I Bet This is Story behind the Weiner Emails.

From what I've read... and what was posted by a contributing editor for Variety Magazine...they haven't "re-opened" the case. They just had to make congress aware they are reviewing new material.

Seth MacFarlane Retweeted
Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald 11h11 hours ago
1. FBI not reopening the investigation. 2. Comey legally had 2 inform Congress, because he testified they had finished reviewing evidence,
Even Comey's letter to staff indicates that it was reopened. The letter to the judiciary committee says they "reopened the investigation"

Ok, go to this Yahoo link where the guy specifically says that Comey hasn't decided to re-open the case.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation
From your source:

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

Now when the FBI is "looking into" these new emails, what does that mean other than that the investigation has to re-open, like any other criminal investigation would have to re-open. The FBI does not permanently close investigations that do not go to trial. The cases remain on the books and can be re-opened for any reason, but in this case the FBI had to notify Congress by law. So Comey did, understanding the impact this would ahve on his career and the nation, so he did not do this lightly. There is obviously, as observed by several former FBI officials, something very significant or the FBI would have post-poned their notification so as to not influence the election.

The investigation by definition has been re-opened no matter how you Dimocrats try to spin it.

And most of all most voters will know this, too.


No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

WTF is so hard for you to guys to understand that you have to review new evidence before you decide whether it is worth re-opening a case? You can post as many memes as you want, but you're only making yourself look stupid.
"It is said"?

By who, exactly?

The same link I just posted in response to someone else... specifically says it is linked to Hillary's emails.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation

I don't see anywhere in that link anyone claiming that "it contains classified docs" that "went through Hillary's private server".

It's right there at the very beginning?

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".

Now you are spinning things. No wonder JimBowie thinks everyone spins stuff. It's spelled out in Black and White that they have new information that is pertinent enough that they had to notify Congress. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.


No, actually what I'm doing is the opposite of "spin".

Why don't you show me exactly where anyone involved with the investigation has made an affirmative claim that Huma's computer contains classified information that came from Hillary's server, since you seem so devoted to defending that claim?
Even Comey's letter to staff indicates that it was reopened. The letter to the judiciary committee says they "reopened the investigation"

Ok, go to this Yahoo link where the guy specifically says that Comey hasn't decided to re-open the case.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation
From your source:

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

Now when the FBI is "looking into" these new emails, what does that mean other than that the investigation has to re-open, like any other criminal investigation would have to re-open. The FBI does not permanently close investigations that do not go to trial. The cases remain on the books and can be re-opened for any reason, but in this case the FBI had to notify Congress by law. So Comey did, understanding the impact this would ahve on his career and the nation, so he did not do this lightly. There is obviously, as observed by several former FBI officials, something very significant or the FBI would have post-poned their notification so as to not influence the election.

The investigation by definition has been re-opened no matter how you Dimocrats try to spin it.

And most of all most voters will know this, too.


No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

WTF is so hard for you to guys to understand that you have to review new evidence before you decide whether it is worth re-opening a case? You can post as many memes as you want, but you're only making yourself look stupid.

Are you aware that your arguments in this thread are contradictory?
The same link I just posted in response to someone else... specifically says it is linked to Hillary's emails.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation

I don't see anywhere in that link anyone claiming that "it contains classified docs" that "went through Hillary's private server".

It's right there at the very beginning?

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".

Now you are spinning things. No wonder JimBowie thinks everyone spins stuff. It's spelled out in Black and White that they have new information that is pertinent enough that they had to notify Congress. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.


No, actually what I'm doing is the opposite of "spin".

Why don't you show me exactly where anyone involved with the investigation has made an affirmative claim that Huma's computer contains classified information that came from Hillary's server, since you seem so devoted to defending that claim?

Ok, I'm going to type this nice and slow... WHY would Comey take the time to write a letter to Congress spelling out that they have gotten new evidence about the case while investigating Weiner's case? WHY? You think he went through that trouble because he found some new recipes? Maybe they read about what color dresses Chelsea was going to have her bridesmaids wear? No seriously... you're a mod here, you can not be that stupid to NOT think they actually have some evidence for him to do that. So that means you are in denial, you're trolling the anti-HRC people, or...I dunno. For anyone to read that letter, knowing the seriousness of it, read that it specifically says they are reviewing potential new evidence of the Clinton Private email and mishandling of Classified material... and then say it doesn't spell it out? Come on man. Seriously!??!
you people are going to be babbling about this womans emails for the next 8 years aren't you?

Babbling is the high end of their rhetorical ability.

Amen! Their demented hopes to destroy Hillary hinge on allusions, insinuations, innuendos - but no concrete evidence of illegality. In short - it's a dirty smear campaign to put Adolf Trump in the White House and keep NaziCons in power.

I had to look up "NaziCons." You seriously think these are the folks that are in power right now? I suggest you see a doctor or psychiatrist.

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".
OK, Nancy Drew, follow the logic for a moment if you can.

1. Comey has already given Hillary a pass on multiple violations of the law that she "did not intend" to violate. Many interpret this bit of nonsense as Comey's way of saying "I am not going to interfere in a Presidential election over a technical, letter-of-the-law violation while no real harm to the US, it interest or its people can be shown." which I disagree with, but it is a justifiable motive, I think.

2. Comey realizes that this close to the election pushes the threshold for significance to any announcement up exponentially in impact before such an announcement can be justified as he knows how it will be interpreted and understood by a great many people. It would be irreparable harm if the FBI and other Law Enforcement Agencies started charging/investigating Presidential candidates within a few months of the election from this election onward.

3. And yet in spite of the above two observations, Comey still re-opened/re-initiated investigation into the new emails and notified Congress.

4. What could be so important other than actual classified docs on the forgotten computer? It would be actual harm to the US and would also appear that many of these emails belong in the group of 30k+ emails that Hillary had deleted because they were private, so that will interesting as well.

So while this line of reasoning is speculative in nature, it is based on the observations of former FBI officials who in one case spoke off the record to a reporter.

If you Dims keep trying to spin it as unimportant it is going to blow up in your faces. The infamous Clintonista audacity is not going to work this time within ten days of the election.

Too many people take their vote too seriously this close to election day to just ignore such things as this and they resent condescending bullshit spinners trying to make fools of them.
Ok, go to this Yahoo link where the guy specifically says that Comey hasn't decided to re-open the case.

New Clinton emails under FBI review came from Anthony Weiner investigation
From your source:

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

Now when the FBI is "looking into" these new emails, what does that mean other than that the investigation has to re-open, like any other criminal investigation would have to re-open. The FBI does not permanently close investigations that do not go to trial. The cases remain on the books and can be re-opened for any reason, but in this case the FBI had to notify Congress by law. So Comey did, understanding the impact this would ahve on his career and the nation, so he did not do this lightly. There is obviously, as observed by several former FBI officials, something very significant or the FBI would have post-poned their notification so as to not influence the election.

The investigation by definition has been re-opened no matter how you Dimocrats try to spin it.

And most of all most voters will know this, too.


No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

WTF is so hard for you to guys to understand that you have to review new evidence before you decide whether it is worth re-opening a case? You can post as many memes as you want, but you're only making yourself look stupid.

Are you aware that your arguments in this thread are contradictory?

What's contradictory about it? Comey said they are reviewing new information...yet he hasn't said they are officially re-opening the case yet. There is nothing contradictory about that. You guys are just two fucking extremes, and I'm the reasonable middle.
What's contradictory about it? Comey said they are reviewing new information...yet he hasn't said they are officially re-opening the case yet. There is nothing contradictory about that. You guys are just two fucking extremes, and I'm the reasonable middle.

Dude, "reviewing new information" = "starting the investigation again" = "reopening the case"

That help you bro?
What's contradictory about it? Comey said they are reviewing new information...yet he hasn't said they are officially re-opening the case yet. There is nothing contradictory about that. You guys are just two fucking extremes, and I'm the reasonable middle.

Dude, "reviewing new information" = "starting the investigation again" = "reopening the case"

That help you bro?

Reviewing new information is NOT re-opening the case.
I don't see anywhere in that link anyone claiming that "it contains classified docs" that "went through Hillary's private server".

It's right there at the very beginning?

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".

Now you are spinning things. No wonder JimBowie thinks everyone spins stuff. It's spelled out in Black and White that they have new information that is pertinent enough that they had to notify Congress. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.


No, actually what I'm doing is the opposite of "spin".

Why don't you show me exactly where anyone involved with the investigation has made an affirmative claim that Huma's computer contains classified information that came from Hillary's server, since you seem so devoted to defending that claim?

Ok, I'm going to type this nice and slow... WHY would Comey take the time to write a letter to Congress spelling out that they have gotten new evidence about the case while investigating Weiner's case? WHY? You think he went through that trouble because he found some new recipes? Maybe they read about what color dresses Chelsea was going to have her bridesmaids wear? No seriously... you're a mod here, you can not be that stupid to NOT think they actually have some evidence for him to do that. So that means you are in denial, you're trolling the anti-HRC people, or...I dunno. For anyone to read that letter, knowing the seriousness of it, read that it specifically says they are reviewing potential new evidence of the Clinton Private email and mishandling of Classified material... and then say it doesn't spell it out? Come on man. Seriously!??!

Comey wrote the letter because he had testified under oath that they had completed the investigation, and released the results. The finding of emails that could be pertinent was apparently enough for him to believe he was obligated to tell them.

There is no mention of "Clinton Private email" in the letter Comey sent to Congress. But he did say the following:

"Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant...I believe it is important to update your committee in light of my previous testimony"
Reviewing new information is NOT re-opening the case.
They are once again investigating in this case, right?

They are "all hands on deck" digging into these 6,000+ emails.

How is it NOT re-opened?

What do you expect to signify that the case is re-opened; a solemn prayer vigil in Congress or SCOTUS with burning incense and wafers handed out?
From your source:

FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders Oct. 28 saying that his agency recently discovered additional emails that are pertinent to the previously concluded investigation into whether Clinton mishandled classified information using a private server from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Comey said these new emails were found in “connection with an unrelated case.”

Now when the FBI is "looking into" these new emails, what does that mean other than that the investigation has to re-open, like any other criminal investigation would have to re-open. The FBI does not permanently close investigations that do not go to trial. The cases remain on the books and can be re-opened for any reason, but in this case the FBI had to notify Congress by law. So Comey did, understanding the impact this would ahve on his career and the nation, so he did not do this lightly. There is obviously, as observed by several former FBI officials, something very significant or the FBI would have post-poned their notification so as to not influence the election.

The investigation by definition has been re-opened no matter how you Dimocrats try to spin it.

And most of all most voters will know this, too.


No dude, they are reviewing the new information. That doesn't mean the case is re-opened. It's no different than a regular court case where you do the fact finding before you actually seek the indictment.

WTF is so hard for you to guys to understand that you have to review new evidence before you decide whether it is worth re-opening a case? You can post as many memes as you want, but you're only making yourself look stupid.

Are you aware that your arguments in this thread are contradictory?

What's contradictory about it? Comey said they are reviewing new information...yet he hasn't said they are officially re-opening the case yet. There is nothing contradictory about that. You guys are just two fucking extremes, and I'm the reasonable middle.


You think it's reasonable to claim (without any sources) that the FBI has found conclusive proof of every rightwinger's wet-dream fantasy, even while the FBI says they haven't?
This is what Comey said:

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps to designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their their importance to the investigation."

There's nothing in there that could be translated to "It contains classified docs that went through Hillary's server".
OK, Nancy Drew, follow the logic for a moment if you can.

1. Comey has already given Hillary a pass on multiple violations of the law that she "did not intend" to violate. Many interpret this bit of nonsense as Comey's way of saying "I am not going to interfere in a Presidential election over a technical, letter-of-the-law violation while no real harm to the US, it interest or its people can be shown." which I disagree with, but it is a justifiable motive, I think.

2. Comey realizes that this close to the election pushes the threshold for significance to any announcement up exponentially in impact before such an announcement can be justified as he knows how it will be interpreted and understood by a great many people. It would be irreparable harm if the FBI and other Law Enforcement Agencies started charging/investigating Presidential candidates within a few months of the election from this election onward.

3. And yet in spite of the above two observations, Comey still re-opened/re-initiated investigation into the new emails and notified Congress.

4. What could be so important other than actual classified docs on the forgotten computer? It would be actual harm to the US and would also appear that many of these emails belong in the group of 30k+ emails that Hillary had deleted because they were private, so that will interesting as well.

So while this line of reasoning is speculative in nature, it is based on the observations of former FBI officials who in one case spoke off the record to a reporter.

If you Dims keep trying to spin it as unimportant it is going to blow up in your faces. The infamous Clintonista audacity is not going to work this time within ten days of the election.

Too many people take their vote too seriously this close to election day to just ignore such things as this and they resent condescending bullshit spinners trying to make fools of them.

Cool story, bro.

So it was your crystal ball, then?
For Christ Sakes, there is no reasoning with the two extremes of this election. You people have lost you God for saken minds. The reasoning part of your brain has either turned red or blue. I'm out.
You think it's reasonable to claim (without any sources) that the FBI has found conclusive proof of every rightwinger's wet-dream fantasy, even while the FBI says they haven't?
Who has said that that has happened?

Do you enjoy Straw Man arguments or is it just a slip?
Cool story, bro.

So it was your crystal ball, then?
See that is why I usually dont bother explaining jack shit to you liberals. All you do is ignore whatever is carefully explained with some flippant bulls shit.

Fine, think whatever the fuck you want to, Nimrod.

I dont fucking care.
You think it's reasonable to claim (without any sources) that the FBI has found conclusive proof of every rightwinger's wet-dream fantasy, even while the FBI says they haven't?
Who has said that that has happened?

Do you enjoy Straw Man arguments or is it just a slip?

You did, clown shoes. Did you already forget?

What are you guys going to do when this turns out to more ado about nothing?

According to sources in the FBI, these "new" emails are not actually connected to Hillary at all.
roflmao, yes, they are, dude


Or did you just see it in your crystal ball?
They are re-opening the investigation because the emails on a machine once used by Huma at her home has thousands of emails on it and it is said it contains classified docs off/went through Hillarys private server.

And no I am not going to give you links because I saw it in several TV shows on FOX, CNN, and One America News.
For Christ Sakes, there is no reasoning with the two extremes of this election. You people have lost you God for saken minds. The reasoning part of your brain has either turned red or blue. I'm out.

You expect people here to actually agree with each other all the time?
You think it's reasonable to claim (without any sources) that the FBI has found conclusive proof of every rightwinger's wet-dream fantasy, even while the FBI says they haven't?
Who has said that that has happened?

Do you enjoy Straw Man arguments or is it just a slip?

You did, clown shoes. Did you already forget?

What are you guys going to do when this turns out to more ado about nothing?

According to sources in the FBI, these "new" emails are not actually connected to Hillary at all.
roflmao, yes, they are, dude


Or did you just see it in your crystal ball?
They are re-opening the investigation because the emails on a machine once used by Huma at her home has thousands of emails on it and it is said it contains classified docs off/went through Hillarys private server.

And no I am not going to give you links because I saw it in several TV shows on FOX, CNN, and One America News.
Lol, Clown shoes?

<- this is me ignoring what you post, pretty much. You just are not worth the time.
Cool story, bro.

So it was your crystal ball, then?
See that is why I usually dont bother explaining jack shit to you liberals. All you do is ignore whatever is carefully explained with some flippant bulls shit.

Fine, think whatever the fuck you want to, Nimrod.

I dont fucking care.


When you say "carefully explained", you appear to mean "describe what you really want to have happened".

Numerous sources in the FBI have said that none of the emails in question were sent by or received by Hillary.

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