toppling statues. Only in our case, our god doesn't then do anything even then.

Anyone actually taking a step back from God and assessing things objectively sees what a piece of shit God is. And how even if He exists like we do, isn't suitable for worship. Have better fortune worshipping Man than an absent God who never does anything.
If you choose to believe and practice that you will stay as you are and decline the blessing (nothing missing nothing broken) but don't try to pull others down into your misery just so you can cling to another for comfort. When 2 year olds do that parents parents dump a glass of water on them then walk away and ignore them until the stop acting ugly
To put it another way, God is the father who abandons his wife and children then shows up when they're doing well expecting to slip back into the fatherly role.

We're doing fine without God now yet He expects us to get oun our knees and worship Him despite having attained everything on our own.

Uh no.

Your choice. :) There is always choice. Some times people choose to remain blind....they choose not to see.

I have opened my heart. The deity is with me. I have been very blessed....even when I probably didn't deserve it.

I have a pretty good idea what you are feeling. I went through the angry at God thing. I just became more sullen, unhappy, and lost. It took real humility to get right. You are clearly not at place yet.

I must admit I always find it amusing when secular people make humanity God. That's logical....right? Take a fickle simian with a slightly larger brain and elevate him to god status. :lol:

I hope you find the way. I will say again....drop any of your preconceptions and prejudices. Approach with humility and you make find the answers you seek. Good luck. :thup:

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